January 11, 2015: Baptism of the Lord
- 'Noël' pin: Christmas season ends today
- 'Scales of justice' pin: my servant shall bring justice (Is 42)
- 'Hand' tie pin: I have grasped you by the hand (Is 42)
- 'Lights' tie: I set you as a light for the nations... (Is 42)
- 'Eyeball' tie pin: ...to open the eyes of the blind (Is 42)
- Blue shirt: Come to the water! (Is 55); you'll draw water from the springs of salvation (Is 12); I've baptized you with water (gospel)
- 'Wheat' pin: receive grain and eat (Is 55)
- 'Grapes,' 'Cow' pins: drink wine and milk! (Is 55)
- 'Phone' tie bar: call the Lord while he's near (Is 55)
- 'Peace sign' tie bar: The Lord will bless his people with peace (psalm)
- 'Holy Spirit' chain: God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit (Acts 10); he'll baptize you with the Spirit; Spirit descended on Jesus (gospel)
- 'Hearts' suspenders: Love God (1 Jn)
- 'Holy Spirit' chain, 'Blood drop' pin, blue shirt: Spirit, water, blood all testify... (1 Jn)
- Sandals (not shown): John: I'm not worthy to loosen his sandals (gospel)

- Shall we gather at the river with Deep river (arr. Carter)
- River of glory/ Schutte: lyrics+, sheet music
- Come to the river/ Hurd: sheet music
- Lead us to the water (with Come to the water verses)/ Kendzia, Foley (sheet music)
- Come to the water/ Foley
- Seek the Lord/ O'Connor
Suggestions from Ed Bolduc's blog
- All around/ Jacob and Matthew Band
- Behold the Lamb of God/ Maher
- Beloved Child/ Baute
- Come to the water/I Will run to You/ Maher, Foley
- Everyday/ Jacob and Matthew Band
- The face of God/ Bolduc
- Healing waters/ Thomson
- Overflow/ Maher
- Shine for You/ Gleason
- Take me to the water/ Petty
- We belong to You/ Thomson
- Wide open/ Kontol
- You are the voice/ Haas
- Wade in the water (Baptism)
- Shepherd's pipe carol/ Rutter (lyrics) (for last day of Christmas season)
- The Lord will bless his people/ Booth (psalm)
- The Lord will bless us with peace/ Whitaker (psalm)
- The Lord will bless his people with peace/ Smith (psalm)
Pope Francis Mass and Angelus
The Spirit's descent at Christ’s baptism is the sign by which Jesus begins his public ministry. We often pray to Jesus and the Father, but the Spirit is the Forgotten One. The Spirit teaches us to carry the family forward and makes it possible for children to grow up in the atmosphere of the Trinity. Ask for his help, strength, and inspiration; the Spirit who animated Jesus' life and ministry is the same One who leads every Christian.
The Word of God nourishes the soul. Faith is "of the Church" and baptism incorporates us into it. The anointing that's part of baptism shows the sacrament as a consecration of a priest, prophet, and king.
- Is 42:1-4, 6-7 Here's my servant; he'll bring justice. I, the Lord, called you, grasped you, formed you, and set you as light for all, to open the eyes of the blind and to release prisoners and those in darkness.
- Is 55:1-11 Come to the water, eat, and drink, without cost. Come, heed, listen, and live. I'll renew the everlasting covenant. Seek the Lord while he may be found; call him while he's near. Turn to the Lord for mercy. For my thoughts and ways are not yours. For just as rain and snow don't return till they water the earth, making it fruitful, my word shall not return to me void but shall do my will.
- Ps 29:1-4, 9-10 "The Lord will bless his people with peace." Give to the Lord glory; adore the Lord in holy attire. The mighty, majestic voice of the Lord is over the waters. The Lord is king forever.
- Is 12:2-4bcd, 5-6 "You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation." God is my savior, strength, and courage. Shout with exultation, for great in your midst is the Holy One!
- 1 Jn 5:1-9 If you believe Jesus is the Christ, you're begotten by God and conquer the world through faith. When we love God and obey his commandments, we know we love God's children. The Spirit of truth, the water, and the blood all testify...
- Acts 10:34-38 Peter: God shows no partiality; he accepts all who fear him and act uprightly. He proclaimed peace through Jesus Christ, Lord of all, beginning in Galilee after John's baptism. God anointed Jesus with the Spirit and power. Jesus did good and healed the oppressed, for God was with him.”
- Mk 1:7-11 John the Baptist: “One mightier is coming after me; I'm not worthy to loosen his sandals. I baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” Jesus came from Nazareth and was baptized by John. He saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit descending upon him. A voice came from the heavens: “You are my beloved Son; with you I am pleased.”
- Creighton: Today's feast, the original Epiphany, closes the Christmas Season and points us to Ordinary Time. Jesus' comes to John for baptism, choosing to be immersed in our reality and to accept his identity and mission. I can get immersed in other things and not Jesus. Ask for a new immersion, orientation, communion with him. Feel the freedom that comes from experiencing his love, and be transformed. Hear the cry of the poor, the sick, the sinner; give yourself for others. Immerse yourself and serve in our messy world.
- One Bread One Body: "The promise of my Father": At the Jordan, God told Joshua: "I will exalt you, that Israel may know I am with you," and Joshua led them into the promised land, but they became proud and forgot God. Jesus, the new Joshua, was baptized in the same river. God exalted Him by testifying Jesus is his beloved Son. Jesus walked into the same promised land, inviting us to a fresh start. Promise the Lord you won't forget God; let Jesus baptize you, seek the Lord, listen to Jesus, and live the newness of life.
- Passionist: The Exodus transcends history to become a revelation that we're meant to be free with the dignity of God's children. We rarely celebrate our baptism, our exodus. Jesus' baptism marks the beginning of his mission and demonstrates his solidarity with us sinners. The Father and Spirit bear witness to the Son, messiah and servant, who humbled himself to lead us through a new exodus to the promised land. At baptism we cross the Red Sea. As Jesus was, we're commissioned to celebrate our exodus, our turning point. Invite others to follow the new Moses who leads us from sin to the Promised Land of our inheritance.
- DailyScripture.net: Jesus' humble submission to baptism foreshadowed the "baptism" of his death on the cross. He allowed himself to be numbered among sinners and submitted to his Father's will. The Father proclaimed his delight. The Spirit anointed Jesus for his ministry. The heavens were opened and the waters sanctified, signifying the beginning of a new creation. Gregory Nazianzen: "Let us be buried with Christ by Baptism to rise with him; let us go down with him to be raised with him; and let us rise with him to be glorified with him." Ask for the same humility...
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