April 11, 2015: Easter Saturday = Saturday in the Octave of Easter
- 'People around the world' tie: Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature. (gospel)
- '?' tie pin: "What are we to do with these men?" (1st reading)
- 'Hand' tie pin: The Lord's exalted right hand has struck with power. (psalm)
- 'Silverware' tie bar: While they were at table, Jesus appeared to the Eleven (gospel)
- White shirt and socks for Easter day and season
- Acts 4:13-21 The leaders, amazed at Peter and John's boldness and the cured man, ordered Peter and John not to teach in Jesus' name. Peter and John: “We can't not speak about what we've seen and heard.” They released them; they couldn't punish them because of everyone praising God for what happened.
- Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21 "I will give thanks to you, for you have answered me." God's mercy endures forever. The Lord is powerful; I'll declare his works.

- Mk 16:9-15 Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene. She told his companions, but they didn't believe. Then he appeared to two more; they told the others, but they didn't believe either. Then he appeared to them all at table and rebuked them because they hadn't believed. “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to everyone.”
- Creighton: The disciples who witnessed the risen Jesus doubted. May I strive to see God in everyone and to listen to them with open heart and mind; to be attentive to their witness. May I be focused to follow Jesus' command to go out and proclaim the gospel.
- One Bread One Body: "Take the witness stand": As witnesses of the risen Jesus, we should speak of what we've heard and seen. Christ will send the Spirit to put the right words in our mouths. When we witness to our faith, we share the faith, grow in faith and holiness, glorify the risen Jesus, and help build God's kingdom, changing the culture of death to a civilization of life and love.
- Passionist: Faith came no easier for early Christians than for us. The Eleven didn't accept disciples' testimony; Jesus finally appeared to them and rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart. Mary Magdalene recognized him when he called her by name; the disciples en route to Emmaus recognized him when he broke bread with them; the Eleven recognized him when he showed them his wounds; Peter recognized him at the miraculous catch of fish. We can recognize the Risen Jesus in our deepest need, where we're most broken, but sometimes we're challenged to believe even when we can't recognize him at all. Mark reminds us there will be times we'll be called to believe without the consolation of a resurrection appearance. The Risen Lord commissions us to proclaim the Good News. They'll recognize him by the wounds of the Body of Christ.
- DailyScripture.net: The first to see the risen Lord was not one of the Eleven but a woman noted for demonized living! She'd been forgiven much, and loved her Master. She was first at the tomb, but the disciples didn't believe her account. Am I slow to believe, or quick to run to Jesus? The Lord makes his presence known through the Holy Spirit, giving us faith to know him and understand the mystery of his death and rising. Jesus commissioned his disciples to go preach the gospel to all. We have a share in this task, and the Lord works in and through us in the Spirit.
- Easter octave-trumped saint, via Universalis: Stanisław, bishop, martyr; see Catholic Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
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