April 3, 2015: Good Friday
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Well over 2 dozen connections with today's Bible readings and celebration: find them, or see legend at bottom |
- From Part 2 of Messiah/ Handel (1st reading):
- Tenebrae factae sunt: Victoria, other settings
- Into your hands/ Hopkins (psalm)
- By the rivers of Babylon/ Palmer: publisher page with audio preview
- Father, I put my life in your hands/ Talbot (psalm)
- St. John Passion/ Bach: complete, part 1, part 2 (gospel)
- O Sacred Head, surrounded
- Jesus, remember me/ Berthier (Taizé)
- Crucifixus, from Mass in B minor/ Bach
- Surely he hath borne our griefs/ Graun
- Quando corpus morietur, from Stabat Mater/ Pergolesi: translation, sheet music
- Jesus Christ Superstar/ Lloyd Webber, Rice (or find Peter's Denial, Pilate and Christ, Trial before Pilate, and Crucifixion)
- Finale, from Godspell/ Schwartz
- Behold the wood/ Schutte
- Were you there
- Chozen: Jewish a cappella group six13's Passover tribute, from Frozen songs Let it go and Do you want to build a snowman?, in honor of our Jewish brothers and sisters starting to celebrate Passover
Mass of the Lord's Supper homily: "Jesus loved His own until the end." He loves us without limits. He never tires of embracing us. He loves all of us, so that he'd even give his life for us. His love is so personal: he gave his life for you, for me. "Even if a mom forgets her child, I won't forget you." In Jesus' time, washing feet was slaves' work. Jesus is so loving that he became a slave to serve, heal, and cleanse us. I also need to be cleansed by the Lord....
Fr. Cantalamessa's reflections on the Passion: In Mostaert's Ecce homo ("Behold the man"), Jesus has a crown of thorns, blood runs down his face, his mouth is half open, his shoulders show cuts from his flogging, his wrists are bound together, and his hands have a reed and branches to mock his royalty. Jesus is powerless. “Christ will be in agony until the end of the world; we must not sleep.” (Pascal) Jesus is in agony in everyone subjected to his torments. “You did it to me!” applies to everyone who's hungry, naked, mistreated, or incarcerated. Think of individuals' suffering, and even the torturers, as instances of “Ecce homo.” “What we're capable of!”
Jesus' “Father, forgive them...” betrays a love-inspired will to do good to sinners. Jesus gave us the command to forgive, a heroic example, and the grace enabling us to forgive. Christ overcame the world by overcoming its evil; he overcame violence by enduring it and exposing its injustice. St. Augustine summed up his victory: “Victor quia victima” (“Victor because victim).”
Ecce Homo/ Mostaert
We're horrified people can kill in God’s name. Genesis 1 presents a world where violence is unthinkable, but violence and sin are now part of life. The Old Testament sought to curb violence. Paul spoke of a time characterized by God's “forbearance.” God was preparing people for a time his original plan would be “recapitulated” and restored; the time arrived with Jesus. The “Sermon on the Mount” that changed history isn't the one spoken on a hill in Galilee but the one proclaimed silently from the cross, where Christ delivered a definitive “no” to violence, setting in opposition to it forgiveness, meekness, and love. Violence will still exist but can't link itself to God or divine authority. True martyrs die with hands joined in prayer.
Lord, we pray for all Ecce Homo people. Mary, help us overcome evil with good, in our lives. Sharing his sufferings, you cooperated by your obedience, faith, hope, and charity in the Savior's work. May you inspire us with thoughts of peace, mercy, and forgiveness.
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We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you, for by your holy cross you redeemed the world (Animate) |
- Is 52:13-53:12 My servant shall be exalted. There was no appearance to attract us to him, so marred was his look. He was spurned and avoided, a man of suffering, but he bore our infirmities and sufferings. By his stripes we were healed. We had gone astray, but the Lord laid our guilt upon him. He submitted like a lamb led to slaughter. He was taken away, cut off from the land of the living, buried with evildoers though he had done no wrong. God's will shall be accomplished through him. He shall take away the sins of many and win pardon for their offenses.
- Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-16, 17, 25 "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit." I'm a laughingstock, forgotten, broken; people flee from me. But I trust you, Lord; rescue me from my enemies. You will redeem me.
- Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9 Our great high priest, Jesus, Son of God, can sympathize with our weaknesses; he was tested in every way. Approach the throne; receive mercy, grace, and help. Jesus offered prayers to the one who could save him and was heard. He learned obedience from suffering, then became the source of salvation.
- Jn 18:1-19:42 Passion according to John:
Jesus went with his disciples to a garden; Judas went there with soldiers. They seized Jesus and brought him to Annas. Peter followed and was brought in. The gatekeeper said, “Are you one of his disciples?”; he denied it. Annas questioned Jesus, then sent him to Caiaphas. Slaves and guards around a fire asked Peter, “Are you one of his disciples?” and he said no. One challenged him, and he denied it again; then a cock crowed.
They brought Jesus to the praetorium. Pilate: “What's the charge?” / “He's a criminal.” / “Judge him yourselves.” / “We can't execute anyone.” Pilate / Jesus: “Are you the King of the Jews?”... / “My kingdom doesn't belong to this world.”... Pilate / Jews: “I find no guilt. Do you want me to release him to you?” / “No; Barabbas!” Jesus was scourged, given a crown of thorns and purple cloak, mocked, and stricken. “Look; I find no guilt in him.... Behold!” / “Crucify him!” / “I find no guilt.” / “He ought to die because he made himself the Son of God.” Pilate, afraid to Jesus: “I can release or crucify you.” / “You'd have no power if God hadn't given it to you...” He tried to release him; but the Jews cried out, “If you do, you're no Friend of Caesar.” / “Crucify him! We have no king but Caesar.”
They had Jesus carry the cross to Golgotha, where they crucified him between two others, with inscription “Jesus..., King of the Jews.” Soldiers cast lots for his tunic and divided his other clothes. His mother, aunt Mary, and Mary of Magdala were there. Jesus told Mary and beloved disciple: “Behold, your son. Behold, your mother.” He said, “I thirst,” sipped from the sponge of wine, said “It is finished,” bowed his head, and handed over his spirit. The Jews asked Pilate that his legs be broken and he be taken down, but they saw he was already dead. A soldier thrust a lance into him, and blood and water flowed out. Pilate allowed Joseph of Arimathea, secret disciple, to remove Jesus' body; he took it. They bound it with cloths and spices Nicodemus brought, then laid him in a new tomb in the garden.
- Creighton: Today is “Good” because of how much God loves us. We “celebrate” Jesus' suffering; it's God’s entry into ours. Jesus knows, understands, and is with us in our suffering and death; his passion, death, and resurrection transforms ours. This mystery of love is at once personal and universal.
- They looked for him with lanterns and torches and weapons: how ironic to look for the Light of the World and Prince of Peace that way! Lord, be our Light and bring peace.
- Whom are you looking for? Free me seek and love you alone.
- Shall I not drink the cup the Father gave me? Jesus modeled self-sacrificing love and obedience.
- The maid said to Peter, ‘Aren't you one of his disciples?’ / ‘I am not.’ Lord, I’m sorry I've made choices in denial of you....
- Jesus carried the cross himself.... Whatever my 'cross,' you've carried it. I am not alone....
- Jesus said, 'I thirst.' You took on the world's thirst: Crude desires, deep longings, thirst for justice.
- He died and was buried on 'preparation day,' when lambs were sacrificed to prepare for Passover. You died and were buried that I might pass from death to life...
- One Bread One Body: "Obey or betray?" Jesus was brutalized, tortured, and traumatized out of love for us, but I've been given freedom to accept his love or not. How will I respond, and how will my actions show it?
- Passionist: My sins helped nail Jesus to the cross, but he loves us so much that he died for us while we were sinners. Imagine his mom's suffering too....
Jesus the Homeless, crucified/ Schmalz |
- DailyScripture.net: The cross brings us face to face with Jesus' suffering: alone, deserted, in excruciating pain, humiliated.... He was crucified for claiming to be king, but they didn't understand what kind of king. His "It is finished!" expresses triumph, not defeat.
St. Augustine re those at the cross: "As they looked on, so too we gaze on his wounds and see his blood. We see the price he paid, touch the scars of his resurrection. He bows his head, as if to kiss you.... His arms are extended to embrace you.... Ponder these great these things.... He was once fixed to the cross in every part of his body for you, so he may now be fixed in every part of your soul." (paraphrased)
St. Gregory Nazianzen re triumph of the cross : "Many were the wondrous happenings: God hanging from a cross, the sun made dark then flaming out.... Who can fittingly recount what happened at the tomb and afterwards? Yet none of them can be compared to the miracle of salvation. Drops of blood renew the whole world and bind us together."
Rupert of Deutz: "The cross is door to heaven, key to paradise, the devil's downfall, our uplifting, consolation of our imprisonment, prize for our freedom."
Dress legend
- 'Pierced hearts' suspenders: he was pierced for our offenses (1st reading); Jesus' love to the end
- Red striped shirt: "by his stripes we were healed" (1st reading); color of day
- 'Sheep', 'lamb' tie bars: "We had all gone astray like sheep"; "Like a lamb led to slaughter or a sheep before shearers, he was silent" (1st reading)
- 'Hand' tie pin: "Into your hands I commend my spirit" (psalm); Jesus 'handed' over his spirit (gospel)
- 'Sword' pin: Peter drew his sword and cut off high priest slave's ear (gospel)
- 'Kneeling person' tie bar: "Jesus offered prayers with cries and tears" (2nd reading)
- 'Rooster' pin: the cock crowed after Peter's denials (gospel)
- 'Stone' tie pin: "Pilate seated Jesus at the place called Stone Pavement, Gabbatha"; Golgotha ("Stone Pavement") (gospel)
- Tie with crowns: "Are you the King of the Jews?"; "My kingdom does not belong to this world"; they placed a crown of thorns; inscription "Jesus the Nazorean, King of the Jews" (gospel)
- 'Playing card' tie bar: They cast lots for his clothes (gospel)
- '?' tie pin: questions to Peter, Jews, and Jesus from soldiers, gatekeeper, slaves/guards, Annas, Caiaphas, and Pilate (gospel)
- 'Wooden' tie pin: wood of the cross
- 'Mary' pin: Mary stood by the cross; “Woman, behold, your son.” / “Behold, your mother.”
- 'Blood drop' pin: Blood and water flowed from Jesus' side (gospel)
- Crucifix: "Crucify him!"
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