June 20, 2015: Saturday, 11th week, Ordinary Time
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See nine connections between the outfit and today's readings and celebration? Legend below |
- The cry of the poor/ Foley (psalm)
- Taste and see/ Hurd, Haugen, Moore, Vaughan Williams (another Vaughan Williams) (psalm)
- Seek ye first/ Lafferty (gospel)
- All good gifts, from Godspell/ Schwartz (gospel); more including original German text and march tune
Pope Francis
Laudato Sí walkthrough, chap. 2, "The Gospel of Creation": We have tremendous responsibility for creation. All creatures are intimately connected. The environment is a collective good, the patrimony and responsibility of us all.
The God who saves us created the universe; the acts are inseparably connected. The creation story is central for reflecting on the relationship between us and other creatures and how sin breaks creation's equilibrium. Human life is grounded in relationships with God, neighbor, and the earth, but sin has ruptured the relationships, outwardly and within us. We must reject the notion that the dominion over earth we've been given justifies domination over other creatures. We have the responsibility to “till and keep” the world, knowing the purpose of other creatures is not in us; no, creatures are moving with and through us towards God.
Human beings have unique worth and the responsibility it entails, including working on and protecting earth in its fragility. Every act of cruelty towards a creature is contrary to human dignity. Without our tenderness, compassion, and concern for others, we can't have communion with nature. We need to be aware of a universal communion the one Father called into being. Linked by unseen bonds, we form a universal family, a sublime communion that fills us with a sacred, affectionate, and humble respect. Jesus with his tangible, loving relationship with the world is risen, glorious, and present throughout creation by his universal Lordship.
- 2 Cor 12:1-10 I know a man in Christ who was caught up to heaven and heard ineffable things. About him I'll boast, but not about myself, except my weaknesses. If I were to boast, I wouldn't be foolish, but I refrain so nobody will think more of me than God does. So I might not become too elated, a thorn in the flesh was given to me. I begged the Lord to take it away, but he told me, “My grace is sufficient; power is made perfect in weakness.” I'll boast of my weakness so Christ's power may dwell with me, so I'm content with hardships and persecutions, for when I'm weak, I'm strong.
- Ps 34:8-13 "Taste and see the goodness of the Lord." The Lord delivers those who fear him....
- Mt 6:24-34 “No one can serve two masters. You can't serve God and mammon. Don't worry about your life or what you'll eat or wear; life is more than food and the body more than clothes. Birds don't sow, reap, or gather, but your Father feeds them, and you're more important. Can your worry give you a moment of life? Wild flowers don't work or spin, but not even Solomon was clothed like them. Won't God who clothes even grass provide for you? So don't worry about what to eat, drink, or wear; your Father knows you need them. Seek first God's Kingdom and righteousness, and these things will be given you too. Don't worry about tomorrow; it'll take care of itself....”
- Creighton: "The Wonder of it All": The Corinthian Christians were divided, and Paul ministered to them. We learn to boast about what sets us above others (friends, wins, and cool stuff...), but Paul boasts in different and humorous ways. We flee failure, but Paul faces it and makes room for God.
We worry, even in times of peace and prosperity, but there's another way to live: tasting the world's beauty, seeking God's will during the day. There's bondage in self-centeredness; more important are faith, hope, and love.
- One Bread One Body: "The Lord of lifestyle": Jesus warns against serving two masters, then says that if we worry, our faith is weak. In a society preoccupied with pleasure, Jesus' words are threatening....
- Passionist: When worrisome thoughts come, it's up to us to decide to replace them with praise and thoughts of God’s providence. “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its troubles; it empties today of its strength.” (Corrie ten Boom) Worry can be harmful physically and spiritually....
- DailyScripture.net: "Serving two masters" and "being anxious" are about being divided within; 'anxiety' comes from "being of two minds." Anxious people are often paralyzed by fear, indecision, and insecurity. Who's my master?....
- SS. Alban, Julius and Aaron, martyrs
- 17 Irish Martyrs: priests and lay, men and women; see Wikipedia.
Dress legend
- 'Roses' pin: A thorn in the flesh was given to me, to keep me from being too elated. (1st reading) Learn from how wild flowers grow (gospel)
- 'Eyeball' pin: Taste and see the Lord's goodness. (psalm)
- 'Angel' pin: The angel of the Lord encamps around and delivers those who fear the Lord. (psalm)
- 'Penny pincher' button: You can't serve God and mammon. (gospel)
- 'Birds' tie: Birds don't sow, reap, or gather, but your Father feeds them (gospel)
- 'Clock' tie bar: Can you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span? (gospel)
- Today's clothes: Why are you anxious about clothes? (gospel)
- Green shirt and suspenders: God clothes the grass of the field (gospel); Ordinary Time season
- Oops; forgot to bring: 'Crown' tie bar: Seek first God's Kingdom and righteousness... (gospel)
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