June 27, 2015: Saturday, 12th week, Ordinary Time
- '3 stick figures' tie pin: Abraham saw three men standing nearby (1st reading)
- 'Tree' pin: Rest yourselves under the tree. (1st reading)
- 'Food' tie: Abraham and Sarah provided food to the men (1st reading); the Lord has filled the hungry (canticle); many will recline at the banquet in the Kingdom (gospel)
- 'Hand' tie pin: Jesus touched Peter's mother in law's hand (gospel)
- 'Car' tie pin: Jesus 'drove' out demons (gospel)
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season
- God of Abraham/ Farrell: about (1st reading)
Pope Francis
Msgr. Paul Tighe |
Established Secretariat for Communications: Starting Monday, all communications offices will be under the new Secretariat, including the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, the Holy See Press Office, Vatican Internet Service, Vatican Radio, the Vatican Television Center (CTV), the Osservatore Romano, Vatican Typography, Photograph Service, and the Vatican Publishing House (Libreria Editrice Vaticana). The new Dicastery will also work in union with the Secretariat of State to manage vatican.va and @Pontifex.
To Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay: I want to share in your concerns and joys. I want to be a witness of gospel joy and bring you God's tenderness and caress, especially to your children in need, the elderly, the sick, the imprisoned, the poor, and victims of this throwaway culture. Your common faith is a source of solidarity that fosters harmony and peace; remain steadfast in it, and have love, charity, and hope. Unite your prayers to mine so that the Gospel can reach the outskirts and continue to make the values of the Kingdom a leaven of the earth.
- Gn 18:1-15 The Lord appeared to Abraham, who saw three men, then ran to greet them: “Bring water, bathe your feet, rest, and let me bring you food.” / "OK.” Abraham, Sarah, and a servant prepared it. Men / Abraham: “Where's your wife Sarah?” / “In the tent.” / “When I return next year, Sarah will have a son.” Sarah laughed. God to Abraham: “Why did she laugh? Is anything too marvelous for the Lord to do? I'll return to you next year, and Sarah will have a son.” Sarah, afraid / God: “I didn’t laugh.” / “Yes you did.”
- Lk 1:46-50, 53-55 "The Lord has remembered his mercy." “I proclaim God's greatness, for he's looked with favor on his servant. He's done great things for me, has mercy, filled the hungry, sent the rich away empty, helped Israel, remembering the promise he made to Abraham and his children.”

- Mt 8:5-17 Centurion / Jesus: “My servant is home paralyzed.” / “I'll come cure him.” / “I'm not worthy to have you enter; only say the word and he'll be healed. I'm subject to authority with soldiers subject to me.... Jesus, amazed: “I haven't found such faith. Many will come and recline with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the banquet in the Kingdom, but the children of the Kingdom will be driven out.” [to centurion:] “Go; as you've believed, let it be done.” His servant was healed.
Jesus entered the house of Peter and saw his mother-in-law in bed with a fever. He touched her hand, the fever left, and she to wait on him. Later they brought him many possessed by demons, and he drove out the spirits and cured the sick, fulfilling He took away our infirmities and bore our diseases.
- Creighton: Abraham and the centurion show humility: Abraham puts himself at travelers' service, and the centurion tells Jesus he's unworthy to have Jesus in his house. Through their humility amazing things happen. If we live with humility and openness to the Spirit, serving and welcoming others, who knows what we'll experience?! Newfound joy and energy, restored or new relationships, other miracles?
- One Bread One Body: "Join the service": We should follow Jesus' example in serving others, providing for their needs, but some of us are "out of service," "in bed with a fever" or "home paralyzed." We need faith to let Jesus return us to service. He can make sinners and broken people serviceable....
St. Cyril of Alexandria |
- Passionist: “When Jesus heard this, he was amazed…”: Some think the church is an endangered species; people have faith in God but are losing faith in the church. In today's gospel (and others), Jesus commends the centurion's trust, saying he hasn’t seen such faith even among his own people. Mother Teresa: “Don't pray to be successful; pray to be faithful.” Rabbi Abrahm Heschel: “I never asked God for success, wisdom, power, or fame; I asked for wonder, and God gave it to me.”
- DailyScripture.net: Jews hated Romans because they represented pagan beliefs, idol worship, immorality, and suppression of Israelites' claim to be a holy nation, so the Capernaum Jews must have been amazed seeing Jesus talk with a Roman army officer. The centurion was courageous and faith-filled; he risked cronies' ridicule and Jews' mockery for seeking help from an itinerant preacher but still came to Jesus with confidence and humility. He was extraordinary man: slaves were treated like animals, but he loved his, wanting him to be healed. Am I willing to suffer ridicule in practicing faith? Do I approach the Lord with faith when I need help?
- Universalis: St. Cyril of Alexandria, bishop, fought Nestorian heresy. Read his writings online.
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