June 8, 2015

June 8

June 8, 2015:  Monday, 10th week, Ordinary Time

  • 'Peace sign' tie bar:  Peace to you from God (1st reading); Blessed the peacemakers (gospel)
  • 'Eyeball' pin:  Taste and see the Lord's goodness (today's and Sunday's psalms)
  • 'Jubilee year' button:  Look to him and be radiant with joy  (psalm); rejoice (gospel)
  • 'Angel' pin:  The angel of the Lord delivers those who fear God (psalm)
  • Green shirt:  Ordinary Time season
Pope Francis Angelus
The solemnity of Corpus Domini encourages us serve, love, and forgive, and to imitate what we celebrate in the liturgy.  Christ, who nourishes us in the Eucharist, is the same Christ we meet in everyday life:  in the poor person who holds out his hand, the suffering person who implores help, one who asks us to be there and awaits our welcome, the child who knows nothing about Jesus, every human being, even the smallest and most defenseless.  Recognize and promote children’s rights; many children who don't have freedom to play or go to school end up exploited as cheap labor.
  • 2 Cor 1:1-7  Grace and peace from our Father and the Lord Jesus.  Blessed be God, Father of compassion, who encourages us in our afflictions, so we may encourage the afflicted.  As Christ’s sufferings overflow to us, so does our encouragement overflow.  If we're afflicted, it's for your encouragement and salvation; if we're encouraged, it's for your encouragement, so you may be able to endure suffering.  Our hope for you is firm....
  • Ps 34:2-9  "Taste and see the goodness of the Lord."  I will always praise the Lord.  Glorify the Lord with me.  He answered and saved me.  Look to him and be radiant with joy.  Taste and see how good the Lord is; blessed those who take refuge in him.
  • Mt 5:1-12  Jesus taught his disciples:  “Blessed the poor in spirit, mourners, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for justice, the merciful, the clean of heart, peacemakers, those persecuted for justice's sake, and those insulted because of me; theirs is the Kingdom, they'll be comforted, inherit the land, be satisfied, be shown mercy, be called God's children.  Rejoice; your reward will be great in heaven.
    • Creighton:  God sees our life, knows us, and wants to bless us.  It's OK to ask God to bless me as well as to bless others.
    • One Bread One Body:  "The secret to happiness":  Jesus says happiness is choosing to be poor vs. rich, sorrowing in repentance, becoming lowly, hungering for justice, giving others a break, having Jesus rather than everything, dying for enemies vs. killing them, and being insulted vs. popular.  Many think Jesus is a fool since the "secret of happiness" seems a way to misery, but his followers know otherwise....
    St. Jacques Berthieu, S.J.
    • Passionist:  Today Paul blesses God and Jesus blesses people. Their lives weren't easy, but they chose to bless, telling us that if we turn to God, we can have courage to bless. When I suffer, to whom do I turn?  Do I bless or curse God and others?  I have a choice.
    • DailyScripture.net:  Jesus says we can live a happy life by living the beatitudes.  The beatitudes respond to our God-given desire for happiness, teaching us the goal of God's kingdom, the vision of God, and the joy of the Lord; they confront us with daily choices. "Let nothing disturb or frighten you; all things pass.  God never changes.... God alone suffices" (St. Teresa of Avila).  Is God enough for me?
    The beatitudes contradict the world's understanding of happiness, but poverty of spirit finds joy in possessing God as treasure, spiritual hunger seeks nourishment in God, and sorrow and mourning over wasted life lead to joyful freedom from guilt.  Jesus promises his the joys to come will exceed today's hardships.  "No one can live without joy.  That's why a person deprived of spiritual joy goes after carnal pleasures" (St. Thomas Aquinas)  Do I hunger and thirst for God alone?
      • St. Jacques Berthieu, Jesuit priest, Madagascar missionary, martyr
      • St. William of York, bishop

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