June 9, 2015

June 9

June 9, 2015:  Tuesday, 10th week, Ordinary Time

Zoom to Jesus...
  • 'Holy Spirit' chain:  God put his seal on us and gave us the Spirit (1st reading) [Too bad I don't have a 'seal' tie pin]
  • 'Jesus' pin:  "Lord, let your face shine on me." (psalm)
  • 'Precious feet' pin:  Steady my footsteps... (psalm)
  • '[Christmas] lights' tie, white in shirt:  "You are the light of the world."  Shine before others, as lighted lamps set high to give light to all. (gospel)
  • Green in shirt, tie, suspenders, socks:  Ordinary Time season

Pope Francis homily
Our Christian identity is a long journey from ambiguity to faith we can bear daily witness to.  We're sinners and fall down, but with God’s strength we can get up again and continue.  God has anointed us, put his seal upon us, and given us the Spirit.  We're not people who follow a particular philosophy but rather who remain faithful to our God-given identity as anointed ones who let the Spirit in.  The beauty of this identity can be seen through our witness, but the witness can be weakened:
  • by moving from concrete faith to an insipid religion of prayers and ideas, like the Gnostics', tempted to avoid the Cross and content to seek God through ethereal spirituality
  • by searching for "novelty" in our Christian identity, forgetting we're anointed and given the Spirit.  Don't ask "Where are the visionaries who can tell us what message Our Lady will be sending this afternoon?"
  • by moral and human “worldliness” and the desire to broaden the boundaries of Christian conscience.  Don't be salt that loses its flavor.
God has led us to the certainties of the Incarnation and our Redemption.  This is our identity; ask the Lord for the grace to bear witness to this truth.

  • 2 Cor 1:18-22  As Jesus Christ's word wasn't "yes" and "no" but "yes," so ours to you is "yes."  God gives us security with you and gave us the Spirit.
  • Ps 119:129-133, 135  "Lord, let your face shine on me."  Your decrees are wonderful; I observe them.  Your word sheds light and gives understanding; I yearn for it. Turn to me, steady my steps, and teach me.
  • Mt 5:13-16  “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt loses its taste, it's no longer good for anything.  You are the light of the world. When they light a lamp, they set it on a stand to give light to all. Shine your light so others may see your good deeds and glorify Father.”

  • Creighton:  'Light' has many meanings:  We "see the light" (understand), "come out of darkness into the light" (clarify meaning), and light is associated with good, purity, warmth, and comfort.  Light dispels literal and symbolic darkness.  God enlightens us, bringing us out of darkness.  We shine brightest when focused on loving and serving others.  Jesus charges us to share the light we've been given, using it to reflect our good deeds.
  • One Bread One Body:  "Through Him":  At the end of the Eucharistic Prayer, we hear, "Through Him, with Him, in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is Yours, almighty Father, forever and ever" and respond "Amen," sending our Amen through Jesus to the Father in the Spirit.  And the Father shares his life with us through, with, and in Jesus in the Spirit....
  • Passionist:  "May our good works be seen":  Each beatitude brings us into contact with God and others in real life situations.  God has united us with Jesus, we're sealed, anointed, and given the Holy Spirit, who gives us strength to live the Beatitudes. We share joy as we follow Christ.  The Spirit enables us to make God's Kingdom alive and present.  May the Spirit help us to be the salt, the light, and the city ablaze.  May we work with the Spirit to renew the face of the earth.
    St. Ephrem the Syrian
  • DailyScripture.net:  Salt was valuable in the ancient world, used for trading, giving flavor, preserving food, and intensify heat; Jesus used salt to describe the transforming effect of God's work in us.  As salt produces rich flavor in food, we are "salt" for society. The Lord wants to work in and through us to spread the rich flavor of God's kingdom of justice, peace, and joy.  We must preserve our savor through virtue and rejection of sin.
    Lamps enable people to see and work in the dark and avoid stumbling.  Light was also understood as symbol of God's inner beauty, truth, and goodness.  In his light we see lightGod's word is a lamp that guides our steps. God illumines our darkness but it also fills us with spiritual light, joy, and peace.  Just as natural light illumines darkness and enables us to see, so Christ's light shines in believers' hearts and enables us to see God's kingdom.  May we bear Christ's light so others may see the truth....
      • Columba, abbot, poet, scribe, spiritual guide, creation lover

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