July 5, 2015: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Can you find ten connections between the pic and today's readings and celebration? Legend at bottom |
- Your grace is enough/ Maher (2nd reading)
- I will lift my eyes, from Pilgrim/ Alonso: sheet music, publisher page (psalm)
- Father, hear the prayer we offer/ Whitcomb Willis: lyrics+ (2nd reading)
- What God hath promised/ Flint: another tune, lyrics+
- Our great Savior (Jesus! What a friend for sinners!)/ Chapman: lyrics+ (2nd reading)
- We hear, Lord, your promise/ Gillette, to ASH GROVE tune (Let all things now living, Sent forth by God's blessing) (2nd reading)
- Ez 2:2-5 "Son of man, I am sending you to the Israelites, hard of face and obstinate of heart, who have rebelled against me. Say to them: Thus says the Lord God! Whether they heed or resist, they'll know a prophet has been among them.
- Ps 123:1-4 "Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for his mercy." Have pity on us, Lord; we're more than sated with mockery and contempt.
- 2 Cor 12:7-10 A thorn in the flesh was given to me to keep me from being too elated. I begged the Lord that it leave me, but he told me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” I'll boast of my weaknesses instead, so Christ's power may dwell with me. I'm content with weakness, insult, hardship, and persecution, for Christ's sake; for when I'm weak, I'm strong.

- Mk 6:1-6 Jesus began to teach in the synagogue, and many were astonished: “Where did he get all this? What kind of wisdom has been given him? What mighty deeds he worked! Isn't he the carpenter, Mary's son, and aren't his sisters with us?” They took offense at him. Jesus: “Prophets are only without honor in their native place and among their kin.” So he couldn't perform a mighty deed there, apart from curing a few sick people. He was amazed at their lack of faith.
- Creighton: Suffering is part of life. Jesus answered Paul’s prayer with “”My grace is sufficient for you for power is made perfect in weakness.” Paul responds, boasting of his weakness to have Christ's power. Paul continued to suffer, recount it, and witness to Jesus' power. We should expect not that we be shielded from suffering but that through our weakness we experience Jesus' power. Jesus' listeners took offense at him, and he was eventually rejected and crucified—and transformed. Have I brought my sufferings to Jesus, trusting that his power may be manifested?
- One Bread One Body: "Hometown folk": People of Jesus' hometown tried to kill him by throwing him over a cliff, then relatives (also from Nazareth?) said he was out of his mind, but he still returned to his hometown to teach to their amazement, though because of their lack of faith he couldn't work miracles there. Jesus reaches out to those who attack, reject, and dishonor him; sometimes they repent as did his relatives who received a new Pentecost. There's hope for all who reject Jesus and all who have been rejected with him....
St. Antony Zaccaria |
- Passionist: At a game, locals usually root for their home team, but the Nazoreans' lack of faith in their Jesus rendered him practically powerless. Conversely, Ezekiel listened to the Lord and the spirit empowered him....
- DailyScripture.net: The worst critics are often ones close to us. When Jesus returned to his home town, now as rabbi with disciples, and read in the Synagogue as was customary, he rebuked them, saying no prophet receives honor among his own, and they took offense and refused to listen because he was a mere workman with no formal training and because of his undistinguished lineage. "Familiarity breeds contempt." (Or does it?) How do I treat those disagreeable to me?
- Sunday-trumped saints, thanks to Universalis
St. Antony Mary Zaccaria, priest, founded Clerks Regular of St Paul ("Barnabites") to reform clergy and laity during Catholic Reform (AKA Protestant Reformation)
St. Modwen, virgin, hermit
BB. George Nichols and Richard Yaxley, priests, martyrs
BB. Thomas Belson and Humphrey Pritchard (“What I can't say in words, I'll seal with my blood”), martyrs
Dress legend
- 'Eyeball' pin: "Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for his mercy." (psalm)
- 'Roses' pin: A "thorn in the flesh" was given to Paul (2nd reading)
- '?' tie pin: Questions to Jesus (gospel)
- 'Owl' tie pin: "What kind of wisdom has been given to Jesus?" (gospel)
- 'Hand' tie pin: "What mighty deeds are wrought by his hands!" Jesus cured some sick by laying hands on them. (gospel)
- 'Hammer' and 'nail' pins: "Is he not the carpenter...?" (gospel)
- Red, white, and blue shirt; 'flag' tie: Independence Day weekend
- Green on tie: Ordinary Time (season)
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