July 18, 2015: Saturday, 15th week, Ordinary Time
- 'Cow' pin, 'sheep' tie bar: The Israelites set out, with livestock and flocks... (1st reading)
- 'Hand' tie pin: The Lord brought them out with mighty hand and outstretched arm (psalm)
- Red in shirt: The Lord split the Red Sea, then swept Pharaoh and his army into it (psalm)
- 'Hearts' tie: God's mercy endures forever (psalm); Jesus' heart was moved with pity (nod to tomorrow's gospel, since I'm playing at the vigil Mass :-)
- Ex 12:37-42 The Israelites set out, with a crowd, livestock, flocks, and herds, and unleavened loaves—no time to prepare food. They'd stayed in Egypt 430 years. This was the night the Lord led them out of Egypt; on this night Israelites must keep vigil for the Lord forever.
- Ps 136:1, 23-24, 10-15 "His mercy endures forever." Thank the Lord who remembered us, freed us, smote the Egyptians, brought Israel out, split the Red Sea, led Israel, and swept Pharaoh and his army into the sea.

- Mt 12:14-21 The Pharisees took counsel against Jesus. Jesus realized and withdrew, curing the many who followed him. He fulfilled, I'll place my Spirit on my chosen, beloved servant; he'll proclaim justice. He won't cry out, break a reed, or quench a wick till until he brings justice. The Gentiles will hope in him.
- Creighton: The gospel speaks of the Lord's tenderness. Jesus shares love and skill; he uplifts the meek, strengthens the weak. comforts the grieving, and encourages the weak.
- One Bread One Body: "World history": As God liberated millions of Egyptians after 430 years of slavery, God sets millions free today....
- Passionist: Jesus can't contain his compassion; it flows out to heal, cry for justice, support the broken, and uphold the weak, bringing healing and hope. (But he still wanted to be safe.) We too need hope to know we'll be sustained when we find ourselves deserted or isolated without "food for the journey," e.g. through illness, failure, rejection, or selfishness....
- DailyScripture.net: The confrontation between the Pharisees and Jesus was a decisive event and crisis. Nothing Jesus did or said was right to them, and they conspired to eliminate him. Jesus met their defiance with determination to do his Father's will, teaching his disciples the only way to glory in God's kingdom is the cross of suffering and humiliation. We're called to take up our cross, dying to sin, serving humbly, and loving as Jesus did. / Matthew quotes a "suffering servant" prophecy of Isaiah to explain the Messiah would accomplish his mission through love and sacrificial service, not crushing power. Jesus mounted a cross, not a throne. / Jesus brings God's justice tempered with mercy, not bruising the weak but showing compassion, not discouraging the fainthearted but giving hope, courage, and strength. Nothing can keep us from Jesus' mercy, help, and grace.
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