July 7, 2015: Tuesday, 14th week, Ordinary Time
- 'Angel' pin with wings: Jacob wrestles with angel (1st reading); Hide me in the shadow of your wings (psalm)
- 'Girl with heart' pin: You test my heart (psalm); Jesus' heart was moved with pity for the crowds... (gospel)
- 'Sheep' tie bar: ...because they were... like sheep without a shepherd (gospel)
- 'Car' tie pin: Jesus 'drove' the demon out (gospel)
- 'Doctor's office' tie: Jesus cured every disease and illness (gospel)
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season
- Wrestling Jacob (Come, O thou Traveller unknown)/ Wesley: lyrics+ (1st reading)
- Shadow of my wings/ Fabing (psalm-inspired)
- Here am I; send me (Hark! The voice of Jesus crying)/ March: lyrics+ (gospel)
- Far and near the fields are teeming/ Thompson: lyrics+ (gospel)
- Come with me into the fields/ Schutte (gospel)
- With awe approach the mysteries/ Marshall: about (1st reading)
Christ’s miracle at Cana was made possible because Mary was attentive, left her concerns in God’s hands, and acted sensibly and courageously. She was concerned for the newlyweds' needs, attentive to others, and not closed in on herself. Often today we see the “wine”–happiness, love, and plenty–has run out; young people sense it's no longer in their homes, people wonder when love slipped away, and elderly people feel cast aside and longing for love. She responded by approaching Jesus with confidence; she teaches us to put our families in God’s hands, to pray, to kindle hope. Prayer lifts us out of our worries. Finally, Mary acts. Her words to the attendants–“Do what he tells you”–are an invitation to us to open our hearts to Jesus.
In the family nobody is rejected, and we learn to serve one another. Defend and strengthen the family; it's irreplaceable. It's a small Church that mediates God’s tenderness and mercy. Though our families aren't always what we hope, every day miracles take place in them. In our families and the greater family to which we belong, nothing is thrown away or useless.
As at the Cana wedding, the best was yet to come, for families, the richest, deepest, and most beautiful things are yet to come. God always seeks out the peripheries, those who've run out of wine and drink only of discouragement. Feeling their weakness, Jesus pours the best wine for those who feel their jars have been broken.Read
- Gn 32:23-33 Some man wrestled with Jacob till dawn. When the man saw he couldn't prevail, he struck Jacob’s hip, then said, “You'll no longer be spoken of as Jacob, but Israel, because you contended with divine and human beings and prevailed.” Jacob named the place Peniel, “Because I have seen God face to face but have been spared.” At sunrise, he left, limping along because of his hip.

- Ps 17:1b, 2-3, 6-7ab, 8b, 15 "In justice, I shall behold your face, O Lord." Your eyes behold what's right. Show your mercies. Hide me in the shadow of your wings.
- Mt 9:32-38 Jesus drove the demon out of the mute demoniac brought to him. Crowd: “We've never seen something like this.” Pharisees: “He does it by the prince of demons.” Jesus went around, teaching in synagogues, proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom, and curing disease and illness, moved with pity for the crowds because they were like sheep without a shepherd. To disciples: “The harvest is abundant but the laborers few; ask the harvest master to send laborers.”
- Creighton: God loves it when we engage him but doesn't always answer our questions. May I learn to play by God’s rules as I 'wrestle' with my issues. How will I allow God to change me?...
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Lutte de Jacob avec l'Ange [Jacob wrestling with the angel] (Delacroix) |
- Name of the day: Penuel (1st reading)
- One Bread One Body: "Big-time wrestling": To say "yes" to God's plan, Jacob had to wrestle with divine and human beings, suffer injury, receive a blessing, and have his name changed. Will I wrestle?
- Passionist: God, give me the courage and strength to follow you, at work, home, wherever... Like Jacob who willingly “contended with divine and human beings” or your son, who “went around to all the towns and villages, teaching…proclaiming the Gospel…curing every disease and illness.
- DailyScripture.net: Jesus set the demoniac free and restored his speech, to the crowd's amazement, but Pharisees attributed his work to the devil because they were closed-minded, proud, and rigid; their idea of religion was too narrow. Do I believe the Lord can set me, and us, free?
- Bl. Peter To Rot, catechist, husband, father of 3, martyr; read beatification sermon.
- St. Maelruain, monastery founder, community rule author
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