August 16, 2015: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
For psalm
- Taste and see/ Angrisano, Hurd, Haugen, Moore, Vaughan Williams (another Vaughan Williams)
- The cry of the poor/ Foley (psalm)
For gospel
- Ang katawan ni Kristo/ Manolo: recording (with original ending), sheet music
- Jesus, Bread of Life/ Marchionda
- I am the Bread of Life/ Talbot; another setting
- Bread of Life/ Cooney: sheet music
- Gift of finest wheat/ Westendorf, Kreutz: lyrics+
- 7/26 and 8/2 have more
For 2nd reading
- Every hour for Jesus/ Warren: lyrics+
- With glad, exuberant carolings/ Troeger: about
For 1st reading
Knowing Jesus will have to die on the cross for us, he identifies himself with bread broken and shared, and it becomes for him the "sign" of the sacrifice that awaits him.” Communion is assimilation: eating him, we become like him. But this requires our "yes", our adherence of faith.
Sometimes people say, "What is Mass for? I pray better alone." But it's not private prayer or a beautiful spiritual experience; it's Jesus who gives himself entirely to us. Those who feed on him and abide in him through Communion and faith will be transformed to be a gift to God and others. By living in communion with Jesus we can look forward to the call of the Risen Lord when we finally close our eyes.Read
- Prv 9:1-6 Wisdom has built her house, dressed her meat, mixed her wine, spread her table, sent her maidens. She calls: “Let the simple turn in here. Eat my food; drink my wine! Forsake foolishness, understand, and live!”
- Ps 34:2-7 "Taste and see the goodness of the Lord." I'll always praise the Lord. Glorify him with me; he answered and delivered me. Look to him and be radiant with joy. The Lord heard and saved the poor.
- Eph 5:15-20 Live not as foolish persons but wise. Try to understand the Lord's will. Don't get drunk, but be filled with the Spirit. Sing and play to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to the Father in Jesus' name.
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Loaves and fishes |
- Jn 6:51-58 “I am the living bread from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; the bread that I'll give is my flesh for the life of the world.” Jews / Jesus: “How can he give us his flesh to eat?” / “If you don't eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no life; if you do, you have eternal life, and I'll raise you up. My flesh is true food and my blood true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him. As the Father sent me and I live because of him, the one who feeds on me will live because of me....”
- Creighton: Today’s readings are about feasting on life. What an invitation from Wisdom! God wants us to live! Through tasting we see. How often do I starve myself of the love and life God has for me? How often do I eat jealousy, self-righteousness, laziness, or indifference? How often do I feel unworthy of feasting on God because of my choices or habits? Jesus says, “Come; eat and live!” Jesus meets us in ordinary moments. Pray Karl Rahner's "The Eucharist in our daily lives" (Hearts on Fire: Praying with Jesuits [a great collection], pp. 109-110).
Bread of Life/ Hewitt |
- One Bread One Body: "All were filled with the Holy Spirit": Those filled with the Spirit address one another in hymns..., sing praise to the Lord, thank the Father always, and submit to one another, their hearts set on higher realms. They encourage those around them, love themselves and others. Lord, fill us with the Holy Spirit....
- Passionist: Springsteen sings, “Everybody has a hungry heart….” The readings refer to deep nourishment to feed our deep hunger. Jesus challenged the crowds to find eternal life through the Son's flesh and blood; communion with Christ gives life. If we become one with Christ, we'll be satisfied at the banquet of God’s love.
- The Jews were scandalized and the disciples divided when Jesus spoke of himself as the bread of life. The miracle of the loaves prefigured the Eucharist, the Lord's Supper. (John's gospel has this Bread of Life discourse, the washing of the feet, and Last Supper discourses instead of the supper itself.) Melchizedek's offering of bread and wine prefigured Jesus'. The manna recalled that we live not by bread alone but by the Word of God. At the last supper. Jesus was pointing to the cross.... "Christ, our paschal lamb, has been sacrificed" (1 Corinthians 5:7). Jesus "offered himself without blemish to God"; he "gave himself as a sacrifice to God." When Jesus commands us to eat his flesh and drink his blood, he invites us to take his life into the center of our being....
- Sunday-trumped saint, thanks to Universalis: King Stephen of Hungary worked for the conversion of his country, setting up dioceses and monasteries; see Catholic Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Dress legend
- 'Owl' tie pin: Wisdom has built her house (1st reading); live as wise persons (2nd reading)
- Tie with columns: Wisdom has set up her seven columns (1st reading)
- 'Phone' tie bar: Wisdom 'calls' from the heights (1st reading)
- 'Jubilee year' button: Look to God and radiate with joy (psalm); upcoming Jubilee of Mercy
- 'Holy Spirit' chain: Be filled with the Spirit (2nd reading)
- 'Musical note' tie pin: Sing and play to the Lord (2nd reading)
- 'Wheat' pin: "I am the living bread" (gospel)
- 'Crucifix' pin: "The bread I'll give is my flesh" (gospel)
- 'Blood drop' pin: "My blood is true drink" (gospel)
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season
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