August 4, 2015: St. John Vianney, priest
- '3 stick figures' tie pin: Moses, Aaron, Miriam (1st reading)
- 'Girl with heart' pin: "A clean heart create for me, O God" (psalm)
- 'Boats' tie: Jesus and disciples in storm-tossed boat (gospel)
- Blue, white, and green shirt: Peter: "Lord, if it's you, command me to come to you on the water" (gospel); white for St. John Vianney memorial, green for Ordinary Time season
- 'Hand' tie pin: Jesus stretched out his hand and caught Peter (gospel); "Why don't your disciples wash their hands?" (gospel)
- Suspenders with 'love' sticker: St. John Vianney ministered God's merciful love
For gospel
- Turn your eyes upon Jesus/ Lemmel: lyrics, sheet music
- Precious Lord, take my hand/ Dorsey: lyrics
For psalm
- Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned/ sheet music
- Be merciful, O Lord/ Haas
- Create in me/ Hurd
- Create in me (Psalm 51)/ Sovereign Grace
- God, be merciful to me (Psalm 51)/ Jars of Clay
- Be thou my vision/ Forgaill, Rutter: to SLANE tune (1st reading)
- Nm 12:1-13 Miriam and Aaron complained, “Is it through Moses alone, or doesn't the Lord speak through us too?” Lord to the 3: “If there's a prophet among you, I'll reveal myself in visions and dreams, but not so with Moses, with whom I speak plainly face to face! Why did you speak against Moses?” In anger he turned Miriam into a snow-white leper! When Aaron saw her, he told Moses, “Please don't charge us with this sin! Don't let her be like this.” Moses to Lord, “Please heal her!”
- Ps 51:3-7, 12-13 "Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned." Wash me from my guilt. I acknowledge my offense. A clean heart create for me....

- Mt 14:22-36 Jesus made the disciples get into a boat then went to pray. When waves tossed the boat, he walked on the sea toward them. They were terrified: “It's a ghost!” Jesus: “Take courage, it is I; don't fear.” Peter: “If it's you, command me to come to you.” / “Come.” He walked toward him but became frightened and started to sink: “Lord, save me!” Jesus, catching him: “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” They got into the boat, and the wind subsided. “Truly, you're the Son of God.” At Gennesaret, people touched his cloak and were healed.
- Mt 15:1-2, 10-14 Pharisees and scribes / Jesus: “Why don't your disciples wash their hands when they eat ?” “It's what comes out of one's mouth, not what enters, that defiles.” Disciples / Jesus: “The Pharisees took offense at what you said.” / “Every plant that my Father didn't plant will be uprooted. Leave them alone; they're the blind leading the blind and will all fall into a pit.”
- Creighton: As Jesus invites Peter to do something amazing, he invites us too. He showed us we're meant to be loving, forgiving, compassionate, and merciful; to challenge authorities who forget leadership is service, not privilege; and to be faithful to our convictions and identity as beings created in God's image. As Jesus rescues Peter, he reaches out to us when we fail. How have I not lived like Christ? How am I called to change? What must I do to be open to God's call?
- One Bread One Body: "God's vengeance": The Lord stands up for his people as he did for Moses, taking attacks on us personally. So we must never speak or act against anyone, we don't have to avenge ourselves, and we can be fearless, bold, free, and secure....
- Passionist: "Foibles & Fear to Faith & Forgiveness": Many sought God's forgiveness and reconciliation through St. John Vianney's ministry of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Today’s readings highlight God’s outreach to us in our foibles and fears. Aaron and Miriam grumbled about Moses’ conduct; Moses interceded and asked God to remove Miriam's leprosy. The psalm is a plea for God’s mercy. The gospel highlights Peter’s lack of faith and Jesus’ "reaching out" to save him. Human nature tries to get in the way, but God's faithful, unconditional love remains. Has my sin clouded our view of others? Does my faith carry me over troubled waters? Am I humble enough to ask for God's help?
- Does the Lord seem distant when adversity comes? When Jesus sensed the disciples' trouble and fear, he came to them. Peter showed his impulsiveness but called to Jesus and rose. Do I look for his presence when challenged? Do I rely on God for strength and help? When threatened, do I respond with faith and hope in God's love and care?
- Universalis: St Jean-Baptiste Vianney, Curé of Ars, peasant's son, unpromising priesthood candidate, preacher, insightful confessor; see Catholic Encyclopedia.
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