September 12, 2015: Saturday, 23rd week, Ordinary Time
- 'Crown' tie bar: Honor and glory to the king of ages... (1st reading)
- 'Smiling sun' button: Praise the Lord from sunrise to sunset (psalm)
- 'Tree' pin: Every tree is known by its fruit (gospel)
- 'Girl with heart' pin: From the heart's fullness the mouth speaks. (gospel)
- 'Rock' tie pin: One who acts on my words is like a builder who laid foundation on rock (gospel)
- Green in shirt: Ordinary Time season
- Praise his name/ Joncas (psalm)
- Laudate pueri, from Vesperae solennes de confessore, K.339/ Mozart (psalm)
- Laudate pueri Dominum/ Handel (psalm)
- Vespers: Psalm 113: Laudate pueri Dominum/ Monteverdi
- Praise to the Lord (Psalm 113)/ Maranatha! Music
- Christ is our corner-stone/ tr. Chandler (lyrics+); also works with the Darwall's 148th tune of Rejoice, the Lord is King and Ye holy angels bright; descant (gospel)
- How firm a foundation/ "K.": lyrics+ (gospel)
Pope Francis
Keep people at center of economy: Be the engine that develops the weakest part of the community and society, especially young people in search of jobs. Be attentive to the relationship between the economy and social justice, foster family life, build an economy based on honesty, and participate actively in globalization. Your greatest challenge isn't simply to become a large, successful company but rather to grow as a true cooperative, seeking the humanization of the economy, and uniting business sense with solidarity.
Subsidiarity means not relying on institutions or government aid when you can face problems through your own resources. Your charitable work is typical of good cooperatives. Keep people at the center of your concerns, especially families and the young. [To Italian credit union]
- 1 Tm 1:15-17 Christ Jesus came to save sinners. He treated me the foremost with mercy so he might show patience as an example....
- Ps 113:1b-7 "Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever." From sunrise to sunset praise the Lord. He raises up the lowly and poor....

- Lk 6:43-49 “Every tree is known by its fruit. A good person out of the goodness in his heart produces good; from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks. One who listens to my words and acts on them is like a builder who laid a foundation on rock; the flood didn't shake his house. But the one who doesn't act on my words is like one who built without a foundation; when the river burst against it, his house was completely destroyed.”
- Creighton: "For Love of this World:" Jesus tells us to build on rock. A good home has windows and doors open to the world. Home is where we learn compassion. The unexpected takes precedence over order. Pope Francis calls the earth our common home. Creation is God's gift, not for exploitation. We must not allow our home to become filthy. Trees are known by their fruit, but good fruit takes time to develop; once-persecutor Paul brought God's Word to many....
- One Bread One Body: "Hope for sinners": If the Lord could change Paul, he can change anybody. Great as the power of the world, flesh, and devil, it's only finite. Paul's conversion is a sign of hope. Don't give up on yourself or the most hardened sinner....
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'House built on rock' vs. 'House built on sand' |
- Passionist: In the goodness/evil of our hearts, we can be the source of goodness/evil toward others. When we seek the goodness in others, is it our way of seeking Christ? Is my faith strong enough to withstand crises or storms seeking to shatter it? Can I allow myself to be enveloped in God’s grace, knowing his love will save me? Whom do I need to forgive?
- The fig tree was the favorite; it symbolized fertility, peace, and prosperity. Grapes produced wine, symbol of joy. "Sow an act and you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a destiny" (Reade?). Good fruit is the result of sound living. The fruits of falsehood produce a cross-free christianity; avoid bad fruit by finding strength in God and being true to God. / Jesus' story of the builders likely recalled the proverb, When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm for ever. Builders usually lay foundations when weather and soil are the best; it takes foresight.... I can prove my sincerity only by my choices and actions....
- Universalis: St. Ailbe, monastery founder; see Wikipedia
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