September 3, 2015: St. Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor
- White in shirt: color of St. Gregory memorial
- 'Owl' tie pin: May you be filled with knowledge of God’s will through spiritual wisdom and understanding... (1st reading)
- 'Walker' tie pin: walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,... (1st reading)
- 'Fruit' pin: as to bear fruit in every good work. (1st reading)
- 'Earth' tie with black background: All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation by our God (psalm); God delivered us from the power of darkness (1st reading)
- 'Angel with trumpet' pin: With trumpets and horn sing joyfully before the Lord. (psalm)
- 'Boat' tie bar: Jesus taught the crowds from the boat. (gospel)
- 'Fish' tie pin: They caught so many fish their nets were tearing (gospel)
- Pescador de hombres/ Gabaráin: live with Tony Melendez, Danielle Rose, Kasia Bitner, Christopher Nuno and Miriam Solis (Mom and I were there :-) (gospel)
- Two fishermen/ Toolan: about (gospel)
- The Summons (Will you come and follow me?)/ Bell: lyrics+, about (gospel)
- From the nets of our labor (we will rise up and follow)/ Bringle, Haas: lyrics+ (gospel)
- You are God's work of art/ Haas: about (1st reading)
- Salve Regina Gregorian chant in honor of St. Gregory and preview of tomorrow's celebration of Our Lady [Queen] of the Angels
Pope Francis homily
The Gospel says the people, the Apostles, and Peter were ‘astonished’ that Jesus spoke with authority. But when the doctors of the law heard him, they kept their distance, not letting astonishment enter. Demons proclaimed Jesus as “Son of God,” but pride kept them from saying anything about themselves. The law doctors didn't say, "We're proud; we're sinners"; inability to recognize ourselves as sinners keeps us from confessing Christ. But Peter recognized Jesus as Messiah and himself was a sinner; it's the difference between the publican's humility and the Pharisee's pride.
The ability to say we're sinners opens us to astonishment of an encounter with Christ. Many can say Jesus is Lord, but it's harder to say "I'm a sinner"; it's easier to gossip about others. To encounter Christ I must confess both "You're the Son of God" and "I'm a sinner," not just theoretically. Peter later forgot his astonishment and denied the Lord, but since he was humble, he encountered the Lord again, wept, and again confessed, "I'm a sinner." May the Lord allow us to encounter him, grant us the grace of astonishment at the encounter, and give us the grace of the two-fold confession: "You're the Son of God; I'm a sinner.”Read
- Col 1:9-14 May God fill you with knowledge of his will to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, bearing fruit in good works and growing in knowledge of God, strengthened for endurance and patience. God delivered us from the power of darkness and transferred us to the Kingdom of his Son, in whom we have redemption.
- Ps 98:2-6 "The Lord has made known his salvation," justice, kindness, and faithfulness. Sing praise to the Lord!

- Lk 5:1-11 Jesus saw two boats alongside the lake; the fishermen were washing their nets. He got into Simon's boat, asked him to put out a short distance from the shore, taught the crowds from there, and asked him to put out into deep water for a catch. Simon: “We've caught nothing all night, but if you say so, I will.” They caught so many fish that their nets tore, so they asked their partners in the other boat for help; both boats became so full they were in danger of sinking. Simon Peter fell at Jesus' knees: “Leave me, Lord; I'm a sinner.” / “Don't fear; you'll be catching people.” They left everything and followed him.
- Universalis: Public servant, 1st monk elected pope; originated “servant of the servants of God.” See Catholic Encyclopedia.
- Gregorian chant is named after him, though it originated earlier.
- Read him online: Letters, Pastoral Rule; more at Crossroads and CCEL
Pope St. Gregory the Great |
- Creighton: Was Jesus challenging Simon to look beyond what he did for a living to what he could do to share the Good News? How can I too live out my faith and be a fisher of people?
- One Bread One Body: "Everything": Peter discovered nothing brought fruitfulness like following Jesus, so he left everything: nets, boat, business, money, house, land... Lord, give us obedient faith, and help us see what we're still attached to....
- Passionist: Simon was a pro who knew fishing but still did as Jesus asked. Do I do what Jesus asks even when it doesn't make sense to me, like loving enemies or forgiving again? If I insist everything makes sense to me first, I may miss a “big catch.”
- God expects of us greater things than we can do by ourselves....
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