September 4, 2015: Our Lady of the Angels
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See nine connections with today? Legend below |
- The first place (Jesus, the perfect picture of the unseen God)/ Westerholm: about (1st reading)
- Salve Regina: yesterday's chant, Italiano, about (OLA)
- Jesus, come, for we invite you/ Idle (gospel)
- All people that on earth do dwell/ Kethe, Vaughan Williams (psalm)
- Jubilate Deo/ Peeters (psalm)
- We are God's people/ Haas: newer (psalm)
Without Jesus no peace or reconciliation is possible; we're to be people of peace and reconciliation in the midst of news about war and hatred, even within families. When I speak, do I sow peace or discord? Some have a serpent’s tongue, doing what the serpent did with Adam and Eve, destroying peace. It's a sickness in our Church: sowing division and hatred, not peace. "Did I sow peace or discord today?"
Christians are called to be like Jesus who came to bring peace and reconciliation. If you do nothing but reconcile and bring peace, you're a saint. But we need to grow that way, to be converted: never a word that divides, brings war; no gossip. Gossip is like terrorism because a gossip is like a terrorist who throws a bomb and runs away, destroying while taking care of themselves. When you get the urge to say something bad about someone, bite your tongue! If you do, it'll swell because the devil's work is to divide. Lord, give me the grace to bring peace and reconciliation. May I bite my tongue and not speak ill about others.Read
- Col 1:15-20 Christ is the image of God, the firstborn of creation. All things were created in, through, and for him. He's head of the Church. He reconciled all things to him, making peace by the cross....
- Ps 100:1b-5 "Come with joy into the presence of the Lord." The Lord God made us; we're his flock. Thank and bless him; he's good, kind, and faithful....

- Lk 5:33-39 Scribes and Pharisees / Jesus: “John's and the Pharisees' disciples fast and pray often, but yours eat and drink.” / “Wedding guests don't fast when the groom is with them, but they will when he's taken away. “If you patch an old cloak with a piece from a new one, you'll tear the new and won't fix the old. You don't pour new wine into old skins, or else the skins will burst and you lose everything. New wine, fresh skins! But people drinking the old don't want the new....
- Creighton: Jesus answered the question about fasting with two images: wedding guests and groom, wine and skins. The Church serves new wine, as its understanding unfolds. The Spirit leads us to the truth, though not everyone can receive it. May we be open to the newness....
- One Bread One Body: "Why the confusion?" In Isaiah's time, people were confused about fasting. "Do you call this a fast?" In Zechariah's time, people were confused about fasting. "When you fasted, was it really for Me? And when you ate and drank, wasn't it for yourselves?" Jesus dispelled the religious leaders' confusion, saying his disciples would fast in a new way after his Ascension. Pope John Paul II has made it clear that fasting with prayer is "the first and most effective weapons against the forces of evil" (Evangelium Vitae, 100).
- Passionist: "Fasting & Feasting: Towards A Change of Heart": Jesus met the leaders' fasting issue, showing love as the essence of religion, and regulations as valid only when they serve God’s purposes. To grow, we need God to open our hearts in both fasting and feasting. May God open our eyes and hearts....
- To walk as a disciple of Jesus is to experience a new joy of relationship, but also a time to bear the cross. Jesus warns against closed-mindedness; read more about the wineskin image here. It's been said for centuries that the New Testament is hidden in the Old and the Old is unveiled in the New. The New brings to light the hidden meaning foreshadowing God's plan of redemption in Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus gives us wisdom so we can make the best use of both old and new, not grasping the past or resisting the Spirit's renewal. May our minds and hearts be like new skins ready to receive new wine....
- Today's saints, from Universalis
- Our Lady [Queen] of the Angels [of the Porciuncula], after whom the City of Los Angeles is named
- St. Cuthbert, shepherd boy, monk, hermit, bishop
- St. Mac Nissi
- Bl. Dina Bélanger, pianist, religious, music teacher, mystic; see Dictionary of Canadian Biography.
Dress legend
- 'Children holding hands' pin: In him all things hold together (1st reading)
- 'Note head' (of 'eighth-note' tie pin): Christ is the 'head' of the Body, the Church (1st reading)
- 'Peace sign' tie bar: Jesus made peace... (1st reading)
- 'Blood drop' pin: the Blood of his cross (1st reading)
- 'Jubilee year' pin: Come with joy into the Lord's presence (psalm)
- 'Sheep' tie bar: We're the flock he tends (psalm)
- 'Food' tie: "Your disciples eat and drink" (gospel)
- 'Mary' pin and "Blessed Mother blue" shirt: Our Lady of the Angels day
of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles
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