October 12, 2015: Monday, 28th week, Ordinary Time
- 'Holy Spirit' chain: Christ Jesus was established as Son of God according to the Spirit (1st reading)
- 'Musical notes' tie: Sing to the Lord a new song (psalm)
- 'Hand' tie pin: The Lord's right hand has won victory (psalm)
- 'One Life LA' sign button: “This evil generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it,...” (gospel); it's Respect Life Month
- 'Whale' pin: “...except the sign of Jonah.” (gospel)
- 'Crown' tie bar: “The queen of the south will condemn this generation...” (gospel)
- 'Owl' tie pin: “...because she came to hear Solomon's wisdom...” (gospel);
- Green in shirt: Ordinary Time season
- Arrival of the Queen of Sheba, from Solomon/ Handel: sheet music (gospel)
- You alone/ Hart: sheet music
- Lead me, Lord/ Becker: sheet music
Pope Francis
ReadMission, a style of life: We can't show others what we ourselves haven't seen or heard, so walk with Jesus daily, offering solidarity and help to those in difficulty. Never forget your call, your first encounter with Jesus, the joy of your vocation. Pray for and support each other, and be like Jesus who brings people love through you. Jesus made himself small to experience our weakness and clothe our flesh in immortality. He meets us every day, walks with us, and offers his hand of friendship when we're in difficulty. Look at Jesus, and learn to look as Jesus looks, with tenderness, understanding, and compassion that leads us to touch the Lord's wounds in the flesh of those in need. Mission is both passion for Jesus and passion for his people. Seeing Jesus in others purifies the heart, freeing it from selfishness and worldly desires. Keep building a church that goes out to communicate the Gospel joy God placed in our hearts. More
- Rom 1:1-7 Paul, slave of Christ, called to be an Apostle, to God's beloved in Rome, called to belong to Christ and be holy, grace and peace from our Father and the Lord Jesus. Jesus descended from David but was established as Son of God in power through resurrection from the dead. Through him we've received the grace to bring about the obedience of faith among the Gentiles.
- Ps 98:1bcde, 2-4 "The Lord has made known his salvation," wonders, victory, justice, kindness, and faithfulness. Sing to the Lord a new song!

- Lk 11:29-32 “This evil generation seeks a sign, but only the sign of Jonah will be given it. As Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so will the Son of Man be to you. The queen of the south will condemn you, because she came to hear Solomon's wisdom, and something greater is here. The Ninevites will condemn this generation, because they repented at Jonah's preaching, and something greater is here.”
Fr. Chris Bazyouros homily podcast
"Something greater here": God has called all to salvation and invites us to share his work. The Church needs to live, breathe, move, and announce salvation along the way as a constant companion reflecting Jesus' presence and love, so that all may be open to experience Christ....
Bonus: Post Papal Visit
ReflectAfter I attended the St. Junípero Serra Canonization Mass (remotely from our Cathedral), I looked for the worship aid online but didn't find it. Today a colleague brought in a paper version and another told us it and the other booklets are now online on the USCCB Papal Visit 2015 site. Sure enough, its Liturgical texts section has 'em, over 500 pages' worth...
- Creighton: “Sing to the Lord a new song for he has done wondrous deeds,” as Paul states in the beginning of Rom: the resurrection and our call to apostleship....
- One Bread One Body: "The called": Paul, called to be an apostle, wrote to those called to belong to Christ and called to holiness. The Greek word for 'church' is 'ekklesia' ('called out'). So we must live worthy of our calling in the hope our call gives. Life is to answer the call. He calls us to deny ourselves, take up the cross, be his disciples, make disciples, live lives of communion and love, and be children who honor their parents, are brothers and sisters in Christ, letting our light shine. We are the called.
The Visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon (Poynter) |
- Passionist: Paul is so attached to Christ he considers himself his slave; he goes where the Lord leads by obedience of faith. It’s called surrender. Am I an apostle to strangers, foreigners, the unchurched, those who make me feel awkward or uncomfortable? / African missionary Joseph G. Donders re gospel: “Jesus awakened something in them…. There are immense depths in us, fantastic possibilities, realities that remain hidden if someone else doesn't stimulate us.” May we pay attention to our “insides,” and to those who know and love us.
- DailyScripture.net: Many lives could be saved if people took warning signs seriously. Jesus gave the religious leaders a warning to avert disaster. Jews characteristically demanded "signs" of authenticity from messengers. Jesus essentially said that he himself is God's sign. Unfortunately the leaders didn't accept the signs as the Ninevites or Queen of Sheba did, rejecting both John the Baptist and Jesus....
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(Not this "sign of Jonah" :-) |
- Today's saints, from Universalis
- Wilfrid, abbot, bishop, supported Church traditions against prevailing ‘Celtic’ customs
- Kenneth (Cainnech, Canice, Kenny, Canicus), abbot, monastery founder, priest, missionary, taught the "12 Apostles of Ireland"
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