October 15, 2015: St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor
- 'Blood drop' pin: Jesus proved his righteousness by his Blood... (1st reading); This generation will be charged with the blood of the prophets and Apostles! (gospel)
- 'Key' tie pin: You law scholars have taken away the key of knowledge (gospel)
- White shirt (and socks): liturgical color for St. Teresa's memorial
- 'Doctor's office' tie: St. Teresa, "doctor" of the Church
- 'Castle' button: in honor of St. Teresa's Interior Castle
- Castle of the soul/ Lawton, Alonso, De Silva (Interior Castle inspired)
- For St. Teresa's Nada te turbe (my translation)
- Berthier/Taizé: sheet music, or on p. 9 of Spanish Taizé pilgrims' songbook
- Szymko: more, sheet music
- Runestad: sheet music
- Salve Regina/ arr. Sokol: virtual choir of Carmelites
- With our God there is mercy, from There is a river/ Manion: sheet music (psalm)
- With the Lord there is mercy, from I will bless the Lord at all times/ Haas (psalm)
- With the Lord there is mercy/ Modlin: alt. instrumentation, sheet music (psalm)
- With the Lord there is mercy/ Parker: sheet music (psalm)
- With the Lord there is mercy/ Belamore (psalm)
- We won't be shaken/ Building 429 (psalm)
“Woe to you; you law scholars have taken away the key of knowledge....” The key is of the gratuity of salvation, of that knowledge. The law scholars took away the key of God’s gift of salvation, because they thought that by respecting the commandments you could be saved, and anyone who didn’t was condemned. They limited God’s horizons and made God's love very small. If I say "I love you" but have a personal interest, it's self interest, not love.
This is why Jesus said, "The greatest love is to love God with your whole life, heart, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself; it's the only commandment up to the heights of the gratuity of God’s salvation. The source and horizon are love. If you close the door and take away the key of love, you won't rise to the heights of the gratuity of salvation you received.
Ask: Do I believe the Lord saved me gratuitously, freely? Do I believe I've done nothing to merit salvation? Only in this way will we be faithful to God's merciful love: the love of father and mother, because God also says he's like a mother; love, expanded horizons, without limits. Don't be fooled by scholars who limit this love.
- Rom 3:21-30 God's righteousness has been manifested through faith in Christ, apart from the law. All have sinned and are deprived of God's glory. They're justified by his grace through redemption in Christ, who proved his righteousness because of the forgiveness of sins through God's forbearance. How can we boast? Only on faith, for we're justified by faith. God belongs to and will justify everyone....
Don't take it away.... |
- Ps 130:1b-6ab "With the Lord there is mercy, and fullness of redemption." I cry to you, Lord; hear me! If you mark iniquities, who can stand? But with you is forgiveness. I trust in and wait for the Lord....
- Lk 11:47-54 “Woe to you who build memorials of the prophets your fathers killed. You give consent to your ancestors' deeds. God said, ‘I'll send them prophets and Apostles; some they'll kill and persecute’ so that you might be charged their blood. Yes, you'll be charged with their blood! Woe to you, law scholars! You've taken away the key of knowledge. You didn't enter and you stopped those trying to enter.” The scribes and Pharisees began to act with hostility toward Jesus; they were plotting to catch him....
St. Teresa of Ávila

- Universalis: She founded Discalced Carmelites convents against broad opposition. Contemplation overflows to action. To God after horse threw her: “If this is how you treat your friends, no wonder you have so few!” Bring everything to God in prayer, even reproach (that expresses our incomprehension of God's gift). See Wikipedia, Catholic Encyclopedia.
- Writings online: Interior Castle (The Mansions), The Way of Perfection (Our Father...); more at CCEL and UPenn
- Prayer to St. Teresa (on the occasion of her 500th birthday)
- Fr. Jim Halley homily podcast: Am I a Pharisee? (sorry I didn't have as good a seat today, especially for pix)
- Creighton: “Woe to the law scholars! You took away the key of knowledge.” Consider faith as our guiding light in decision-making. Certainly all of us need to be respectful of the laws that govern us but the readings potentially challenges laws that do not promote love, acceptance of and promotion of people- even those we do not identify with or agree with. While our nation, clearly has had a separation between church and state many leaders have identified with a faith tradition, which promotes love, forgiveness and the well-being of others. What does God want me to do?
- One Bread One Body: "The joy of salvation": Jesus, through his death on the cross, freed us from sin, death, damnation, hell, slavery, self-hatred, perversion, and Satan. Consequently, let us give our lives to Jesus and accept Him as our Savior, Lord, and God. Let us thank Him always and forever for having had mercy on us and baptizing us into His death and Resurrection (see Rm 6:3ff). Let us tell everyone that Jesus is the only One Who has saved us from sin and its dire consequences. Let us worship Jesus and sing with Mary: "My being proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit finds joy in God my Savior" (Lk 1:46-47). "God indeed is my Savior; I am confident and unafraid. My strength and my courage is the Lord, and He has been my Savior" (Is 12:2).
- Passionist: How are we saved? If “all have sinned and are deprived of God's glory,” how do we become right with God? Paul: “Through faith in Christ,” “justified by his grace,” redeemed “by his Blood,” accomplished by his righteousness in those with faith. Luther added "alone"—"by faith alone" ("allein durch den Glauben")—so no reader would miss Paul’s point; sola fide became a Reformation rallying cry. Fortunately, dialogue and mutual understanding have yielded a joint [Lutheran-Catholic] declaration on the doctrine of justification.
- DailyScripture.net: "Don't lose the key of knowledge": God sent his prophets to open people to hear and understand God. Jesus chastised religious leaders for double-mindedness; they professed admiration for the prophets but opposed their message. The law scholars and scribes held the "office of the keys"; they were official interpreters of the Scriptures. But their interpretation became so distorted that others were "shut off" to the Scriptures; they shut themselves to heaven and hindered others from understanding God's word. They rejected not only the prophets of old, but God's Son, "key of David" who opens heaven for those who accept him, Wisdom of God, source of everlasting life. Only the humble can truly understand God's wisdom. Do I hunger for wisdom from above?
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