March 16, 2016: Wednesday, 5th week, Lent

- "3 people" tie pin: Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego (1st reading)
- "Golden calf" tie pin: statue they won't worship (1st reading)
- 'Hand' tie pin: Who is the God who can deliver you out of my hands? (1st reading)
- White shirt: King Neb's white-hot furnace (1st reading)
- 'Angel with trumpet' pin: Worship the statue when you hear the trumpet...; God sent his angel to deliver the youths (1st reading)
- "I ♥ my dad" tie, for gospel
- Purple suspenders: Lenten season
For 1st reading
- Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego/ Cadence
- Meshach Shadrach Abednego/ Arcadi
- Shadrack, from movie The Strip/ MacGimsey; Armstrong-sung
- They who wait on the Lord: audio, background
- Meschach/ Apologetix (parody of Love shack/ B-52's :-)
- Be not afraid/ Dufford: sheet music ("If you walk amid the burning flames, you shall not be harmed.")
For canticle
- Canticle of the 3 holy children/ Apocalyptic Cowboy
- The canticle of the 3 holy youths: English Orthodox Byzantine chant, various languages
- Canticle of Daniel/ Shirliza, Ho Lung
- All you works of God/ Haugen: lyrics
Pope Francis audience
I like to see leaders who open their hearts and doors to migrants. Many are living in exile, in fear, in pain for the loss of loved ones, remembering the ruins of their homes. Migrants are suffering; they're without food and not allowed in. God doesn't forget the pain of those who are rejected.
When the exile of the Israelites shook their faith, Jeremiah turned to them to reaffirm God's faithful love and promise of salvation. His prophecy finds fulfilment in the coming of Jesus, whose paschal mystery proclaims the triumph of God’s love and promise of reconciliation, renewal, and eternal life.Read
- Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95 King Nebuchadnezzar: “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, serve my god, and worship the statue I made, or you'll be cast into the furnace; and who can deliver you?” / “We won't serve your god or worship your statue.” Nebuchadnezzar, livid, had the furnace heated seven times more and had the youths bound and cast into the furnace.... “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who sent his angel to deliver them.”
- Dn 3:52-56 "Glory and praise for ever!" Blessed are you, Lord, praiseworthy and exalted above all forever.
- Jn 8:31-42 Jesus: “If you remain in my word, you'll be my disciples, know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Everyone who sins is a slave, but if the Son frees you, you'll be free. If you were Abraham’s children, you'd be doing his works, but you're trying to kill me. If God were your Father, you'd love me, for I came from God and tell you what I've seen in the Father's presence.”
- Fr. Chris Bazyouros homily podcast: Root your life and identity in Christ.
- My alma mater's motto is "The truth shall make you free." (today's gospel)
- Creighton: There weren’t any angels with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when they stood up to the king or when they walked into the furnace. They had no visual evidence they'd be safe or that God would save them, but they trusted. God helps us when we're in trouble too, such as when we're tempted, or have a choice between easy and holy. Let’s rededicate ourselves to our Lenten efforts trusting that God will transform us.
- One Bread, One Body: "Free indeed": When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you're free to rejoice with inexpressible joy, to enter into God's throne room with confidence, to worship God with abandon, to proclaim the truth, to evangelize, free from fears, threats, and captivity. "You've been called to live in freedom.... Out of love, place yourselves at one another's service."
"King Neb" sees the youths, from One Year Bible Blog |
- Passionist: Jesus tells those who don't believe in him that if they accept the truth, it'll free them. And he is the truth. They respond that they've never been slaves. (They overlook their slavery to the Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, Syrians, and Romans.) “Life’s journey is a journey into the truth.”
- "The truth will make you free": The Jewish authorities couldn't accept Jesus' claim to speak and act in the name of his Father; misguided ideas of how the Messiah would restore Israel blinded them. Jesus met their opposition with determination to do his Father's will, willingly embracing the cross. Jesus shows us the way to the kingdom of God is through faith and obedience to God. 'Disciple' means one who learns from the master and listens to the teacher's voice; 'obedience' means listen and be subordinate to the one with authority to teach and command what's just and true.....
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