April 1, 2016

Easter Fri

April 1, 2016:  Friday, Easter Octave

  • '?' tie pin:  Leaders questioned Peter and John (1st reading)
  • 'Holy Spirit' chain:  Peter was filled with the Spirit (1st reading)
  • 'Hand' tie pin:  They laid hands on Peter and John (1st reading)
  • 'Stone' tie pin:  The stone you rejected has become the cornerstone;... (1st reading, psalm)
  • 'Eyeball' tie pin:  ...it is wonderful in our eyes (psalm)
  • 'Fishing pole' tie bar:  “I'm going fishing”  (gospel)
  • 'Fishes' tie:  153 fish caught (gospel)
  • 'Resurrection cross' (no Jesus), white shirt and socks:  Easter day and season
  • Acts 4:1-12  After the cripple had been cured, leaders questioned Peter and John:  “By what power have you done this?”  Peter:  “In the name of Jesus Christ whom you crucified and God raised, the stone you rejected that became the cornerstone.  There's no salvation through anyone else.”
  • Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a  "The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone."  His mercy endures forever.  This is the day the Lord made; rejoice in it.
  • Jn 21:1-14  Peter with other disciples at Sea of Tiberias:  “I'm going fishing.”  They caught nothing.  At dawn, Jesus was on the shore, but they didn't know it was Jesus:  “Cast the net over the right side.”  They did and couldn't pull it in.  “It's the Lord.”  Peter jumped into the sea; they dragged in 153 big fish.  Jesus:  “Come, have breakfast.”
      • Creighton:  What was Peter going through these first days after Passover when Jesus died?  Grief, anger, loss, guilt, fear....  Seeing the empty tomb, hearing reports from people he trusts that Jesus is alive.  Memory of his denials/failures, Jesus' looks with love.  Now, failure at fishing, then 153 fish and the Lord....
        The Second Miraculous Draught of Fish/ Tissot
      • One Bread, One Body:  "Only the guilty are saved":  Jesus has saved us, but we need to believe in him and admit our need for salvation.  We must realize the enormity of our sins and admit our guilt.  So Peter preached a message of guilt along with one of salvation, confronting the leaders: You crucified Jesus; you rejected the Cornerstone; you used pagans to kill him; you handed him over and disowned him when Pilate was ready to release him.  May I admit my sin and experience his salvation, and new life.
      • Passionist:  More remarkable than the miraculous fish catch is the Risen Christ preparing breakfast for his disciples.  The miracles continue:   Jesus heals Peter's denials by drawing from him an expression of his love.  The heart of Christian discipleship is love—the forgiving love of Christ for us, and our love for one another.  Love also underlies pastoral authority in the church:  “feed my sheep....”
      • DailyScripture.net:  "Jesus revealed himself again to the disciples":  Peter was probably returning to his fishing career, discouraged after Jesus' crucifixion.  He was last commanded to let down his net after a futile night of fishing at the beginning of Jesus' ministry.  This time John recognized the Lord first, then Peter leaps to the Lord.  Do I run to the Lord when I meet setbacks, disappointments, or trials?
      • Easter-trumped saint, from Universalis:   Ceallach, bishop, reformer

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