July 31, 2016

18th Sun., Ordinary Time

July 31, 2016:  Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

  • 'Hearts' suspenders:  "Anxiety of heart" (1st reading);"harden not your hearts" (psalm)
  • NEW 'Sun' pin:  What profit is labor under the sun?  (1st reading) 
  • 'Hand' tie pin:  Prosper the work of our hands (psalm); where Christ is seated at God's right hand (2nd reading)
  • 'Penny pincher' button:  Guard against greed (gospel)
  • 'John's Jokers' tie:  "You fool!"  (gospel)
  • Green shirt:  Color of money re riches and greed (gospel), "profit" (1st reading)
  • 'Owl' pin:  One who labored with wisdom must leave property to one who hasn't (1st reading); wisdom of heart (psalm)

For the psalm
For next Sunday:  Psalm 33:  Blessed the people/ Celoni (sheet music, just written)

I thank God, the Father of mercy, for allowing us to experience this World Youth Day.  We experienced the beauty of our fraternity in Christ.  We have heard the voice of the Good Shepherd, who has spoken to you in your heart, renewed you by his love, shown you his forgiveness, made you experience the reality of prayer, and given you a spiritual “breath of fresh air” to help you live lives of mercy.

Mary, our Mother, teaches us how we can make our experience productive.  She tells us to do what she did:  not to squander the gift you received, but to treasure it so it can grow and bear fruit, with the Spirit's help.  In this way, you can be a witness to Christ at home, in your parish, in your associations and groups, and your places of study, work, service, entertainment… wherever God leads you....
  • Ecc 1:2; 2:21-23  All things are vanity!  One who labored with wisdom and skill has to leave property to one who hasn't.  What do we get for our toil, anxiety, and sorrow?
  • Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17  "If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts."  You turn us back to dust.  A thousand years to you are as a few hours.  Teach us to number our days and gain wisdom.  Have pity, show us your kindness, care for us, and prosper our work.
  • Col 3:1-5, 9-11  Seek and think of what's above.  Put to death the earthly in you; you've put on the new self, in the Creator's image.  Christ is all and in all.
  • Lk 12:13-21  “Guard against greed; life isn't your possessions.”  “A rich man built larger barns to store his harvest to say, 'Eat, drink, be merry!'  But God told him, 'Fool!  When you die tonight, what about your things?’  Be rich in what matters to God.”
    • Creighton:  The challenge of today's parable is about what place success has in our lives, and what we'd do to hang onto it.  The rich man's first instinct was greed, not sharing.  The problem is distorted use of money, attachment and greed.  “When you're attached to money, you destroy yourself and your family” (Pope Francis).  “Longing for riches” leads us to vain honor and vast pride (Ignatius of Loyola).  My riches, honors, pride, and need for success can lead me to become too busy to listen to God.
    • One Bread, One Body:  "A bomb":  Today's gospel is like a bomb that would destroy our lives if we let it explode by believing it, but if we don't lose our lives now, they won't be saved. "What profit does you show if you gain the world and destroys yourself doing so?"  We can let God's Word shatter our lives or maintain the status quo, hoping the gospel doesn't mean what it seems.  We'll be insecure as death, and likely suffering, await us unless our lives are built on obedience.
    • Passionist:  Funerals are the ultimate celebration of our life and purpose.  The person we mourn as dead has never been more alive!  I don’t want to regret my lack of reaching out to people before they die.  Qoheleth says working for wealth results in sorrow, grief, and anxiety, and Jesus echoes this in the gospell parable.  Reliance on possessions is in vain, for worldly possessions and this life are fleeting.  What “matters to God” is letting go of whatever hinders us from growing to eternal life.  We're called love each other, not things.  What do you need to let go of today?
    • DailyScripture.net:  "Storing up true riches":  Jesus refused to settle the inheritance dispute because he saw the issue was greed, not justice.  The commandments were summarized into not worshiping idols and not coveting; it's the flip side of the great commandments to love God and love others.  Jesus warned the man to "beware covetousness." To covet is to wish for what another has or to begrudge what God has given them.  Life isn't your possessions.  "Greed wants to divide, just as love desires to gather.  'Guard against greed' means 'fill yourself with love.' We inconvenience the Lord because of our brother just as that man did against his" (Augustine, Sermons 265.9, paraphrased).  Jesus doesn't fault the rich man for his industriousness and skill but for his selfishness.  The parable is similar to the one of the rich man who refused to help Lazarus.  The rich fool had no concern for others.  It is in giving that we receive. Those who are rich towards God receive ample reward.  Where is your treasure?

    July 30, 2016

    July 30

    July 30, 2016:  Saturday, 17th week, Ordinary Time

    • 'Hand' tie pin:  "I am in your hands" (1st reading)

    • 'Blood drop' pin:  If you put me to death, you bring innocent blood on yourselves... (1st reading)

    • 'Beheaded skeleton' tie pin:  Herod had John beheaded and brought his head to the girl. (gospel)

    • Tie with fishing bait/lures:  The dance of the daughter of Herodias 'lured' Herod to get John the Baptist beheaded.  (gospel)

    • Green shirt:  Ordinary Time season

    • Dance of the Seven Veils, from Salome/ Strauss (gospel):  no YouTube link because I marked this site as free of adult content, but if you understand and tolerate the risk, you can do a search
    For the psalm
    Pope Francis
    In flight:  The world is at war, not of religions but for power.  It's a war about money, natural resources, and the domination of peoples.  It's not very structured, but it is organized.  This priest, killed at the moment he was praying for peace, is one victim, but so many Christians, innocent people, children are too.  The world is at war because it's lost sight of peace.  We hope young people can tell us something that gives us more hope. 

    For Cuban Youth Day:  Unite in friendship, regardless of your differences, and be carriers of hope and bridge builders.  Don't be afraid, and free yourselves from the chains of this world to announce the Good News.  To carry hope, you have to be able to dream.  Don't be fussy or choosy.  You don't all have to think alike to build friendship; just share love for your nation and the desire to dream, and stretch out your hands to others.
    To newlyweds:  I commend you for your courage to commit to marriage; it's hard to form a family.  Married couples can surmount difficulties via pardon, thanks, and forgiveness.  Marriage is so beautiful, we must preserve it.  Don't be afraid when there's a quarrel, but never finish the day without making peace.  Pray for all the families here, for newlyweds, for those already married a long time.

    To youths at Blonia park:  Mercy has a youthful face.  Nothing is more beautiful than seeing young people's enthusiasm, dedication, zeal and energy.  It pains me to meet young people who seemed to have “thrown in the towel.”  Jesus Christ is the way to fulfillment and new strength.
    At Archbishop's residence:  Friday we remember Jesus' death; his suffering and death is for us all.  So many are suffering:  the sick; those at war; the homeless; the hungry; those with doubts, those who don't feel happy....  In the children’s hospital, Jesus suffers in sick children....
    How much pain, how much cruelty!  How can people, created in God's likeness, do what happened at Auschwitz?  And today we torture people and wage war; it's the same!  In this reality, Jesus came to take us on his shoulders. We pray for all the Jesuses in the world:  the hungry, the thirsty, doubters, the sick, the suffering....  Everyone here is a sinner, but he loves us!...
    • Jer 26:11-16, 24  Priests and prophets to the people / Jeremiah:  “He deserves death; he prophesied against this city.” / “The Lord sent me to prophesy what you heard.  So listen to God and reform your ways.  Do with me what you think right, but if you kill me, you bring innocent blood on yourselves and the people.”  The people:  “He doesn't deserve death; he speaks in God's name.”  So Ahikam protected Jeremiah.
    • Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34  "Lord, in your great love, answer me."  Rescue me from my foes!  I am afflicted and in pain; save and protect me.  I will praise God in song.  The Lord hears the poor.
    • Mt 14:1-12  Herod wanted to kill John the Baptist, but the people regarded him as a prophet.  At a birthday celebration for Herod, Herodias' daughter performed a dance that delighted Herod so much that he swore to give her anything.  She asked for John the Baptist's head; he had him beheaded and brought his head to the girl...
      St. Peter Chrysologus
    • Creighton:  Because of Jeremiah's words portending defeat because of the people's disobedience, other prophets accused him.  He also offered hope, but that required the people to change.  We need help to change but tend to ask late.  Love and mercy are powerful catalysts for change.
    Herod wanted to kill John to silence the message about his adultery with Herodias but feared John's disciples would cause him trouble.  He seems to admire John and knows John is extraordinary.  Eventually his fear of losing face won out.  He was motivated by fear and avoidance of discomfort....
    • Passionist:  Jeremiah was attacked for preaching God’s word but was spared.  In the gospel, John the Baptist was hated for upholding moral teaching about marriage, and he lost his life.  There's violence today as there was then for those who remain faithful.  Jeremiah and John had confidence in God's providence....
    • DailyScripture.net:  "Herod's reaction to John the Baptist":  King Herod had everything he wanted except peace with God.  He respected and feared John, though John rebuked Herod for his adulterous relationship.  Herod, wanting to please family and friends, had John beheaded.  His conscience is pricked when he hears people are going to Jesus to hear his message of repentance and see his works.  Herod couldn't rid himself of sin by ridding himself of the man who confronted him with his sin.  God's grace enables us to fight fear with faith and not compromise good with evil....

    July 29, 2016


    July 29, 2016:  St. Martha

    • 'Silverware' tie bar:  Martha's doing the serving (gospel)
    • 'Feet' tie/pin:  Mary sat at the Lord's feet (gospel)
    • 'Question mark' tie pin:  Jesus' to Martha, Martha's to Jesus (gospels)
    • White shirt:  Color of St. Martha's memorial

    For the gospels
    For the psalm
      Pope Francis to Polish political leaders
      Consciousness of one’s own identity, free of any pretense, is indispensable for establishing a community on a human, social, political, economic, and religious heritage, and inspiring social life and culture in a spirit of fidelity and openness.  Harmony, in the midst of diversity, is the path to achieving the common good.  Fruitful cooperation and mutual esteem grow through awareness of, and respect for, one’s and others' identities.  Dialogue can't exist unless each party starts from their own identity.  Each individual and society has good and bad memories:  good memory is what the Bible shows us in the Magnificat, praise of the Lord and his works; bad memory is fixed on evil, especially wrongs committed by others....
      Nurturing good memory while leaving the bad behind requires hope and trust in the One who guides peoples, opens doors, turns problems into opportunities, and creates new scenarios from apparently hopeless situations.  Awareness of progress and joy at goals achieved, become a source of strength for facing present challenges.  These call for the courage of truth and ethical commitment, to ensure that decisions, actions, and relationships, will respect human dignity....
      Wisdom and compassion are needed to overcome fear and achieve the greater good.  Seek out the reasons for emigration and facilitate the return of all wishing to repatriate.  Have a spirit of readiness to welcome those fleeing from war and hunger, and solidarity with those deprived of their rights.  Develop new forms of exchange and cooperation to resolve conflicts and wars that force people to leave home.  Do everything possible to alleviate suffering while working for justice and peace, bearing witness with human and Christian values.
      Look with hope to the future to favor a climate of respect and constructive debate and create the best conditions for civil, economic, and demographic growth, fostering hope for good life for coming generations.  The young should be able to enjoy creation, the benefits we can provide, and the hope we can offer.  Policies supporting the family, assisting underprivileged and poor families, and helping welcome life, will prove more effective.  Welcome and protect life; welcome and protection go together, from conception to natural death.  We're all called to respect life and care for it.  It's the responsibility of State, Church, and society to accompany and help all in difficulty, so that a child will never be seen as a burden but a gift, and the vulnerable and poor won't be abandoned.
      • Jer 26:1-9  Speak what I tell you to the people of Judah; perhaps they'll turn from their evil ways.  Say, "Thus says the Lord:  If you disobey me, I'll treat this house like Shiloh."  The priests and prophets laid hold of him:  “You must be put to death!”  All the people gathered about Jeremiah.
        St. Martha, from
        the Isabella Breviary
      • Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14  "Lord, in your great love, answer me."  Many hate me without cause.  For your sake I bear insult and have become an outcast.  Zeal for your house consumes me.  I pray for your favor, O God!
      • 1 Jn 4:7-16  Love one another, because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God.  God is love; he revealed his love by sending his Son so we might have life.  Love isn't that we've loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son....  If God so loved us, we must love one another.  If we do, God and his love are in us....
      • Ps 34:2-11  "I will bless the Lord at all times."  The Lord answered and delivered me.  Look to him.  The Lord saves those who fear him.  Taste and see the Lord is good.  Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.
      • Jn 11:19-27  When Martha heard Jesus was coming, she went to meet him.  Martha / Jesus:  “Lord, if you'd been here, my brother wouldn't have died.  But I know God will give you whatever you ask.” / “He'll rise.” / “Yes, in the resurrection.” / “I am the resurrection; whoever believes in me will live, and anyone who believes in me will never die.  Do you believe this?” / “Yes, Lord.  I believe you're the Christ, the one who is coming into the world.”
      • Lk 10:38-42  Jesus entered a village where Martha welcomed him.  Her sister Mary sat at his feet listening to him.  Martha / Jesus:  “Lord, don't you care that my sister left me by myself to serve?  Tell her to help.” / “Martha, you're anxious about many things, but only one is needed.  Mary has chosen the better part and it won't be taken from her.”
        • Creighton:  Martha, Mary, and Lazarus were among Jesus' closest friends.  Today's gospels show a saint who had great faith but wasn't perfect.  Martha  was no plastic saint.  Jesus was not present when Lazarus died but arrived days later.  Martha got up immediately and went to meet him. She believes that Lazarus would not have died if Jesus had been present.  Martha calls Jesus Lord, Christ, Son of God; she's a saint because she trusted Jesus....
          Jesus at the house of
          Mary and Martha/ Copping
        • One Bread, One Body:  "The home front":  We may be surprised when our own religious leaders, or family members, attack and reject us.  "If an enemy had reviled me, I could have borne it....  But you...!"  All who want "to live a godly life in Christ" will be persecuted.  When we hear of persecution, we should rejoice we've been chosen to share Jesus' sufferings.
        • Passionist:  Jeremiah was true to God’s word even if it means being unpopular, disrespected, even hated.  He speaks on behalf of God; this leads him to unpopular speeches.  His words challenge, even threaten, and he's treated with hostility.  In John, Martha is the prophetic voice; she acknowledges Jesus as Messiah.  She acknowledges and praises Jesus on one of her saddest days, when her beloved Lazarus has died.  The prophetic voice gives praise to God amidst gloom.  Jeremiah and John enter into the suffering and hopelessness and reinterpret God in these situations.
        Draw courage from Martha who knew the redemption of Christ.  Jesus challenges her to put her hope in him.  Martha’s challenge to us is to see and trust in the here and now, even when we are having a bad day.  Even in the midst of sadness and sorrow, can we discover a redeeming messiah?  Jeremiah re-affirms this message, asking us to find some way to give praise to God even in hours of darkness.   So perhaps we are left with two questions:  Where do you see God today?  And how in your own way do you give praise to this Divine one?
        • DailyScripture.net:  "Martha said to Jesus, 'I know he'll rise again'":  The loss of a loved one produces grief and anguish.  When Martha heard Jesus was coming to pay his respects, she immediately went out to meet him.  She believed in resurrection; her loss didn't diminish her hope.  She even chides Jesus for not coming soon enough to save Lazarus.  Jesus gave her belief a new meaning:  he came to restore life to all who believe in him.  The life he offers is from God himself....
        • Universalis:  Martha, sister of Mary of Bethany and Lazarus.  Lazarus deserves our sympathy for being brought back to life by Jesus so as to have to die again.  Think of him when preparing to make spectacular acts of charity on behalf of people who may not appreciate it.

        July 28, 2016

        July 28

        July 28, 2016:  Thursday, 17th week, Ordinary Time

        • 'Hand' tie pin:  You're in my hand as clay in potter's (1st reading)
        • 'Fishes' tie:  The Kingdom is like a net that collects fish (gospel)
        • 'Angel' pin:  Angels will separate the wicked from the just (gospel)
        • Green suspenders:  Ordinary Time (season)

        Pope Francis Czestochowa homily
        “When the fullness of time had come, God sent his son, born of a woman.”  When the time came, humanity wasn't especially well-disposed, but God filled our time out of his mercy and love.  It's striking that God came into history by being born of a woman, with no triumphal entrance but simply, like a seed.  God's kingdom, now as then, comes in littleness, in humility.
        The gospel takes us to the “third day” of Jesus’ ministry and the proclamation of the “hour” of salvation.  God shows himself in littleness.  In Cana he does no amazing deed before the crowd, just a simple miracle bringing joy to a young, anonymous family.  The water turned wine reveals the spousal face of God, a God who sits, dreams, and holds communion with us.  The Lord, near and real, takes care of us, without making decisions in our place.  He lets himself be contained in little things, unlike ourselves, who want to possess something greater.  To be attracted by power is tragically human, a great temptation, but to give yourself to others, dwelling in littleness and living daily life, is divine.
        God saves us by making himself little, near, and real.  The Lord loves and looks to the little ones, who are opposed to the “pride of life” belonging to the world.  He calls the simple and receptive to speak his word.  Through these channels of his love, the Lord has granted gifts to the Church and the world.
        God is near, at hand.  The Lord does not want to be feared like an aloof, powerful sovereign; he loves to come down and walk with us.  We are called to listen, get involved, and be neighbors, so that the Gospel can spread, radiating goodness through our lives.
        God is real.  Divine wisdom “is like a master worker” and “plays.”  The Word became flesh, was born of a mother, had friends, and went to a party.  He spent time with people in concrete situations.  You have touched the tenderness of the Mother of all.
        In Mary we find complete conformity to the Lord.  A Marian thread is woven with the divine thread through history.  Mary is the stairway God took to descend and draw near to us; she's the clearest sign of the fullness of time.  In her we admire the littleness God loves; he “looked on his servant's humility” and “lifted up the lowly.”  He let his flesh be woven from hers, so the Virgin became the Mother of God.  May she continue to point the way to live the humble and simple gospel.
        At Cana, Mary offers her nearness and helps us discover what we need.  Now as then, she does it with a mother’s love, by her presence and counsel, teaching us to avoid hasty decisions and grumbling.  She wants to keep her family together.  May she obtain for you the desire to leave behind past wrongs and wounds and build fellowship, without withdrawing or dominating.
        At Cana, Mary showed great realism; she took people’s problems to heart and acted.  She handled difficult moments discreetly, efficiently, and decisively, as a mother and a handmaid.  Ask for the grace to imitate her sensitivity and creativity in serving those in need, and spend our lives serving others.  May Mary, Cause of our Joy, who brings peace, obtain for us the outpouring of the Spirit and enable us to be faithful servants.  May the fullness of time come about also for us.  May each of us make an interior passage, a Passover of the heart, towards the divine “style” incarnated by Mary.  May we do everything in littleness and accompany others with a simple and open heart.
          Potter's hands at work
          with words of today's readings
        • Jer 18:1-6  Jeremiah:  When the object turned out badly, the potter tried again.  Lord:  "Can I not do to you as this potter has done?  Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand."
        • Ps 146:1b-6ab  "Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob."  Praise the Lord.  Don't trust people in whom there's no salvation.  God made heaven and earth.
        • Mt 13:47-53  “The Kingdom is like a net that collects fish.  When it's full they haul it in, put what's good into buckets, and throw out the rest.  At the end of the age, angels will separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the furnace....  Every scribe instructed in the Kingdom is like one who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old.”
          • Creighton:  It’s not fun to be the potter's clay.  Change is uncomfortable, even when we know it will lead to growth, because we don’t know what the potter is making of us. Squeezed and pressed, we react.  We must trust the potter has something beautiful in mind for us.  The Creator is trustworthy and capable of shaping us; he sees everything, not just the clay and wheel.  Jesus tells the disciples how everything, good and bad, will be brought into the Kingdom.  I read this as all parts, good and bad, of ourselves....
          • One Bread, One Body:  "Your net worth":  The parable of the dragnet is the last of the kingdom-parables in Matthew; it ends, "That's how it'll be at the end of the world.  Angels will separate the wicked from the just and hurl the wicked into the furnace...."  The Lord calls us to conversion, to a life of faith in him....
            Pope St. Victor
          • Passionist:  God has created us out of nothing and fashioned us into people of grace and grandeur, created in, surrounded by, and called to love.  God’s gifts of creation, nature, and people often get neglected, but God never takes us for granted!  We can take each other for granted, turn our back on those who don't share our values, or postpone our efforts to be kinder to the earth, but we're called to be potters who mold and shape others following his example.
          • DailyScripture.net:  "Ready to receive the kingdom of heaven":   The two most common ways of fishing were with a casting-net (hand-net) thrown from the shore and the drag-net let down from a boat.  The dragnet took in all kinds of fish, flotsam, and jetsam in its path.  As a drag-net catches every kind of fish, so the church acts gathers in all comers, not discriminating between good and bad, useless and useful. God's kingdom is open to all, but a time of separation will come.  God will give the good and the bad the reward they deserve, offering his kingdom to all believers.
          Precious gems, gold, and choice wines increase in value with age.  Jesus' parable of the old and new points to the "older covenants" God made with his people of the Old Testament, and the "new covenant" he came to establish; he came to fulfill, not abolish, the old.  May we treasure all of his word, all given by the same Father, inspired by the same Spirit, and fulfilled by the same Word.  Both testaments are inspired by same Spirit and shed light on each other.  The Old prepared the way for the Jesus Christ.  The New lies hidden in the Old and unveils the Old; that's why Jesus interpreted Old Testament Scriptures for his disciples and explained how he came to fulfill them....

          July 27, 2016

          July 27

          July 27, 2016:  Wednesday, 17th Week, Ordinary Time

          • NEW 'Heart' pin:  "Your words became the happiness of my heart" (1st reading)
          • 'Circle' tie pin:  "I didn't celebrate in the circle of merrymakers" (1st reading); green inside for Ordinary Time season
          • 'Hands' tie:  "I sat under the weight of your hand"; "I'll free you from the hand of the wicked" (1st reading)
          • Blue shirt:  "You've become for me a treacherous brook" (1st reading)
          • NEW 'Treble clef' pin:  I'll sing of your strength (psalm)
            • 'Pearl' tie bar:  "The Kingdom is like a merchant searching for fine pearls." (gospel)

            For gospel
            Pope Francis Amoris Laetitia capsule
            Love is generous

            To love another we must first love ourselves, but love “doesn't seek its own interest” or “seek what's its own.”  “Look not only to your own interests, but also to others'.”  Generously serving others is more noble than loving ourselves.  Loving ourselves is a prerequisite for loving others:  “If you're mean to yourself, to whom will you be generous?  No one is meaner than one grudging to himself.”

            “It's more proper to charity to desire to love than to desire to be loved” (Thomas Aquinas); indeed, “mothers, who love the most, seek to love more than be loved.”  Love can transcend and overflow the demands of justice, “expecting nothing in return,” and lead to “laying down your life” for another. Such generosity is possible because the gospel demands it:  “You received without pay, give without pay.” (IV:101-102)
            "Pearl of great price"
            • Jer 15:10, 16-21  All curse me.  "Lord, your words became my joy and happiness.  I sat alone because you filled me with indignation.  Why is my pain continuous, my wound incurable?"  Lord:  "If you repent, I'll restore you, and you'll be my mouthpiece.  People who fight you won't prevail for I am with you to rescue and free you.
            • Ps 59:2-3, 4, 10-11, 17-18  "God is my refuge on the day of distress."  Rescue me; people lie in wait for my life.  You are my stronghold.  May your mercy go before me.  I'll sing of your strength and mercy.
            • Mt 13:44-46  “The Kingdom is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy sells all he has to buy the field.  The Kingdom is like a merchant searching for fine pearls; when he finds one of great price, he sells all that he has and buys it.”

              • Creighton:  Jeremiah pleads for relief against his enemies.  We too can be anxious and uneasy as we serve the Kingdom, but the Lord calls us to trust him and return to work as he did the prophet.  Those faithful to God will be given strength, support, and deliverance.  The gospel describes men discovering the Kingdom and understanding the need to sacrifice in order to obtain higher value.  May we be attentive to the Kingdom in those around us, and sell our distractions to see and be with those who manifest it.
              • One Bread, One Body:  "How to burn out":  Jeremiah's pain was continuous and his wound incurable; we'd say he was burned out.  But God, a consuming fire, wants to light a fire on earth and consume us in his love.  By the fire of his word he'll burn away our impurities to make us offerings to be consumed by his love.  We can choose whether to be "burned out" in selfishness and self-destruction or in self-giving and love....
                St. Panteleimon
              • Passionist:  I'm impressed with the urgency and “all or nothing” description surrounding the Kingdom of heaven.  But I cling to distractions and can drift away from the present moment where the Kingdom of God is and think about the past or future.  Nor do I “sell everything.”  Will I separate myself from "little treasures" to focus on the Kingdom?
              • DailyScripture.net:  "The heavenly treasure and the pearl of great price":  In a peasant community the best safe was often the earth.  The man happily sold everything because he found a treasure worth it.  He didn't have enough to buy it but only needed enough to buy the field.  God offers his kingdom at a price we can afford:  we can't pay full price for the life God gives us, but when we exchange our life for what he offers, we receive treasure beyond compare.  Pearls represented the supremely valuable.  Discovering God's kingdom is like finding hidden treasure or the pearl of great price. When we discover the kingdom, we receive the greatest treasure:  God himself.  Selling all we have could affect our relationships, work, lifestyle, use of time....   What's the treasure of my heart?
                • Bl. Titus Brandsma, Carmelite priest, philosopher, journalist, outspoken against Nazism, martyr; see official Carmelite page.
                • Bl. Robert Sutton, convert, Jesuit priest, martyr:  "I lived and died in the light of the Catholic faith."