July 9, 2016: Saturday, 14th week, Ordinary Time
- 'Angel' pin: Seraphim were stationed above; each of them had six wings (1st reading)
- 'Eyeball' pin, 'crown' tie bar: "My eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!” (1st reading)
- 'Airplane' tie pin: "One of the seraphim flew to me" (1st reading)
- 'Crown' tie bar: Lord seated on throne (1st reading); The Lord is king (psalm)
- Dark shirt: "What I say to you in the darkness,..." (gospel)
- White in suspenders: "...speak in the light" (gospel)
- 'Gun' pin: Don't fear those who kill the body but can't kill the soul (gospel)
- 'Penny' tie pin: "Aren't two sparrows sold for a small coin?" (gospel)
- 'Birds' tie: "Don't be afraid; you're worth more than a flock of sparrows" (gospel)
- Here I am, Lord/ Schutte (1st reading)
- Lord, speak to me, that I may speak/ Havergal (lyrics with links to audio and sheet music) (1st reading)
- Psalm 93: The flood/ Silver
- All that is hidden/ Farrell (gospel)
- What you hear in the dark/ Schutte (gospel)
- God sees the little sparrow fall/ Straub: lyrics+ (gospel)
Jesus began his public ministry with the miracle at the wedding feast of Cana. He shared everyday moments of friendship with the families of Lazarus and Peter. He sympathized with grieving parents and revived their children. In this way he demonstrated the meaning of mercy, restoring the covenant. It's clear from his conversations with the Samaritan woman and the woman found in adultery, where an encounter with Jesus' love awakens the consciousness of sin.
Jesus' incarnation into a human family changed history. We need to enter into the mystery of Jesus’ birth, into Mary's “yes,” when the Word was conceived in her, as well as Joseph's “yes.” We need to contemplate the shepherds' joy, the Magi's adoration and flight to Egypt, the expectation of Zechariah and his joy at the birth of John the Baptist, and the marvel of the teachers who listened to young Jesus' wisdom. We need to peer into the years when Jesus worked to earn his keep, reciting traditional prayers and coming to know his ancestral faith. This is the mystery of Christmas, exuding the beauty of family life! It fascinated Francis of Assisi, Theresa of the Child Jesus, and Charles de Foucauld, and continues to fill Christian families with hope and joy.
The love and fidelity the Holy Family lived illuminates the principle that shapes families and enables them to face life's vicissitudes. Every family can become a light in the world. Nazareth teaches us the meaning of family life, its loving communion, beauty, and sacred and inviolable character. May it teach its sweet and irreplaceable training and fundamental and incomparable role (Paul VI). (III:64-66)Read

- Is 6:1-8 I saw the Lord on a throne and seraphim crying “Holy is the Lord! The earth is filled with his glory!” I said, “Woe is me! I'm unclean, but I've seen the Lord!” An angel touched my mouth and said, “Your sin is purged.” Then I heard the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am; send me!”
- Ps 93:1-2, 5 "The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty." Your throne stands firm. Your decrees are trustworthy...
- Mt 10:24-33 “No disciple is above his teacher. Nothing is concealed that won't be revealed. What I tell you in darkness, speak in the light. Don't fear. If you acknowledge me before others, I'll acknowledge you before my heavenly Father.”
- Creighton: Uzziah was king of Judah in the 8th century BC, the time of Hosea and Isaiah. Isaiah tells of his vision of God and the seraphim. The people of the Middle East thought of each region and people as having their own god, Israel's claim that their God was everybody's was a new way of thinking. The God who freed Israel was also the creator of all. Isaiah was overwhelmed by his experience in the temple: “I'm unclean, living among an unclean people; yet I've seen the Lord of Hosts (cosmic armies: planets and stars). Then a seraph cleanses his lips, and God calls Isaiah. Jesus' sending the disciples out and promising to protect and empower them echoes the call of Isaiah. Jesus’ mandate prophesies resistance and rejection, but the Gospel assures us of the triumph of God's plan for peace. We are commissioned and empowered to continue the mission....
- One Bread, One Body: "Lip balm": A seraph touched Isaiah's lips with a hot ember from heaven, saying, "Your wickedness is removed, your sin purged," and he was opened to speak God's word. We're blessed that the heaven-sent Eucharist touches our lips, purges our sin, preserves us from future sins, and strengthens our charity....
St. Augustine Zhao Rong et socii |
- Passionist: "Mary, Mother of Holy Hope": Hope keeps spirits up in a storm. Today's readings call us to hope; the prophet offers it despite hard words, and the gospel overflows with it. Today Passionists celebrate ‘Mary, Mother of Hope.’ We invite all to ask Mary’s assistance in their need, and to see her as model and support of our hope. Hope is an anchor that keeps us safe on the stormy sea of a troubled world; it enables us to expect eternal life and what leads to it. Mary hoped on Calvary, when the disciples fled in fear. She remained firm in the midst of apparent disaster and supported those who turned to her. She encourages the weak, lifts the falling, and urges the strong to greater trust....
- DailyScripture.net: "Fear him who can destroy soul and body in hell": Fear can lead us to panic and flight or can spur us to faith and action. Fear of God, reverence for the One who made and sustains us, is the antidote to the fear of losing one's life. A healthy respect and reverence for God leads to maturity, wisdom, and right judgment and frees us from pride, cowardice, and deception. When Jesus proclaimed God's kingdom, he met with opposition, but he demonstrated the power of the kingdom through signs and miracles, setting people free. We must bear our cross for Christ, sharing his work. The Holy Spirit gives us power, freedom, and grace to live as disciples....
- Today's saints, from Universalis
- St. Augustine Zhao Rong, priest and martyr, and 119 companions, martyrs
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