October 2, 2016: Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
- We walk by faith/ Alford, Haugen: lyrics+ (1st reading, gospel)
- Faith unlocks the door/ Scott, Sande: lyrics (1st reading, gospel)
For Psalm 95
- Psalm 95: If today you hear/ Celoni: sheet music, written for today
- Psalm 95: Come, worship the Lord/ Talbot
From Ed Bolduc's blog
- Faith enough to believe/ Colsons
- Oceans (Where feet may fail)/ Houston, Crocker, Ligthelm: lyrics+
- The rock of faith/ Bolduc
- We walk by faith/ Bolduc
For next Sunday: Psalm 98: The Lord has revealed/ Celoni: sheet music, just written
To Georgia priests, religious, and seminarians: Be strong in your faith, and pass it onto the next generation. There's a global war to destroy marriage, being waged with ideas; the great enemy is “gender theory.” If you're arguing and facing marriage problems, make peace before the end of day. Don’t forget the expressions that help keep a marriage afloat: "May I," "thank you," and "sorry."
Don't argue with or try to convert your Orthodox friends or neighbors; proselytism is a sin against ecumenism. Be on friendly terms with Orthodox believers, perform works of charity together, and don't condemn them or not greet them. May the Lord free us from worldliness and keep us strong in the faith we received from our mothers and grandmothers.
In Georgia Cathedral: Christian identity is maintained when deeply rooted in faith and when it's open and ready, not rigid or closed. The Lord never abandons us; he's faithful in all his words and loving in all his deeds, upholding all who are falling and raises up all who are bowed down.
The tunic, “without seam, woven from top to bottom,” has attracted Christians' attention. "In Jesus' undivided tunic appears the bond of concord inseparably cohering, the unity from above, from heaven and the Father, that can't be definitively rent” (Cyprian of Carthage, De Catholicae Ecclesiae Unitate). The tunic, a mystery of unity, exhorts us to feel pain over divisions among Christians, lacerations that wound the Lord’s flesh. But "the unity coming from above,” Christ's love that brought us together, urges us to offer ourselves as he did, in sincere charity and mutual understanding, to bind up wounds, in Christian fraternity. This requires patience nurtured through humility and trusting others, rejoicing in the certainty based on Christian hope. This gives us the incentive to believe differences can be healed and obstacles removed; it invites us to encounter and dialogue, and to protect and improve what exists.
Cyprian also said Christ’s tunic “indicates the inseparable concord of our people, who have been clothed in Christ.” Those baptized in Christ have been clothed in Christ. We are called to be “one in Christ” and put what unites us ahead of what divides us. The beauty of Christian life is preserved when, by guarding faithfulness, it doesn't give in to closed thinking that darkens life, but rather welcomes, learns, and is enlightened by all that's beautiful and true. May we always share the treasures God gives each person, for our mutual enrichment, and help one another grow in what's good! May the Lord, who makes all things new, deepen the love among all believers in Christ and the enlightened pursuit of all that reconciles and unites us. May fraternity and cooperation increase at every level! May prayer and love make us ever more receptive to the Lord’s desire that all who believe in him be one.
To Georgia charity workers: You eloquently express love of neighbor, the hallmark of Christ’s disciples. I offer my appreciation for your generous commitment to those in need. Your work is a journey of fraternal cooperation among Christians of this country and of various rites. Our meeting is a witness to communion and a means of fostering unity. Pursue this demanding yet fruitful path: the poor and weak are the “flesh of Christ” who urge all Christians to act without personal interests, following only the Holy Spirit.
God never turns away; he's always close to you, ready to listen, to give you strength in times of difficulty. You're Jesus' beloved; he identified himself with all who suffer. Charitable initiatives are ripe fruit of a Church that serves, offers hope, and shows God’s mercy. Continue to live out charity and manifest it in all areas with love that comes from God.
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Stir into flame... (Animate) |
- Hab 1:2-3; 2:2-4 Help! "Wait; the vision won't disappoint. The just one, because of his faith, shall live."
- Ps 95:1-2, 6-9 "If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts." Sing to, worship the Lord our God.
- 2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14 Stir into flame God's gift to you. Don't be ashamed. Bear hardship with strength. Guard my words in faith and love, with the Spirit's help.
- Lk 17:5-10 "If you have faith, a tree would obey you. Do what's commanded, then say, 'We're unprofitable servants.'"
- Fr. Albert Bahhuth homily podcast: Respect life; vote against killing.
- Creighton: The Lord tells Habakkuk to have faith despite the dire circumstances. Jesus tells the apostles asking for more faith that seed-sized faith can do the impossible. We are to have faith, trust in God, and put our faith into action. May we let the seed flower and grow in our lives. “God gave us a spirit of power and love and self-control.” May that spirit strengthen my faith even in the face of strife and discord.
- One Bread, One Body: "Faith, not pessimism": Habakkuk cried out to God, "Violence!" God didn't seem to do anything about the ruin, misery, destruction, strife, and discord. We too live in violent, murderous times. Our response should be one of faith. "If we look at today's world, we're struck by negative factors that can lead to pessimism. But this feeling is unjustified: we have faith in God our Father and Lord, in his goodness and mercy" (Redemptoris Missio 86). So walk by faith, not sight.
- Passionist: We're being asked to have deeper and stronger trust and confidence in God, even when he seems distant. Read Edgar Guest's poem from Bjorge's Doing the gospel about living your faith.
- DailyScripture.net: "Lord, increase our faith!" Faith is a response of trust and belief in what 's true, certain, and real. When God reveals himself to us he gives us the assurance that his power, presence, and glory are real. Things change, but God is constant, true to his word, and faithful to his promises; that's why we can be sure of his love and can hope with conviction he'll give us what he promised. Jesus is God's proof that his word is reliable and true, his love unconditional, and his power unlimited.
Someone who overcame great difficulties was called a "mountain remover." One who believes in God's power can do the impossible. God gives faith to help us know God, understand his truth, and live in his love. Jesus gives the Spirit so we can grow in faith, persevere in hope, and endure in love. Faith is the key for removing obstacles that keep us from doing his will. We belong to God; our joy and privilege is to follow and serve him. Faith must be linked with submission to God and willingness to do what he commands.
Jesus used the parable of the dutiful servant to explain we can never claim God owes us. Service of God and neighbor is both a voluntary act and a sacred duty. God expects us to serve him willingly and give him the worship, praise, and honor that are his due. He gladly accepts the offering of our lives. Our self-giving makes our offering pleasing to God. Love is sacrificial, generous, and selfless, directed to the one we love. God created us in love for love and fills us with love that gives everything for the beloved's sake. If we love one another, God's love is perfected in us. God works in and through each one of us by his Spirit, but we have no claim on God. His love compels us to give our best, but when we do our best, we've just done our duty. We can never out-love God. God's love is steadfast, loyal, everlasting. "God loves each of us as if there were only one of us to love" (Augustine).
Mustard plant
- Trumped celebration, from Universalis: Holy Guardian Angels: The doctrine that each of us has a guardian angel is present in both Old and New Testaments. All angels used to be celebrated on the feast of St. Michael, but a separate Guardian Angel celebration was introduced locally in 1411 and upgraded to worldwide in 1608. God cares for each of us individually. Angel memes
Dress legend
- 'Silverware' tie pin: 'Stir' into a flame God's gift (2nd reading), a stretch since the Greek (ἀναμιμνῄσκω) is closer to 'rekindle'
- 'Scroll with pen' pin: "Write down the vision on the tablets" (1st reading)
- 'Hearts' suspenders: "If you hear God's voice, don't harden your hearts" (psalm)
- 'Rock' tie pin: Acclaim the Rock of our salvation (psalm)
- 'Sheep' tie bar: "We're the flock he guides" (psalm); "Who would say to your servant who was tending sheep..." (gospel)
- 'Flames' pin: "Stir into flame God's gift..." (2nd reading)
- 'Hands' pin: "...that you have through the imposition of hands" (2nd reading)
- 'Bear' tie bar: 'Bear' your share of hardship for the gospel (2nd reading)
- 'Dove' pin: "Guard this trust with the Holy Spirit's help" (2nd reading)
- 'Tree' pin: "If you had seed-sized faith, you'd say to this tree..." (gospel)
- 'OneLife LA' button: Today is Respect Life Sunday; we're called to be one in Christ (pope address)
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season
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