October 10, 2016: Monday, 28th week, Ordinary Time
- 'Sun' pin: Praise the Lord from the sun's rising to its setting (psalm)
- 'Signs' tie: “This evil generation seeks a sign" (gospel)
- 'Crown' tie bar, 'owl' tie pin: "The queen of the south came to hear Solomon's wisdom." (gospel)
- 'Whale' tie pin: "At Jonah's preaching Nineveh repented" (gospel)
- OneLife LA button: Respect Life Month
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season
- Laudate pueri, from Vesperae solennes de confessore, K.339/ Mozart
- Laudate pueri Dominum/ Handel
- Vespers: Psalm 113: Laudate pueri Dominum/ Monteverdi
- Praise to the Lord (Psalm 113)/ Maranatha! Music
- Psalm 113: Praise the Lord who lifts up the poor/ Celoni: sheet music
Your founder recognized that Jesus is the Apostle of the Father, rich in mercy, who reveals to everyone the Father's tender love and infinite mercy. We feel the need of a profound conversion and the urgency of reviving faith in Christ; it's the only way we can serve others in charity! Every day we're called to renew our trust in Christ and from him draw inspiration to fulfill our mission; he's the first and greatest evangelizer. God has called us to cooperate with him and leads us on by his Spirit (Evangelii gaudium, 12).
Continue with joy and hope, engaging yourselves with your heart and strength, so the charism of your Founder bears fruit in our time. The apostolate is for everyone, regardless of status, condition, profession, fortune. The Union of Catholic Apostolate (UAC) opens new horizons to participate in the Church's mission Church. Reawaken faith and rekindle charity, especially among the most vulnerable, the materially and spiritually poor.Read

- Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1 Abraham had two sons, one by a slave, the other by a free woman. The women represent two covenants: Hagar bore children for slavery, but Jerusalem, our mother, is freeborn. For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and don't submit to the yoke of slavery.
- Ps 113:1b-2-5a, 6-7 "Blessed be the name of the Lord forever." Servants of the Lord, praise the Lord from the sun's rising to its setting. He looks on heavens and earth and raises up the lowly and poor.
- Lk 11:29-32 “This generation is evil; it seeks a sign, but only the sign of Jonah will be given to it: as Jonah became a sign, so will the Son of Man. The queen of the south, who came to hear Solomon's wisdom, will condemn this generation; there's something greater than Solomon here. The Ninevites, who repented at Jonah's preaching, will condemn this generation; there's something greater than Jonah here.”
- Creighton: Both readings take the faithful to a new level: a new covenant with Abraham and salvation through Christ. Abraham will have numerous descendants. The story of Jonah has a parallel in Christ’s resurrection. The psalm makes us aware of God’s presence and call. I too have a hardened heart: I have a comfortable life and can ignore the potential for change, but Jesus didn't let his audience be passively comfortable. Jonah gave the people a message with a path to deliverance based on adherence to rules. Jesus provides a new path to deliverance, going beyond rules, looking for the ways to serve. The great challenge that Jesus gives to us is a call to a willingness to love. We are asked to be caring and understanding. We have a God who's active in this world. May we be attentive to God’s presence and open to participate in God’s new creation....
- One Bread, One Body: "Concentration camp": Would a free man who had been a prisoner of war ever voluntarily return to the concentration camp to live? Yet God's people do: the Israelites escaped slavery but when times got rough preferred to return to flogging and brickmaking. The Galatians began in the Spirit but returned to the works of the flesh. Some fall in love with Jesus but later return to sin. When we take our eyes off Jesus, we fall away from our first love. The world entices us. After we've taken our eyes off of Jesus long enough, slavery starts to look good. The saint-turned-sinner prefers the chains; it's a foretaste of hell. Concentrate on Jesus!
- Passionist: Jesus talks about an evil generation that will be judged on our actions; it's relevant today where we're quick to condemn. Paul begs us not to return to slavery, even as we struggle against intolerance, self-aggrandizement, mistrust, and prejudice. Jesus says there's something greater than Solomon and Jonah, issues on which we'll stand or fall, and we'll have to answer for them. Let's ask how we, and our voting, can proclaim mercy, care for the marginalized, share our wealth, serve others. How can we reach out, compromise, and work diligently with others for the common good? How can we stand for the rights and dignity of each person? Care for our earth and environment?
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St. Francis Borgia helps a dying impenitent man/ Goya |
- DailyScripture.net: "This evil generation seeks a sign": When religious leaders demanded a sign from Jesus, he warned them to avert disaster. Jews demanded "signs" from God's messengers to authenticate their claims. They pressed Jesus to prove his claim to be God's sign. The Ninevites recognized God's warning via Jonah and repented. The Queen of Sheba recognized God's wisdom in Solomon. Jonah was God's sign and his message was God's message for the Ninevites, but the religious leaders didn't accept the signs before their eyes: John the Baptist and Jesus. Simeon had prophesied that Jesus was "destined for the falling and rising of many... and a sign that will be opposed so that the thoughts of many will be revealed." Jesus confirmed his message with miracles in preparation for his resurrection. Jesus came to set us free. He pours his love into our hearts that we may understand his will for our lives and walk in his way. God searches our hearts to show us where we need his grace and help. He calls us to seek him with repentance, humility, and honesty. God will transform us if we listen and allow him to work in our lives. Lord, renew my mind and increase my thirst for your wisdom. Give me singleness of heart to delight in you and to know the freedom of your truth and love.
- St. Francis Borgia, SJ, Jesuits' "2nd founder"
- St. Paulinus of York, monk, bishop, missionary
- St. Daniel Comboni, evangelist to Central Africa's poor and abandoned; motto “Africa or death”
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