October 12, 2016: Wednesday, 28th week, Ordinary Time
- NEW 'Dove' pin: "If you're Spirit-guided, you're not under the law.... Follow the Spirit." (1st reading)
- 'Peace sign' tie bar: "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace..." (1st reading)
- 'Tree' pin: "One who delights in God's law is like a tree near running water..." (psalm)
- 'Fruit' tie: "...that yields fruit..." (psalm)
- 'Leaf' pin (broke; see here): "...and whose leaves never fade" (psalm)
- 'Hand' tie pin: "You impose burdens but don't lift a finger..." (gospel)
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season
- OneLife LA button: Respect Life Month
[Oops; I have a new "light" pin but forgot it. Stay tuned...]
- Alas for you/ Schwartz, from Godspell: soundtrack, revival (Matthew's parallel of gospel)
For 1st reading
- Come to tend God's garden/ Dalles: lyrics (you'll need them; organ overpowers choir)
- Fruit of the Spirit [isn't a coconut...]/ "Uncle Charlie" (written as mnemonic for children?)
- The fruit of the Spirit/ "Little Man" (another children's song)
- Jalousie 'Tango Tzigane'/ Gade, re a work of the flesh; about
For Psalm 1
General Audience: In Matthew, the Lord tells us that we will be judged by the mercy we show him, present in the least of our brothers and sisters. His words have inspired the “corporal” works of mercy. The Church’s tradition also adds seven “spiritual” works of mercy. As expressions of living faith, these works are often carried out quietly and with simple gestures. Yet, as Saints like Mother Teresa show us, they reveal Christ's merciful face and can change the culture around us. Keep them always in mind and strive to practice them daily.
Tuesday homily: Jesus’ answered the Pharisee who criticized him for not observing the prescribed washing before the meal, “You cleanse the outside of the cup and dish but inside are filled with evil.” Often in the Gospel Jesus says, Your interior is wicked, not good, not free; you're slaves because you haven't accepted the justice that comes from God." Jesus urges us to pray without being show-offs or like cheeky people who pray and give alms so they can be admired. Our Lord shows us the path of humility.
What's important is the freedom given to us by redemption, freedom to do good deeds without blowing our trumpets, to follow Jesus’ path of humility and humiliation. Jesus humiliated himself, emptied himself; it's the only way to remove our egoism, cupidity, arrogance, vanity, and worldliness. The people Jesus rebuked followed a “cosmetic” religion: show, appearance, handsome outside but corrupt inside.
Jesus asks us to perform good deeds with humility. If you don't do your good deeds with humility, they count for nothing because they're born from your self-assurance, not Jesus' redemption. Humility never comes without humiliation. and we see Jesus humiliated on the Cross. May we never get tired of journeying along this path, of rejecting religion of show, appearance, and pretending; may we journey silently doing good, freely as we freely received our freedom. May he guard our inner freedom.
- Gal 5:18-25 Works of the flesh: immorality, licentiousness, idolatry, hatred, rivalry, jealousy, fury, selfishness.... Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Those who belong to Christ have crucified their flesh with its passions. Follow the Spirit.
- Ps 1:1-4, 6 "Those who follow you, Lord, will have the light of life." Blessed those who delight in and meditate on God's law. They're like trees planted near running water, yielding fruit, prospering, not like the wicked. The Lord watches over the just...

- Lk 11:42-46 “Woe to you Pharisees! You pay tithes but no attention to love for God. You love the seat of honor. You're like unseen graves over which people unknowingly walk.” Law scholar / Jesus: “You're insulting us too.” / “Woe also to you! You impose burdens but don't lift a finger to touch them.”
- Creighton: Today’s gospel teaches that leadership is service: Jesus leads by example, but the Pharisees and lawyers didn't serve, Earlier they found fault with Jesus’ disciples; now they aim at Jesus. Jesus chastises them because their actions don't match their words; they're meticulous in external rituals but filthy inside; they tithe herbs but aren't concerned about justice; they desire honors; they burden people but don't help. Jesus challenges us to examine our hearts and to change. Let us pray with St. Ignatius of Loyola to be generous servants.
- One Bread, One Body: "Zap!" False Christians may attract others seeking to escape sin, but they're like "bug-zappers": if the seekers get too close, their faith is zapped. We must completely radiate the light of Christ. Do our words or actions influence others to fear, sin, stifle the Spirit, not bring problems to Jesus, trust themselves instead of God, or not respect human life?
Blessings on our Jewish brothers and sisters as they conclude their Yom Kippur celebration |
- Passionist: Jesus spoke piercing words to the Jewish leaders, holding them accountable for their hypocrisy. Empty expressions of piety are worthless. Today untruths are all around us, but truth seems elusive. How do we remain authentic and not sell out? Our inner truth is from God, enlivened by the Spirit, from whom we must find our strength to remain true.
- DailyScripture.net: "You load burdens hard to bear": 'Woe'/'alas' expresses both pity and anger. Jesus was angry with the religious leaders because they ignored God's word and misled the people. The scribes were so exacting in their interpretations of the law, they had little time for anything else. Their burdensome rules obscured more important matters of religion, such as love of God and neighbor; they weren't leading people to God. Jesus used the example of tithing to show the scribes their hearts were not right: they tithed on insignificant things but didn't care for the needy. He compared them with unmarked graves: contact with a grave made someone ritually unclean; he said those who come into contact with them were similarly defiled. Since the Pharisees are "unmarked," people don't recognize the decay within and the danger of contamination. The essence of God's commandments is love. God's love is unconditional and directed toward others' good. Love embraces and lifts others' burdens. Do I help others carry their burdens? God gives us grace to love and lift burdens so that others may experience his grace and love.
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Our Lady of Aparecida (celebrated today), pray for us! (about image) |
- Wilfrid, abbot, bishop, supported Church traditions against prevailing ‘Celtic’ customs
- Kenneth (Cainnech, Canice, Kenny, Canicus), abbot, monastery founder, priest, missionary, taught the "12 Apostles of Ireland"
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