October 24, 2016: Monday, 30th week, Ordinary Time
- 'Hand' tie pin: Christ handed himself over for us (1st reading); Jesus laid hands on the cripple (gospel)
- 'Lights' tie: You are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (1st reading)
- 'Tree' pin: One who delights in the Lord's law is like a tree yielding fruit, whose leaves never fade... (psalm)
- 'Boundless Mercy' pin from Congress 2016: Tax collector's prayer for mercy (yesterday's gospel)
- 'OneLife LA' button: Respect Life month
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season
For Psalm 1
For 1st reading
- Children of the day/ Moore
- Christ, be our Light/ Farrell
Jesus’ violation of the Sabbath made the synagogue leader indignant; Jesus responded by calling the leaders hypocrites, a label Jesus often gave to those who followed the Law rigidly. The Law is not to enslave but to set free. Jesus called them hypocrites because rigidity was concealing something else, likely a double life. Rigidity isn't a gift of God; meekness, goodness, benevolence, and forgiveness are. Behind rigidity can also be something pathological. Difficulties afflict a rigid but sincere person because they lack the freedom of God's children; they don't know how to walk in the path indicated by God’s Law. They appear good, but they're either hypocritical or sick. Remember how the prodigal son's well-behaved brother was indignant with his father; his attitude shows the pride of believing in his own righteousness. The rigid elder son kept the Law but saw his father only as a master; his brother returned to his father and asked for forgiveness.
It's hard to keep the Law without becoming rigid. May the Lord make those who think they follow the Lord by being rigid feel he loves mercy, tenderness, goodness, meekness, and humility. May he teach these attitudes to us all.Read
- Eph 4:32-5:8 Be kind, compassionate, forgiving. Imitate God and live in love. Give thanks; no immorality, impurity, greed (all idolatry), obscenity, suggestive talk. Don't be deceived by empty arguments. You were once darkness, but now you're light in the Lord; live as children of light.
- Ps 1:1-4, 6 "Behave like God as his very dear children." Blessed those who delight in and meditate on God's law; they bear fruit and prosper, while the wind drives away the wicked.
- Lk 13:10-17 Jesus to crippled woman: “You're set free of your infirmity.” She stood up and glorified God. Leader (indignant he cured on the sabbath) / Jesus: “Come another day to be cured.” / “Hypocrites! You water your ox on the sabbath. Shouldn't she have been set free today?” His adversaries were humiliated, and the crowd rejoiced...
- Creighton: How am I crippled, bent over, burdened? What non-lifegiving attitudes do I hold? What assumptions am I buying into? How I am crippling others with assumptions, judgments, and attitudes? The synagogue leader was crippling others with his attitude of indignation and judgment, preventing them from seeing the Light and so impeding their journeys to live as children of the Light. Pray for Christ’s healing touch and mercy for ourselves and our world.
- One Bread, One Body: "Slide rules?" Before calculators, people used slide rulles. Today, people let rules, standards, and convictions slide. Don't let the truth slide....
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St. Antony Claret |
- Passionist: "Laying on of hands": The laying on of hands expresses Christ's power communicated to people. Beautiful things happen when people touch or are touched by Jesus. Wonderful things happen when with faith we touch Christ....
- DailyScripture.net: "Freedom from bondage for eighteen years": What keeps you bound up or oppressed? Jesus wants to set us free. He demonstrates divine power and authority in healing the sick. Jewish leaders were indignant that Jesus healed on the Sabbath; they lost sight of God's mercy and goodness. God never rests from showing mercy and love....
- Universalis: St. Antony Mary Claret, Cuba bishop, founded Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians), reformed clergy, built hospital and schools... Read his writings.
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