October 29, 2016: Saturday, 30th week, Ordinary Time
- 'Dove' pin: Proclaiming Christ will deliver me through your prayers and support from the Spirit (1st reading)
- 'Magnifying glass' tie pin: I hope Christ will be magnified in my body (1st reading)
- 'Deer' tie: As a hind longs for running water, so I long for You (psalm)
- Silverware: Jesus dined at the Pharisee's house (gospel)
- 'Prize' pin: As guests were choosing places of honor: "Don't recline in the place of honor" (gospel)
- 'OneLife LA' button: Respect Life month
- Green suspenders: Ordinary Time season
Listen to Psalm 42 [inspired] settings
- Sicut cervus/ Palestrina: about, including English text
- As the deer longs/ Hurd
- My soul thirsts/ Schutte: sheet music, buy
- Like the deer/ Schutte
- Psalm 42: As the deer longs/ Harkin
- Psalms 42-43: Like a deer/ Celoni: sheet music
- Psalm 63: My soul is thirsting/ Angrisano: publisher page with lyrics (psalm theme)
- As the deer/ Maranatha Singers (psalm-inspired)
- Psalm 63: My soul is thirsting for you/ Celoni: sheet music (psalm-inspired)
The interreligious meeting for peace in Assisi was very important. We spoke of and asked for the peace religions truly want. Lutherans can teach us about reform and Scripture: Luther’s tried to reform the Church, though it led to separation; the Church is semper reformanda, always reforming. Luther took a great step by putting God's Word into the people's hands. Looking at the Lutheran tradition can help us deepend our reform and our regard for Scripture.
The ecumenical movement can move forward by continuing theological dialogue, though it won't be easy because we understand some theological questions differently. I believe enthusiasm must shift towards common prayer and works of mercy. To do something together is a high and effective form of dialogue. We can also work together in education, not in a sectarian way. To proselytize in the ecclesial field is a sin. Full textRead
- Phil 1:18b-26 I rejoice when Christ is proclaimed. It'll deliver me through your prayers and support from the Spirit. I hope that Christ will be magnified in my body. To me life is Christ, and death is gain. I'm caught between them: I long to depart this life and be with Christ, but remaining here is more necessary for you. I'll remain and continue serving you all for your progress and joy in the faith...
- Ps 42:2, 3, 5cdef "My soul is thirsting for the living God" as the hind longs for water. I led the throng to the house of God amid cries of joy and thanks.

- Lk 14:1, 7-11 While Jesus was dining at a leading Pharisee's house, noticing how guests were choosing places of honor, he told a parable: “When you're invited to a wedding banquet, don't recline in the place of honor, or else the host might ask you to give your place to a more distinguished guest, and you'd go with embarrassment to take the lowest place. No; take the lowest place, so when the host comes he'll say, ‘My friend, move up higher.’ Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, but those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
- Creighton: May we long for God with a child's faith, with our whole heart, without shame or self-censorship.....
- One Bread, One Body: "All that matters": Some Christians have promoted Jesus with the wrong motives: to make Paul's imprisonment harsher, to provoke the Romans to torture or kill Paul. But Paul's reaction was, "All that matters is that Christ is being proclaimed!" Evil motives are overshadowed by proclamation of the Gospel. Many still preach Jesus for motives of greed, pride, and ambition. Lamentable, but the Good News is more important than the bad news. The Lord will be glorified through or despite us....
- Passionist: Paul wrestles with staying vs. going, then realizes it's God’s will that he stay. When making a decision, we look at pros and cons, thinking of family, career, living situation, and other factors. So did Paul, including Christ in the process. In discernment, we look at all factors, then pray for the grace to be open to God. Paul was open to whatever God asked of him; he was ready to keep working for God or to let go of his earthly life. Do I invite Christ into all aspects of my life? Do I pray and listen to where Christ is leading me?
The Lowest Places at the Feast/ Bube |
- DailyScripture.net: "Humble yourself": Self-promotion is often achieved at others' expense. Jesus' parable reinforces Proverbs. True humility isn't low self-esteem (which focuses attention on ourselves); it's truth in self-understanding and action, seeing ourselves as God does. Humility frees us to be ourselves and avoid despair and pride, unswayed by fame, reputation, success, or failure. Humility enables us to view ourselves correctly; it leads to self-knowledge, honesty, strength, and dedication to something greater than ourselves. Humility frees us to love and serve others for their sake, as Jesus did.
- Today's saints, from Universalis
- St. Colman MacDuagh, abbot, bishop
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