November 16, 2016: Wednesday, 33rd week, Ordinary Time
- 'Crowns' tie: Gold crowns on elders' heads (1st reading); nobleman went to obtain kingship (gospel)
- White and green shirt, 'clocks' suspenders: Elders dressed in white (1st reading); Ordinary Time season coming to a close
- 'Lightning bolt' pin: Lightning flashes from the throne (1st reading)
- 'Lion,' 'cow,' and 'man' pins: Creatures resembled lion, calf, man. (1st reading)
- 'Fire' pin: Flaming torches (1st reading)
- 'Eyeball' tie pin: The creatures were covered with eyes (1st reading)
- 'Angel with trumpet' pin: I heard the trumpetlike voice (1st reading); Praise him with the blast of the trumpet (psalm)
- 'Coin' tie bar: Nobleman gave coins to servants... (gospel)
- 'Gun' pin: "Slay my enemies" (gospel)
- Thou art worthy/ Mills (1st reading)
- Thee we adore, Eternal Lord/ Cotterill: lyrics+ (1st reading)
- Psalm 150/ Rutter
- Psalm 150/ Mitchell
- Psalm 150/ Franck (French)
- Alleluia! Lobet den Herrn/ Schütz (psalm)
General Audience: In showing patience to those who wrong us and those we find irritating, we imitate God’s own patience with us sinners. Sometimes people close to us annoy us: relatives, co-workers.... The Bible has many examples of God’s patience, including Jesus' patience during his public life. Exercising patience with others, challenges us to reflect on our own conduct. Many parents, catechists, and teachers show patience, quietly helping young people grow in faith and knowledge of life's important things.
To US Bishops: The upcoming Fifth National Hispanic Pastoral Encuentro is to acknowledge and value the specific gifts Hispanic Catholics have offered, and still offer, to the US Church, called to ‘go out’ and ‘build bridges.’ We're challenged to create a culture of encounter, encouraging individuals and groups to share their rich traditions and experiences, break down walls, and build bridges. The Church is called to ‘go out’ from its comfort zone and be a leaven of communion. The Church must become more fully a community of missionary disciples and a sign and prophecy of God’s plan for the human family. We're called to be bearers of good news for a society gripped by disconcerting shifts and increasing polarization. I hope local Churches can best respond to the growing presence, gifts, and potential of the Hispanic community. Video, full text
- Rv 4:1-11 I saw an open door to heaven and heard a trumpet-like voice: “I'll show you what must happen.” A throne was in heaven, and on it sat one whose appearance sparkled. Around it were a brilliant halo and elders on 24 more thrones, crowned and dressed in white. There was lightning, rumbling, thunder, burning torches, a sea of glass, eye-covered 6-winged creatures resembling a lion, a calf, a man, and an eagle, all exclaiming, “Holy is the Lord God almighty, who was, is, and is to come.” The elders fell down in worship, exclaiming: “Worthy are you, Lord our God, to receive glory, honor, and power; you created all things.”
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"Ten coins" (Animate) |
- Ps 150:1b-6 "Holy, holy, holy Lord, mighty God!" Praise the Lord for his deeds and majesty, with trumpet, lyre, harp, timbrel, dance, strings, pipe, cymbals, everything that breathes...
- Lk 19:11-28 “A nobleman gave servants gold coins to trade with. On return:
1st: ‘Your coin earned 10 more.’ / ‘Well done! You've been faithful; take charge of ten cities.’
2nd: ‘Your coin earned 5 more.’ / ‘Take charge of five cities.’
3rd: ‘Here's your coin; I was afraid, so I stored it,’ / ‘Wicked servant! Why didn't you at least put my money in the bank to earn interest?’ ‘Give his coin to the servant with ten.’‘To those who have, more will be given, but those who don't will lose the little they have.’”
- Fr. Chris Bazyouros homily podcast: Don't hide your talents; God gives them to you so you can bear fruit and glorify God. Increase your faith by working on your relationship with God.
- Creighton: The king figure puts money in his servants' hands, leaves, returns, asks for a reckoning, and isn't happy with the one who did nothing; the servant should have tried to earn a profit. God expects us to try to use what he's given us to achieve a positive result. The king is training the men he trusted for their future positions....
- One Bread, One Body: "Mass: heaven on earth": Revelation gives us a vision that lifts our minds and spirits to heaven. Mass gives us a heavenly perspective and a heavenly experience: Jesus, Living Bread from heaven, is present. We join with angels and saints in their praise. We worship, serve, and wait in hope till Jesus returns. We join in heavenly worship around God's throne. The Eucharist is celebrated in communion with the whole Church in heaven and on earth. We have our citizenship in heaven, where we await our Savior's coming. Our participation unites us to the Church in heaven.
- Passionist: Underneath today's parable is a story: Herod's son Achelous was in charge, unpopular with the people. He was going to Rome, hoping to be made king. The people sent a delegation ahead and asked the authorities to not give him the title. This outraged him so much that on his return he had the delegates killed. The holder of the one coin earned the nobleman's anger; he buried it instead of trading as told to. Furthermore, he buried it in a handkerchief, not even a box. The penalty was to be killed and bundled up with the delegates. The Reign of God is near; we need to be prepared. Graces are gifts to be developed and shared, not hidden. Sometimes, to fulfill our call we need to take risks and maybe even suffer.
- "They did not want me to reign over them": The Jews in Jesus' time thought the Messiah would appear soon to usher in God's kingdom of justice, love, and peace. Jesus spoke in messianic terms of the coming reign of God. In today's parable he spoke to their longing for a new kingdom, first speaking of the king's trust in his subjects. The master rewards the industrious and faithful and punishes those who do nothing with his money. Each servant was faithful up to a point, though the one who buried the money was irresponsible. The Lord calls us to live as citizens of his kingdom and through the Holy Spirit gives us freedom to live as his servants and lay down our lives in loving service. He entrusts us with gifts and graces, gives us freedom to use them as we think best, and gives grace and wisdom so we may use them fittingly. God abhors the "it's not worth trying" attitude but honors those who use their gifts for good. We can't stand still in the Christian life; we either get more or lose what we have, advance towards God or slip back....
- Today's saints, from Universalis
- Margaret of Scotland, queen, mother of 8, reformer, monastery foundress, devoted to prayer and learning, generous to the poor
- Gertrude the Great, religious, mystic, spiritual writer, precursor of devotion to Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Edmund of Abingdon, bishop, reformer, peacemaker, spiritual writer.
- Mary as Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn
Congratulations to Cardinal DiNardo, Archbishop Gomez, Bishop Barron,
and all others just chosen for new service in the USCCB. You're in our prayers!
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