November 26, 2016: Saturday, 34th week, Ordinary Time
- Beams of heaven/ Tindley: choral, lyrics+
- A child's song of heaven/ Nighswander (includes lyrics, sheet music, and tune)
- Maranatha alleluia/ Taizé
- Maranatha/ Whitaker: sheet music
- Maranatha/ Chiusano: sheet music
- Maranatha/ Westphal: sheet music
- Maranatha/ Schoenbachler: sheet music
- Come, O Lord/ Balhoff, Daigle, Ducote: (You can sing verse and refrain simultaneously.) about
For Psalm 95
For gospel
- There is a mighty question/ Gillette: link has lyrics and tune, or pick a 76.76 or 76.76D (shown as 76767676) tune such as AURELIA (The Church's One Foundation) here
- The spacious firmament on high/ Addison, Haydn: lyrics+
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'Tree of life' (Animate) |
- Rv 22:1-7 An angel showed me life-giving water, sparkling, flowing from God's throne, and the tree of life that produces fruit monthly. God's servants will look on his face; he'll give them light, and they'll reign forever. “I'm coming soon.”
- Ps 95:1-7ab "Marana tha! [mar-an'-a-tha'] Come, Lord Jesus!" Sing to the Lord; acclaim the Rock of our salvation. The Lord is a great God, king above all gods. The deep, mountains, sea, and land belong to him. Worship; kneel before our Maker; we're the flock he guides.
- Lk 21:34-36 “Don't let daily life make you drowsy. Be vigilant, and pray you have the strength to escape tribulations and stand before the Son of Man.”
May we dress every aspect of our lives to God's word in the coming year and beyond... BTW there are now over 1,200 Liturgical Dress posts. Thanks for your visits, comments, and other feedback over the 3+ years.Reflect
- Creighton: “New Year’s Eve": Today is the last day of the church year, the last day in “Ordinary Time”; Advent begins tomorrow. Today's 1st reading tells of the Lord's second coming; no more darkness, eternal light. The powerful images are of life, healing, and peace. With the strife we're facing, we need to look to something bigger and better. The psalm cries out the Lord is coming. We're eager to open our hearts. We don't have to see our Lord's impact and worship him. We're about to spend four weeks preparing for a life-changing event, our Savior's birth. The gospel is clear: be vigilant and pray you have the strength to escape the tribulations and to stand before the Son of Man. May we prepare our heart and behavior, reflect on our faith, and live it every day....
- One Bread, One Body: "Good spiritual shape": Like our bodies, our spirits can become fat and bloated, unprepared for Jesus' coming. The Lord has given us time to "train for the life of piety;.. the discipline of religion is valuable, with its promise of life." "I discipline and master my body, for fear that after having preached to others, I myself should be rejected." "Be holy in your conduct and devotion, looking for the coming of the day of God." "If by the Spirit you put to death the evil deeds of the body, you'll live." Let's live in the Spirit and prepare both for Jesus' Christmas coming and his final coming.
- Passionist: Today's readings, appropriate for this last day of the church year, call us to be attentive, prepared to see the Son of Man when he comes as judge. No politician or policy can give us what we need and want. Jesus heals, forgives, calls us to community and service, welcomes the stranger, and sits with sinners. We who trust in him alone are called to move into Advent with hope to find the Prince of Peace, Emmanuel, God-with-Us, Jesus our Lord.
- "Lest your hearts be weighed down": Things can weigh us down, but our Lord offers us true freedom, from sin, wasted life, unruly desires, and disordered passions. Jesus wants us to be ruled only by his love and truth that enables us to choose good and to reject evil. Jesus warns us not to slack off, not to become idle, lazy, indifferent, distracted, or inattentive to God. He knows our struggles, weaknesses, and shortcomings and assures us we don't need to carry our burdens alone....
Dress legend
- 'Angel' pin: An angel showed me the river... (1st reading)
- 'Crystal' pin: ...Sparkling like crystal,... (1st reading)
- 'Lamb' tie bar: ...Flowing from the Lamb's throne (1st reading); we're the flock the Lord guides (psalm)
- 'Tree' pin: The tree of life grew along its sides (1st reading)
- 'Street light' pin: The Lord shall give them light,... (1st reading)
- 'Crown' tie bar: ...and they'll reign forever (1st reading); the Lord is king (psalm)
- 'Clocks' suspenders: “I'm coming soon” (1st reading); last day of Church year
- 'Rock' tie pin: Acclaim the Rock of our salvation (psalm)
- 'Hands' pin: The heights and depths are in God's hands; his hands formed the land (psalm)
- Blue shirt: River (1st reading), sea (psalm)
- 'Heart' pin: Don't let your heart become drowsy... (gospel)
- 'Catcher's mitt' pin: ...or let the day 'catch' you by surprise (gospel)
- Green in tree: Ordinary Time season ends today
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