December 27, 2016: St. John, Apostle and Evangelist
- 'Eyeball' and 'hands' pins: We've seen the Word of Life with our eyes and touched him with our hands (1st reading); John saw and believed (gospel)
- 'Runner' tie pin: Peter and the "beloved disciple" ran to the tomb (gospel)
- 'Alps' tie pin: The mountains melt like wax before the Lord (psalm)
- White shirt: Color of St. John's feast
- 'Christmas lights' tie: Light dawns for the just (psalm); Christmas season
- 'Heart' pin: Gladness for the upright of heart (psalm)
- Button: Joyeux Noël!
- From the dawning of creation/ Dufner: about (1st reading)
- Pass it on/ Kaiser: lyrics, about (1st reading)
- Psalm 97: The Lord is King/ Booth, Cooney (sheet music)
- A new father, awe-struck, to Away in a manger tune
- Abraham journeyed to a new country, a hymn for refugees and immigrants, to Morning has broken tune
- God, how can we comprehend?, another one
Stand firm in hope: let the Lord live in your hearts and lives. When the Lord calls us, he looks at all we might be able to do, all the love we can share. He urges you on toward the horizon, not the museum. With Jesus, the faithful friend, you can advance with joy and devote your talents for the good of all.
Because so many feel discouraged by violence, injustice, suffering, and divisions, and believe evil is so strong, show in your words and deeds that evil is not the last word. It's the time of mercy; nobody is cut off from God’s closeness and the power of his tender love. Don't fear your limits; trust in Christ, who believes and hopes in you. Build bridges of friendship and make God's love visible.
- 1 Jn 1:1-4 We proclaim the Word of life—what was from the beginning, that we've heard, seen, and touched—so you may have fellowship with the Father, Jesus Christ, and us.
- Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12 "Rejoice in the Lord, you just!" The Lord is king; the heavens proclaim his justice, and all see his glory.
- Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Mary Magdalene ran to Simon Peter and [John]: “They've taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don't know where they put him.” Both ran to the tomb; John arrived first and saw the burial cloths, then Peter arrived and saw them too. John went in and believed.
- Creighton: Christmas week unfolds unsentimentally with Stephen's martyrdom (yesterday), the massacre of the Holy Innocents, victims of a brutal political leader (tomorrow), and Thomas Becket's martyrdom (Thursday). And today's gospel repeats the phrases "tomb" and "burial cloths." The shadow of the cross looms over the Christmas angel choir. But “a light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” “We have touched him with our hands.” “He saw and believed.” “So your joy may be complete.” “Let the earth rejoice.” John is the evangelist of the Incarnation. The Word pitches his tent in the midst of human experience marked by ambiguity, loss, betrayal, division, and violence. Incarnation is a mystery better pondered than grasped....
- One Bread, One Body: "The love beyond all telling": Jesus' birth made it possible for people to see, hear, touch, and hold Jesus, to have a personal relationship with him. His Ascension, the giving of the Holy Spirit, and the birth of the Church made it possible for everyone to have a personal, deep, and intimate relationship with Jesus. We can live in Jesus while he lives in us. We can "grasp fully... the breadth and length and height and depth of Christ's love,... [and] attain to God's fullness." Christmas takes us back to the roots of God's incarnate love....
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St. John the Evangelist/ Domenichino (More St. John art) |
- Passionist: John loved proclaiming the good news, sharing Jesus' words and God's love. “We are writing this so that our joy may be complete.” His gospel is full of proclamations about God’s love. May we use each moment, each opportunity, to proclaim the good news so our joy may also be complete!
- "John saw the Word made flesh and believed": John was the first apostle to reach Jesus' empty tomb. What did he see that led him to believe? He must have recalled Jesus prophesying that he'd rise after three days. John bears witness to the "Word of Life," Jesus the Word Incarnate, the word the prophets announced, the word now preached....
- Universalis: John the Evangelist, Zebedee's son, nicknamed by Jesus “son of thunder” (as brother James). At Jesus' Transfiguration and empty tomb, Jesus put his mother in his care. Exiled to island of Patmos; died at Ephesus.
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