January 20, 2017

Jan. 20

January 20, 2017:  Friday, 2nd week, Ordinary Time

  • 'Peace sign' tie bar 'kissing' 'scales of justice' pin:  Justice and peace shall kiss (psalm)
    • 'Children holding hands around the world' tie:  Week of prayer for Christian unity
    • 'Hand' tie pin:  It won't be like when I took them by the hand to lead them from Egypt... (1st reading)
    • 'Hearts' suspenders:  I'll write my law on their hearts (1st reading)
    • 'Alps' pin:  Jesus went up to the mountain (gospel)
    • 'Car' pin:  Jesus appointed Apostles to preach and 'drive' out demons (gospel)
    • 'Lightning bolt' pin:  He named James and John "sons of thunder" (gospel)
    • Green shirt:  Ordinary Time season

      • Make us one/ Keyes, Wickham, Gungor, Brown (music, lyrics, chords)
    For Psalm 85
    God's new covenant with us in Christ renews our heart and allows us to see the law of the Lord with this new heart and mindset.  The doctors of the law who persecuted Jesus did everything the law prescribed, but their egotistical, condemning mindset was far from God.  The law of the Lord is not an external way of acting; it enters the heart and changes our mindset, heart, feeling, acting, and how we look at things.
    The Lord assures us God will pardon us and no longer remember our sins.  Before a penitent heart, he forgives and forgets.  This invites us not to remind him of our sins by sinning again.  To live far from sin is to re-create; it's how the Lord re-creates us.  A change of mindset changes our heart, life, and appearance.  God's re-creation is even more glorious than the first Creation.
    The seal of his covenant is faithfulness to the Lord's work to change our heart and mindset.  "I will change your heart of stone into a heart of flesh."   To change our heart and life and sin no more, not reminding the Lord who forgot our sins.
      Wordle: Readings 1-23-15
      • Heb 8:6-13  Our high priest is mediator of a better covenant.  The Lord said he'd establish a new covenant, forgiving them and putting his law on their minds and hearts.
      • Ps 85:8, 10-14  "Kindness and truth shall meet"; justice and peace shall kiss.  Show us mercy and save us.
      • Mk 3:13-19  Jesus summoned and appointed the Twelve Apostles to be with him and go forth with authority:  Simon Peter, James and John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddeus, Simon, and Judas Iscariot who betrayed him.
        • Creighton:  Jesus' call of his Apostles has two sides:  he summoned; they came to him.  He calls us, but we have to respond.  What keeps us from hearing Jesus' call?  Has my life become so filled with work?  Am I worried about events, honors, or my reputation?  Ask, how am I different today because I follow Jesus?  Is there someone without dignity that I can recognize today?  Do I show kindness to those in need?  Do I stand up for justice?  Do I help the poor?  Do I pray?
        Jesus called Judas, who was to betray him.  Each of us will betray Jesus at times, but he continues to call, accept, welcome, and love us, not waiting for us to "earn it."  Pay attention:  hear his call; feel his love....
          Justitia et pax/ Dell'Orto
          "Justice and peace shall kiss" (psalm)
        • Passionist:  Today's 1st reading speaks about the new covenant we have in Christ.  A covenant implies a relationship not only between God and individuals, but between God and a people, a community.  In today's gospel, Jesus calls twelve disciples as Apostles, parallel to the Twelve Tribes of Israel, the Chosen People.  As church, we're the People of God.  If we see ourselves as a community of faith on mission, it would be a powerful witness.  Many things can divide us even though we hold a common faith:  political and cultural differences, turf wars, rivalries....  But we're called to resolve conflicts through love.  Like the Twelve, we're called to preach God's love by our lives.  When we support each other in living out our faith, we can help cast out the demons of prejudice, fear, division.
        • DailyScripture.net:  "Jesus appointed twelve to be with him":  Jesus chose twelve men to preach God's kingdom and heal the sick in the kingdom's power.  He chose ordinary folks, non-professionals, sans wealth, position, or special education; he wanted people who could take an assignment and do it well.  When he calls you, don't think you have too little to offer; he uses whatever we have for greatness in his kingdom.

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