April 27, 2017

April 27

April 27, 2017:  Thursday, 2nd week, Easter

  • 'Tree' pin:  you had Jesus killed by hanging him on a tree (1st reading)

  • 'Fruits' tie, 'eyeball' tie pin:  "Taste and see the Lord's goodness" (psalm)

  • 'Pierced hearts' suspenders:  "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted" (psalm)

  • 'Dove' pin:  "He doesn't ration this gift of the Spirit" (gospel)

  • White and red shirt:  White for Easter season, red for Holy Spirit

          For Psalm 34
          Pope Francis to Papal Foundation
          Our meeting is pervaded by Easter joy, as the Church celebrates the Lord’s victory over death and his gift of new life in the Spirit.  May your pilgrimage strengthen you in faith, hope, and your commitment to promote the Church’s mission by supporting religious and charitable causes close to my heart.
          Today’s world, torn by violence, greed and indifference, greatly needs our witness to the gospel message of hope in the redemptive and reconciling power of God’s love.  I'm grateful you want to assist the Church in proclaiming that message and working for the advancement of our brothers and sisters, especially in developing countries.  Each of us is called to foster the unity and peace that is the Father’s will for our human family.  Please pray for the needs of the poor, the conversion of hearts, the spread of the Gospel, and the Church’s growth in holiness and missionary zeal.
          • Acts 5:27-33  High priest / Apostles:  “You defied our order to stop teaching.” / “We must obey God.  You killed Jesus, but God raised and exalted him; we're witnesses.”  They became infuriated and wanted to kill them.
          • Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20  "The Lord hears the cry of the poor."  Taste and see God's goodness.  The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and delivers the just.
          • Jn 3:31-36  The one who comes from heaven is above all and speaks God's word, testifying to what he's seen and heard.  The Father has given everything over to the Son.  Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life.
            • Creighton:  The 1st reading teaches that sometimes you have to defy human rulers to obey God.  Martin Luther King and his followers felt that in going to prison to defy unjust laws, they were obeying God’s law.  Being a Christian demands willingness to witness even when there's a price.  Each of us can do something to live our faith beyond attending church.  God expects works of mercy....  May the Resurrection bring you new life.
            • One Bread, One Body:  "Taking responsibility":  The high priest accused the apostles of trying to make the religious leaders "responsible for that Man's blood," but most leaders didn't take responsibility.  The apostles were determined to make everyone responsible.  Since our sins made the Lord Christ suffer the cross, those who sin crucify him anew in their hearts and hold him up to contempt" (Catechism 598, quoting Trent).  "You crucified him and still do when you delight in your vices and sins" (ibid quoting Francis of Assisi, see also Heb 6:6).  May we repent and receive the love and mercy of the risen Christ.
            • DailyScripture.net:  "He who believes in the Son has eternal life":  The Jews understood that God gave his prophets a portion of his Spirit.  Jesus tells his disciples they can believe his words because the Father anointed him by pouring out his Spirit on him, without holding anything back.  The Spirit reveals God's truth to us, opening our hearts and minds to recognize and understand it.  "I believe in order to understand; and I understand the better to believe" (Augustine).  Faith opens us to receive and obey God's word.  The freedom God gives us carries the responsibility to recognize the consequences of our choices:  belief leading to life and union with God, or rejection leading to spiritual death and separation from God.  Where are my choices leading me?

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