April 11, 2017: Tuesday of Holy Week
- Servant song/ Schutte (1st reading)
- Yahweh called me/ Stein: We sang this in 1977, long before the Yahweh directive. If you're in Denver or Honolulu, check it out (literally); it works as "Lord, you called me...." (1st reading)
- Let folly praise that fancy loves/ Southwell, sung in Czech; original English words+ (1st reading)
- With bitter herbs/ Core: lyrics+ (gospel)
- The Crucifixion oratorio/ Stainer: complete, God so loved the world 'hit song,' libretto
- Psalm 71: I will sing/ Celoni (sheet music)
- Is 49:1-6 The Lord called me from my mother’s womb: "You are my servant, through whom I show my glory." I'm made glorious in the sight of the Lord, my strength! "I'll make you a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach the ends of the earth."
- Ps 71:1-4a, 5ab-6ab, 15, 17 "I will sing of your salvation." Rescue me; be my refuge and give me safety. You are my rock and hope; from my mother’s womb you are my strength.

- Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Jesus, troubled: “One of you will betray me.” Peter: “Who?” / “The one to whom I give the morsel,” then he handed it to Judas Iscariot. Judas took it, and Satan entered him. Judas left; it was night. Jesus: “Now is the Son of Man glorified... I won't be with you much longer, and ‘where I go you can't come.’ Peter / Jesus: “Where are you going?” / “You can't follow me now but will later.” / “Why not? I'll lay down my life for you.” / “Will you? You'll deny me.”
- Creighton: The Holy Week message: God loves us, imperfect as we are. Today's gospel shows Jesus' love and forgiveness....
Judas leaves The Last Supper/ Bloch
- One Bread, One Body: "The 'gory' in 'glory'": During Holy Week, as we recall Jesus' suffering, pain, and trauma, we too may be having a hard time, having "toiled in vain, for nothing, uselessly, spent." We may grow "deeply troubled" and be tempted to let Satan in, or we're broken-hearted because others have let Satan in. We may be going through a night of spiritual warfare where the prince of darkness seems to have the upper hand. When Judas left to betray Jesus, Jesus proclaimed: "Now is the Son of Man glorified and God is glorified in him...." May we proclaim with him that, especially in the midst of suffering, God will be glorified through our lives.
- Passionist: Second Isaiah focuses on the end of the Israelites' Babylonian Exile. Isaiah announces a message of hope; they must prepare for their new exodus and return to Israel. The chapters include the four "Servant Songs." The Servant is God’s agent in the world. Today’s 1st reading is the second Song; the Servant is "to restore the remnant of Israel, those who have been in exile." The Servant's identity has been a point of debate; he's referred to as Israel and as an individual. A prophet of that time? All Israel, or each Israelite individually? The promised Messiah? The Church has seen Jesus as the fulfillment of the Servant. He is the Messiah, the Christ; he's reached “the ends of the earth.” This song proclaims our hope, as it did for the Israelites in exile. As our Lenten exile ends, we prepare for our exodus out of the wilderness and return to risen life. We'll see the Servant as the risen Christ and discover we too, the Body of Christ, are the Servant, called to be “a light to the nations.” In renewing our baptismal vows we'll proclaim our identity as Servant. We're created in God's image and in baptism become his children. With the light of Christ, we are to illumine a dark world. Each of us is called to be a lighthouse to a dark sea where people are searching for safe harbor, for God....
- DailyScripture.net: "Betrayal and faltering loyalty to Jesus": Judas deliberately betrayed his Master while Peter denied him in a moment of weakness. Judas' act was calculated, but Peter acted impulsively, out of cowardice. Jesus knew Peter's loyalty and his weakness. Judas' treachery is seen at its worst at the Last Supper when Satan entered. Satan twists love into hate, holiness into pride, discipline into cruelty, affection into complacency. We must be on our guard. The Spirit will give us grace and strength when we're tested. If we follow Jesus, we'll walk in his light; otherwise we'll fall into darkness and sin. Lord, give me a steadfast heart no unworthy thought can drag downwards, an unconquered heart no tribulation can wear out, an upright heart no unworthy purpose may tempt aside. Bestow upon me also understanding to know you, diligence to seek you, wisdom to find you, and faithfulness that may finally embrace you (Thomas Aquinas).
- Universalis: St. Stanisłaus, bishop, martyr, patron saint of Poland; see also Wikipedia.
Dress legend
- 'Hearts with arrows' suspenders: "He made me a polished arrow" (1st reading)
- 'Phone' tie bar: "The Lord 'called' me from birth" (1st reading)
- 'Sword' tie pin: "He made of me a sharp-edged sword" (1st reading)
- 'Rock' tie pin: "You are my rock" (psalm)
- 'Hand' tie pin: "Rescue me from the hand of the wicked" (psalm); post-'Palm' Sunday (subseason)
- 'International stamps' tie: "I'll make you a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach the ends of the earth." (1st reading)
- 'Eyeball' pin: The disciples looked at one another: who would betray Jesus? (gospel)
- 'Coin' tie bar: "Judas kept the money bag" (gospel)
- 'Rooster' button: "The cock will not crow before you deny me" (gospel)
- 'Night blue' shirt, 'Star' tie pin: After the betrayal, "it was night" (gospel)
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