June 17, 2017: Saturday, 10th week, Ordinary Time
- 'Doctor's office' tie: The Lord heals all your ills (psalm)
- 'Crown' tie bar: The Lord crowns you... (psalm)
- 'B hearts; J' tie bar: ...with kindness and compassion (psalm); today's wedding of Hilary Hull and Levi Dix
- 'Crucifix' pin: Christ died for all... (1st reading)
- Flesh-colored suspenders: We once knew Christ according to the flesh, but we regard no one according to the flesh (1st reading)
- 'White and black [keyboard]' pin: "You can't make one hair white or black. Let your yes mean yes and your no no." (gospel)
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season
- Psalm 103: Kind and merciful/ Celoni: sheet music
- Psalm 103: Kind and merciful (7A)/ Celoni: sheet music and demo
- Psalm 103: La misericordia del Señor/The Lord's kindness/ Celoni: sheet music and demo
- The Lord is kind and merciful/Psalm 103/ Cotter, Haas
- The Lord is kind and merciful/ Haugen
- 2 Cor 5:14-21 Christ's love impels us. He died for all, so that we might no longer live for themselves but for him who died and was raised for us. Whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old has passed away; the new has come. It's from God, who reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; God didn't count our trespasses against us but entrusted to us the message of reconciliation. We're ambassadors for Christ. Be reconciled to God....
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Animate |
- Ps 103:1-4, 9-12 "The Lord is kind and merciful." Bless the Lord who pardons, heals, redeems, and crowns you....
- Mt 5:33-37 “You've heard: Don't take a false oath, but I say, don't swear at all. Let your yes mean yes and your no no.
- Creighton: God didn’t just create us once and leave us alone but continuously re-creates us. If we live as Christians, centered in Jesus, “old things have passed away,” and new things have come. Ask, “What newness is God calling me to today?” Improving communication in my marriage? Holding my criticism? Listening more closely? Being a better parent? Being less rigid and more loving? Forgiving someone? When we let old things pass, we can change how we think of and deal with people and remember we're new. It means relying on God’s love and continuous creation. Jesus tells us not to take false oaths and to “let our yes mean yes and our no no; he's inviting us to trust in God without making extra promises or oaths. The creator isn't looking for payment, oaths, or wild promises that center on ourselves. Lord, teach me to be humble enough to just ask for what I need without thinking I can repay you. May I simply ask for your help and guidance, be grateful for your love, and love and serve you and those you place in my day.
- One Bread, One Body: "Loved into life": Once we believe Jesus died for us, Christ's love impels us to live for him. After grace and love have re-oriented our lives to be Christ-centered, everything is new: we see Christ as our Lord, people as God's children and our brothers and sisters, and ourselves as new creations reconciled to the Father through Christ and made ministers of reconciliation. We're like Barabbas, free because Jesus was nailed to our cross and executed in our place; when we realize it, we know nothing can separate us from Christ's love and that he'll love us in ways greater than we can ask for or imagine. May we live a new life of love....
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"Let your yes mean yes and your no no" (for sale, different from Tuesday's) |
- Passionist: The first Christians rightly believed that Jesus' death and resurrection began a new age with new possibilities. Today’s 1st reading articulates the change. Anyone baptized into Christ is a “new creation. The old things have passed away, and new things have come.” No more unpromising, lifeless, self-destructive ways of turning away from others that we embrace out of fear, selfishness, pride, anxiety, or animosity! The “new things” refer to both what God has made possible for us and what we're blessed and called to continue. We “ambassadors for Christ” are called to carry on the ministry of reconciliation. Where am I called to be a minister of God's merciful, reconciling, healing love today: in my family, workplace, parish, other relationships? In a world of broken relationships, unhealed hurts, and unforgiven transgressions, there's no more urgent call than to Jesus’ ministry of reconciliation, to witness to God's love; it's the only sure path to peace.
- DailyScripture.net: "Just say Yes or No": To be true to oneself and others requires character. God is source of truth, and his truth liberates us. Truth is hard because it demands we commit to living in accord with it. Jesus teaches love of truth. A disciple's word should be capable of being trusted without oaths. "People couldn't live with one another without mutual confidence that they were being truthful to one another.... As a matter of honor, we owe each other the truth." (St. Thomas Aquinas)
- Don't forget to pray the National Migration Week novena!
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