June 4, 2017: Pentecost Sunday
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See 43 connections with today? Legend at bottom |
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Guest dressers Sid and Flor |
- Veni Sancte Spiritus, from Lux Aeterna/ Lauridsen
- Veni Sancte Spiritus Pentecost sequence/ Celoni: sheet music
- Veni Sancte Spiritus chant
- Come, Holy Spirit/Veni Sancte Spiritus/ Talbot
- By the waking of our hearts/ Manalo
- Pentecost sequence/ Kendzia: sheet music
- Come, Holy Spirit/ Fabing
- Other English renderings: Msgr. Pope, Austin; neither tries to rhyme "divine" with "yours" like some do
- Pentecost had come/ Gillette: sheet music, ARGENTINA tune
- Creator Spirit, by whose aid/ Dryden: to LASST UNS ERFREUEN tune; lyrics+
- Sweet, sweet Spirit/ Akers
- Veni Creator Spiritus/ Thomas Aquinas
- Come, Holy Ghost/ Lambillotte; more verses, side by side with Veni Creator Spiritus; arr. Bolduc (leadsheet)
- One Spirit One Church/ Keil (includes Come, Holy Ghost)
- Love in any language/ Patty (Bahhuth homily)
- Veni Sancte Spiritus/ Berthier (Taizé)
- Envía tu Espíritu/ Hurd; caveat: recording has the original "Sea renovada..." ("Let/may [the face of the earth] be renewed") that sounds like "Se ha renovada..."
("[The face of the earth] has been renewed") (sheet music); he shifted it an eighth note (sheet music) so it sounds right. (Ignore the video's lyrics typos.) Updated recording (but cut short)
- Psalm 104: Lord, send out your Spirit/ Celoni: sheet music
- Psalm 104:31-34: I will be glad in the Lord/ Mui: sheet music
- Lord, send out your Spirit/Señor, envía tu Espíritu/ Alonso (psalm)
- Come and fill this temple/ Friesen: lyrics
- The Comforter has come/ Bottome
- Every time I feel the Spirit spiritual
- Breathe on me, Breath of God/ Hatch: arr. Bolduc
- Come down, O Love divine/ da Siena, tr. Littledale; Vaughan Williams: lyrics+
- Breathe/ Barnett
- Wind, wind/ Clowes: lyrics
- Let the river flow/ Evans ("Holy Spirit, come...")
- Holy Spirit/ Cañedo: sheet music
- Send down the fire/ Haugen: about
- Send us your Spirit/ Schutte
- Send us your Spirit/ Haas: usually done faster, but I like this tempo
- Fantasia super Komm, Heileger Geist/ Bach
- Spirit of the living God/ Iverson
- Let the fire fall/ Misulia
- That one same Spirit/ Ward (1 Cor)
- We are many parts/ Haugen (1 Cor)
- Trust in the Lord/ O'Connor (v.2 for Jl)
- Tower of Babel, from Godspell/ Schwartz: another (vigils Gn)
- Beneath Our Lady's shadow/ Alexander, based on O mighty Mother, why that light? / Faber: hymn info; composer's intro
- Nick Alexander's Pentecost Worship playlist
From Ed Bolduc's blog
- Lord, send out your Spirit/ Bolduc: lower
- Breathe on us/ Cash, Jobe
- Burning in my soul/ Younker, Maher, Reeves, Carson
- Come, Holy Spirit/ Booth, Feduccia
- Consuming Fire/ Hughes
- Flowing river/ Baloche
- Holy Spirit, come now/ Manibusan
- Prosper the work of our hands/ Booth, Jansen, Tomaszek: sheet music
- Send your glory down/ Thomson, Booth
- Set a fire/ Reagan
- Soul on fire/ Third Day
- There’s a presence (in this place)/ Angotti
- Veni, Creator Spiritus Angotti
- Love unfolding/ Blakesley
- Let us stand/ Jacob and Matthew Band
- Every day/ Jacob and Matthew Band
For the future
- Corpus Christi sequence (Lauda Sion)/ Celoni: sheet music, for 6/18 (includes new choir parts and notes)
- Stay tuned for new Dn 3:52-56 setting for Trinity Sunday
Today concludes the Easter season, the fifty days that, from Jesus’ resurrection to Pentecost, are specially marked by the Holy Spirit's presence. The Spirit is the Easter Gift par excellence, the Creator Spirit, who constantly brings about new things; today’s readings show us two of them: the Spirit makes of the disciples a new people and creates in them a new heart.
A new people: At Pentecost, the Spirit came down as “divided tongues as of fire resting on each of them. All were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other languages.” First he rests on each, then brings them together. To each he gives a gift, then unifies them. The same Spirit creates diversity and unity and so forms a new, diverse, unified people: the Church. In a creative and unexpected way he generates diversity, causing new and varied charisms to blossom; then he brings about unity, joining together, gathering, restoring harmony: "By his presence and activity, the Spirit draws distinct and separate spirits into unity" (Cyril, Commentary on John, XI, 11), effecting true union, not uniformity but unity in difference. For this to happen, we must avoid two temptations: the first seeks diversity without unity. This happens when we separate, take sides, form parties, adopt rigid positions, become locked into our ideas and ways, perhaps thinking we're better than others, or always right. We choose a part over the whole, belonging to a group before the Church, supporting one side, rather than brothers and sisters in the one Spirit. We become Christians of the “right” or the “left”, before being on Jesus' side, guardians of the past or future before being humble and grateful children of the Church. The opposite temptation is seeking unity without diversity. Unity becomes uniformity; everyone has to do everything together the same way, thinking alike. Unity ends up being homogeneity, not freedom. But “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” So our prayer to the Spirit is for the grace to receive his unity, leave personal preferences aside, and love his and our Church, to accept responsibility for unity, to wipe out the gossip that sows discord and the poison of envy, to ask for a heart that feels that the Church is our Mother and our home, where the joy of the Spirit is shared.
A new heart: When the risen Jesus first appears to his disciples, he tells them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive sins, they are forgiven.” Jesus doesn't condemn them for denying and abandoning him but grants them forgiveness. The Spirit is the first gift of the risen Lord, given above all for the forgiveness of sins. Here's the beginning of the Church, the cement that binds the bricks: forgiveness, the greatest love of all. It preserves unity, prevents collapse, consolidates, strengthens, sets us free, enables us to start afresh, and gives hope; without it, the Church is not built up. The spirit of forgiveness resolves everything in harmony and leads us to reject hasty judgment, closing doors, and criticizing others; the Spirit bids us to receive and give forgiveness that becomes love of neighbor, charity, “the sole criterion by which everything must be done or not done, changed or not changed” (Isaac of Stella). Ask for the grace to be renewed by forgiveness and self-correction and make the face of Mother Church more beautiful; then we'll be able to correct others in charity. The Spirit is the fire of love burning in the Church and our hearts, though we often cover him with the ash of our sins. Come, Spirit of God, Lord, dwelling in my heart and the Church's heart! We need you to live. Come upon us anew, teach us unity, renew us, and teach us to love and forgive as you love us, to forgive as you forgive us.
- Gn 11:1-9 When the world spoke the same language, they said to one another, “Let's build a city and a tower to the sky and make a name for ourselves; or else we'll be scattered.” The Lord said: “If they started this now, nothing will stop them later. Let's confuse their language.” He scattered them, and they stopped building. It was called Babel, because there the Lord confused their speech.
- Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b Lord to Moses: “Tell the Israelites: You've seen how I treated the Egyptians and bore you up and brought you to myself. If you hearken to my voice and keep my covenant, you'll be my special possession, a kingdom of priests, a holy nation.” When Moses summoned the elders and told them, the people answered together, “We'll do all the Lord has said.” On the third day there was thunder and lightning, a cloud, and a trumpet blast, and all in the camp trembled, but Moses led them out to meet God. The Lord came down in fire, the mountain trembled, the trumpet blast grew louder; God answered with thunder and summoned Moses.
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"Tower of Babel" (animate) |
- Ez 37:1-14 The Lord led me out to the bone-filled plain. "Dry bones, hear the Lord! I'll bring spirit into you, that you may live and know I'm Lord." They rattled and joined together. "Spirit, breathe life into them." Spirit came into them; they came alive. "These bones are the house of Israel. I'll have you rise and bring you back. Then you'll know I'm Lord. I'll put my spirit in you that you may live...."'
- Jl 3:1-5 I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh. Your children shall prophesy, old men dream dreams, young men see visions. I'll work wonders on the day of the Lord, when everyone who calls on the Lord's name shall be rescued....
- Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-30 "Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth." Bless the Lord! Lord, you are great, majestic, and glorious, robed with light. How manifold your works, wrought in wisdom. Creatures look to you for food; when you give it, they're filled with good things. If you take away their breath, they perish, but when you send your spirit, they are created, and you renew the earth.
- Rom 8:22-27 All creation is groaning in labor pains, and we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan as we wait for adoption and redemption. In hope we were saved. As we hope for what we don't see and wait with endurance, the Spirit comes to help our weakness. We don't know how to pray, but the Spirit intercedes, and the one who searches hearts knows the Spirit's intention, because he intercedes for the holy ones according to God’s will.
- Jn 7:37-39 “Let anyone who thirsts come to me and drink. Living water will flow from within those who believe in me.” Jesus said this in reference to the Spirit that believers were to receive. There was no Spirit yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.
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Animate |
- Gn 11:1-9 as in the vigil
- Ps 33:10-15 "Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own." The Lord' plan stands forever. He who fashioned and knows us beholds us all.
- Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b as in vigil
- Dn 3:52-56 "Glory and praise forever!"
- Ps 19:8-11 "Lord, you have the words of everlasting life." The Lord's law is perfect, trustworthy, right, clear, pure, true, just, precious, sweet, and enduring, giving refreshment, wisdom, joy, and enlightenment.
- Ez 37:1-14 as in vigil
- Ps 107:2-9 "Give thanks to the Lord; his love is everlasting." They cried to the Lord in their distress, and he rescued and led them. He satisfied the longing soul and filled the hungry with good things.
- Jl 3:1-5 as in vigil
- Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-30 "Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth." You're robed in light. In wisdom you wrought your many works. You give creatures food.
- Rom 8:22-27 as in vigil
- Jn 7:37-39 as in vigil
- Acts 2:1-11 When they were together, a noise like a strong wind filled the house, tongues as of fire rested on each apostle, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues. Jews from every nation were confused because each one heard them in his own language. Astounded, they asked, “Aren't they all Galileans? We're from all over, so how does each of us hear them speak of God's mighty acts?”
- Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34 "Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth." Lord, my God, you and your works are great! I'll be glad in the Lord.
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Animate |
- 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 No one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. There are different kinds of gifts but the same Spirit, different forms of service but the same Lord; to each the Spirit is manifested for some benefit. As a body is one though it has many parts, so also Christ, for in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body and given one Spirit.
- Rom 8:8-17 If God's Spirit dwells in you, you're in the spirit, not the flesh. If Christ is in you, the spirit is alive. If the Spirit is in you, God will give you life through the Spirit. If by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you'll live. Those led by God's Spirit are God's children. You received a Spirit of adoption through whom we cry "Papa," not a spirit of slavery to fall into fear. The Spirit bears witness that we're God's children, heirs of God, if only we suffer with him so that we may be glorified with him.
- Veni, Sancte Spiritus sequence: see music above (other texts: Catholic Prayer Book, Our Catholic Prayers, Caswall
- Jn 20:19-23 Jesus came: “Peace be with you.... As the Father has sent me, so I send you.... Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them; whose sins you retain are retained.”
- Msgr. Albert Bahhuth homily podcast: Grow in your love relationship with Jesus. Share your Pentecost moments....
- 'Pentecost' comes from Greek πεντηκοστή (pentekoste), “50th”; it's tied to the Jewish Feast of Weeks (Shavuot), 7 × 7 days (a 'week of weeks') after the 2nd day of Passover. Passover celebrates the freeing of the Jews from slavery; Shavuot celebrates their becoming God’s holy people by receiving and accepting the Law; and the counting of the days symbolises yearning for the Law. Shavuot, a pilgrimage festival, was a good time for the Spirit to come and inspire preaching to all nations. Easter freed us from slavery; Pentecost gave us the Spirit to make us Church.
- Creighton: Imagine how wonderful it was that the people understood in the 1st reading despite the many languages. The Spirit can help me to understand and to find God in people. If I find God in people who annoy me, I can find a way to listen, understand, and communicate. Holy Spirit, breathe that understanding into us. May we be still and listen to you encourage us and give us strength. Today's Sequence asks the Spirit to bend stubborn hearts, melt the frozen, and guide straying steps, Holy Spirit, help me listen to people. Bend my stubborn heart, and keep me on a good path.
- One Bread, One Body: "Mouth-to-mouth": God formed man out of the clay of the ground and breathed life into his nostrils. The Father's breath gives life where there was none. On his resurrection evening, Jesus "breathed on" his disciples and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." Jesus' breath brought the Spirit and peace where there had been turmoil and fear. At Pentecost, "a noise like a driving wind was heard through the house. Tongues as of fire appeared and rested on each of them. All were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to express themselves in foreign tongues and make bold proclamation as the Spirit prompted." The Spirit's breath brings every good thing. The Spirit breathes on us, then through us. God's words are given to us and spoken through us in gifts such as teaching, evangelization, and prophecy. His breath brings life, peace, forgiveness, boldness, unity, and renewal. The Spirit is breathing out; we just need to breathe in.
- Passionist: After Jesus ascended, the disciples were confused and fearful. The Spirit blew away their doubt and fear. They stood together and proclaimed the Good News. Christianity spread through the Spirit's work in them. We're called to be Spirit-filled, to let the Good News come alive in and through us. Each has different spiritual gifts, forms of service to provide. Our world has serious needs: wisdom, understanding, generosity, sacrifice, patience, prudence, peace, forgiveness, gratitude.... Be a “Pentecost Person” of peace, forgiveness, power, and purpose. With each other's support, may we live lives of forgiveness and joy.
- About forgiving and retaining(?) sin
- DailyScripture.net: "They were filled with the Holy Spirit!" Jesus promised to give his disciples the Spirit; he know they'd need the Spirit's power to carry out their mission. As the Spirit anointed Jesus, so we need his anointing to carry out our mission, to live in love, peace, joy, and justice. The Spirit fills us with God's love and gives us strength and courage to live as Jesus' disciples. The Spirit helps us in our weakness and enables us to grow in freedom from doubt, fear, and slavery to our unruly desires. The Spirit instructs us in God's ways, guides us in living according to his will, and gives all holiness. Isaiah foretold the Spirit would give wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension made the outpouring of the Spirit possible. The Spirit gives us new life; God re-creates us for his glory. Jesus' gift of peace includes forgiveness of sins and fullness of good.
The Descent of the Holy Ghost/ Titian |
"The Spirit restores paradise to us and the way to heaven and adoption as God's children; he instills confidence that we may call God Father and grants us the grace to be children of light and enjoy eternal glory. He bestows blessings in this world and the next; for we may contemplate now in faith the promised things we'll someday enjoy. If this is the foretaste, what must the reality be?" (Basil, De Spiritu Sancto XV.36)
The Lord offers us his Spirit to strengthen our faith, hope, and love. "If you... know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father give the Spirit to those who ask!"
Dress legend
- 'Fire' pin: "Let's mold bricks and harden them with fire" (vigils Gn); the Lord came down in fire (vigils Ex); I'll work wonders: fire (vigils Jl); tongues as of fire (Acts)
- 'Stone' pin: They used bricks for stone (vigils Gn)
- 'Alps' tie pin: Moses went up the mountain to God (vigils Ex), on Mt. Zion there shall be a remnant (vigils Jl)
- 'Angel with trumpet' pin: Loud trumpet blast (vigils Ex)
- 'Hand' tie pin: The Lord's hand came upon me (vigils Ez); "when you open your hand, they are filled" (Ps 104); Jesus showed them his hands and side (Jn 20)
- 'Sun' pin: The sun will be turned to darkness (vigils Jl)
- 'Street light' tie bar: You are robed in light (Ps 104)
- 'Owl' tie pin: In wisdom you have wrought your works (Ps 104); the Lord's decree gives wisdom (Ps 19)
- 'Crown' tie bar: "Blessed are you on the throne of your kingdom" (Dn 3)
- 'Holy Spirit' chain: They were all filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts); so many other references
- 'Lightning bolt' pin: "There were peals of thunder and lightning" (vigils Ex)
- 'Eyeball' pin: "Your young men shall see visions" (vigils Jl); from heaven the Lord looks down (Ps 33); the Lord's command enlightens the eye (Ps 19)
- 'Blood drop' pin: "The moon will be turned to blood" (vigils Jl)
- 'Phone' tie bar: "Everyone who 'calls' on the Lord shall be rescued" (vigils Jl)
- 'Clocks' suspenders: We wait with endurance (Rom 8)
- 'Olympics' tie pin: "Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth" (Ps 104); "if we don't make a tower, we'll be scattered all over the earth"; "the Lord confused the speech of all the world" (vigils Gn); "all the earth is mine" (vigils Ex)
- 'Creatures' tie: "The earth is full of your creatures" (Ps 104)
- 'Heart' pin: "Shine within these hearts"; "Bend the stubborn heart" (sequence); "the one who searches hearts" (Rom); love, a fruit of the Spirit (1 Cor); the design of the Lord's heart stands forever (Ps 33); the Lord's precepts rejoice the heart (Ps 19)
- 'Key' tie pin: "when the doors were locked, Jesus came:..." (Jn 20)
- 'Peace sign' tie bar: "...Peace! Receive the Holy Spirit." (Jn 20); peace, a fruit of the Spirit (1 Cor)
- 'Skeleton' tie pin: Dry bones (vigils Ez); one body, many parts (1 Cor)
- Red shirt, white in tie: Red for Holy Spirit, white for (last day of the) Easter season
- Blue in tie: Living water will flow from within all who believe in me (Jn 7)
- Gold-colored accessories: The Lord's ordinances are more precious than pure gold (Ps 19)
- 'Persons' pin: We were all given to drink of one Spirit." (1 Cor)
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