July 17, 2017: Monday, 15th week, Ordinary Time
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See 11 connections with today? Legend below |
For gospel
- Take up your cross/ Boltz: another (at right)
- Take up thy cross, the savior said/ Everest: lyrics+
- Take up your cross/ LA Mass Choir: lyrics
- If you belong to me/ Hurd
Psalm 124-inspired
- I will lift my eyes, from Pilgrim/ Alonso, Lawton, De Silva: sheet music, buy (psalm)
- Psalm 121: Our help/ Celoni: sheet music and demo
- It's the small things/ Troccoli (Fr. Gerardo's homily)
ReadThe dignity of the person is closely united to land, home, and work. Our fundamental experience is to feel rooted in the world, in one family, in a society. Land, home, and work means fighting because every person lives in a manner consistent with his dignity and nobody is discarded. To this we encourage our faith in God, who sent his Son into the world because, living in a family and working with his hands, he could redeem and save the human person with his death and resurrection. Persevere in bringing the Gospel into the world of work!
- Ex 1:8-14, 22 A new king came to power in Egypt: “The children of Israel are powerful and growing more than we!” He set taskmasters over them to oppress them with forced labor, but they multiplied even more. Then the Egyptians reduced them to cruel slavery. Pharaoh then commanded his subjects to throw every boy born to the Hebrews into the river.
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Not peace but the sword (animate) |
- Ps 124:1b-8 "Our help is in the name of the Lord." Blessed be the Lord, who rescued us like a bird from the hunters' snare.
- Mt 10:34-11:1 “I came to bring the sword, not peace, setting family members against each other. If you love others more than me or don't take up your cross and follow me, you're not worthy of me. If you lose your life for my sake, you'll find it. Whoever receives you receives me and him who sent me. Whoever gives a cup of water to a disciple will be rewarded....”
- Fr. Gerardo Galaviz homily video: Be kind and hospitable
- Creighton: I was thinking of today's 1st reading when reading The Farming of Bones, a novel about the massacre of Haitians of all ages in the DR under Trujillo. Others can threaten us so easily. Then I watched The Zookeeper’s Wife and saw Jews victimized at Nazis' hands: girls raped, children being forced onto trains, and people shot.... Then I thought about all the good that transpired in these horrendous situations, people who risked all to make a difference despite the odds. Think about the good around us now and in the past in such situations. Jochebed dares to save her son Moses by placing him in a basket and setting him adrift, then Pharaoh’s daughter recognizes him as a Hebrew but doesn’t report it but saves him, then Miriam boldly offers to find him a nurse: the three "conspire" to save the baby and a people. Similarly, in the time of the Haitian massacre, some Dominicans smuggled Haitians across the border or hid them. Though many perished, many were saved through such unselfish action and kindness. Then the zookeeper and his wife hid a friend, then made a commitment to save children, risking everything to turn their zoo into a refuge for Jews. The Spirit led them to take risks and show mercy in the battle between good and evil to which the gospel refers....
- One Bread, One Body: "Death-defying?" Pharaoh tried to decimate the chosen people by commanding his subjects to drown the Hebrews' children. Satan is trying to decimate Christians by tempting us to buy into the culture of death, but if we like Moses' mother choose life, we'll see the Lord raise our culture from the dead....
Building the cities of Pharaoh 1/3 |
- Passionist: The Egyptians and their king feared that the immigrant Israelites, growing so rapidly in numbers, would try to take them over, so instead of welcoming them as human beings with dignity who could enhance Egypt, they forced them into slavery, turning an opportunity for hospitality into a decision for oppression. They chose to see themselves as taskmasters, not co-workers or friends. The story ends with Pharaoh commanding that every boy born to the Hebrews be drowned, reminding us how quickly people we fear can become expendable. Unfortunately people still enslave other people. We can become “taskmasters” by our attitudes, cruel and thoughtless remarks, acts designed to hurt, or refusal to love, encourage, or offer kindness. We can make like “bitter” for others, crushing their spirits and hopes, when we belittle them, work against them, gossip, or find fault. There are still “Pharaohs,” “Egypts,” taskmasters, and slaves; cruelty and malice can be easier than love.
- DailyScripture.net: "I came to bring a sword, not peace": Jesus came to bring a 'sword' to cut through our core to expose our corruption. God's word is a sword that divides soul and spirit, discerning thoughts and intentions, with power to free us from whatever binds us to sin and deception so we may live as God's children. Jesus said following him would be costly. Great calls inevitably cause division between those who accept and reject them. The love of God compels us to put God first in our lives and show charity for others. Any kindness shown, any help given will be rewarded....
Building the cities of Pharaoh 2/3 |
- St. Kenelm, martyr
- Bl. John Sugar, priest and martyr, and Robert Grissold, martyr. Sugar on the scaffold: “Be merry; it's an occasion of joy. Though I'll have a sharp dinner, I trust in Christ that I'll have a sweet supper.”
Dress legend
- 'Crown' tie bar: New king in Egypt (1st reading)
- 'Bird' pin: We were rescued like a bird from the fowlers’ snare (psalm)
- 'No peace' button: "I came not to bring peace..." (gospel)
- 'Sword' pin: "...but the sword." (gospel)
- 'Abacus' tie pin: "...but division." (gospel, other translations); the more they were oppressed, the more they 'multiplied' (1st reading)
- 'Cross' pin: "Whoever doesn't take up his cross and follow me isn't worthy of me" (gospel)
- 'Cups' tie: "Whoever gives a cup of water to one of these will be rewarded" (gospel)
- Blue in shirt: Cup of water (gospel), raging waters (psalm), river (1st reading)
- Green suspenders: Ordinary Time season
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