July 14, 2017: St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin
Pope Francis: Put Laudato Si into action
- O Christ who called the Twelve/ Stuempfle: lyrics+ (gospel)
- Psalm 37: The mouths of the just utter wisdom/ Celoni: live, sheet music
Pope Francis: Put Laudato Si into action
Pope Francis endorsed a Global Catholic Climate Movement campaign to mobilize people to help turn the message of Laudato Si into action, to pray with and for creation, live more simply, and advocate to protect our common home. The "Laudato Sì Pledge campaign" has received support from Church leaders including Cardinals Turkson, Tagle, Ribat, Cupich, and Marx, as well as support of environmental leaders. "We're grateful for and inspired by Pope Francis' endorsement. Catholics have a critical role in tackling the ecological crisis. This pledge invites us to put Church teaching into action and answer Laudato Si's call to political action and lifestyle change." (Tomás Insua, GCCM Executive Director)
Pope Francis has requested that Angela Merkel uplift the Paris climate accord, several Catholic organizations have divested from fossil fuels, GCCM and other Christian groups have called on governments to take strong action, and Insua and other scientific, political, and faith leaders have published a letter in Nature pushing the G20 to recognize the urgency of the climate crisis.Read
- Gn 46:1-7, 28-30 God to Jacob: “Don't be afraid to go to Egypt; I'll make you a great nation there and bring you back here.” He departed with his descendants, livestock, and possessions. When Joseph saw him, he flung himself on his neck and wept. Jacob to Joseph, "Now that I've seen Joseph is still alive, I can die."
- Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40 "The salvation of the just comes from the Lord." Take delight in the Lord, and he'll grant you your heart’s requests. Turn from evil and do good; the Lord loves what is right, and forsakes not his faithful.

- Mt 10:16-23 “I send you like sheep among wolves; be shrewd and simple. Beware of those who will hand you over. Don't worry; the Spirit will speak through you. All will hate you, but if you endure, you'll be saved. When they persecute you, flee; the Son of Man will come before you finish.”
- Fr. Reymundo Matunog homily video: Trust in God and his plan....
- Creighton: Today's readings are about trust: “Don't be afraid to go down to Egypt.” “Trust in the Lord and do good.” “Don't worry about how to speak or what to say. You'll be given it at that moment; the Spirit of your Father will speak through you.” Walking into the unknown, whether Egypt or Israel, or a new home, job, or relationship, can be scary. May we choose heartfelt trust in God....
- One Bread, One Body: "Get ready to die": Simeon prayed: "Now You can dismiss Your servant in peace"; he was ready to die because he'd seen Christ. Stephen was ready to die when he saw "an opening in the sky, and the Son of Man standing at God's right hand." Jesus knocks at the door of our lives. If we open and give him our lives, we're ready to live and die. "The single-hearted shall see God." Seeing Jesus is a matter of the heart. When we see Jesus as our Lord, Savior, and God, we have new life stronger than death....
- Passionist: In the Bible, and today, many respond decisively to the Lord's call. Do I? Or am I too entrenched and comfortable, do I think radical calls are just for others, or am I just too busy? Do I hear God's daily little calls to love, forgive, listen, help? We don't know much about Jacob or the apostles before the Lord called them, but I bet Lord had been preparing them. We're called to say yes whenever God calls us and so be more prepared for his future calls....
St. Kateri Tekakwitha (link includes pronunciation) |
- DailyScripture.net: "Sheep in the midst of wolves, wise and innocent": Isaiah foretold a time when wolves and lambs will dwell in peace, referring to Christ's second coming. Meanwhile, we must expect opposition, but it's our privilege is to follow the Lord who laid down his life for us....
- 'Car' tie pin: Jacob and his descendants left on wagons... (1st reading)
- 'Cow' pin: ...with their livestock and possessions (1st reading)
- 'Horses' tie: Joseph hitched the horses to his chariot (1st reading)
- 'Heart' pin: Delight in the Lord, and he'll give you your heart's requests (psalm)
- 'Sheep' tie bar: "I'm sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves..." (gospel)
- 'Serpent' tie pin: "...so be shrewd as serpents" (gospel)
- 'Hand' tie pin: When they 'hand' you over, don't worry;... (gospel)
- 'Dove' pin: ...the Spirit will speak through you. Be simple as doves. (gospel)
- Green and white shirt: White for virgin St. Kateri, green for Ordinary Time season
Special greetings to and prayers for the community of
St. Kateri Tekakwitha parish, Santa Clarita
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