August 2, 2017: Wednesday, 17th week, Ordinary Time
- 'Mountain' tie pin: Moses came down from Mt. Sinai with the two tablets... (1st reading)
- 'Hands' pin: his hands (1st reading)
- 'Ruler' tie bar: The 'rulers' of the community came back to radiant Moses (1st reading)
- 'Phone' tie bar: They 'called' on the Lord, and he answered (psalm)
- 'Clouds' tie: The Lord spoke from the pillar of cloud (psalm)
- 'Pearl' tie bar: "The Kingdom is like a merchant searching for fine pearls." (gospel)
- Green in shirt, tie, suspenders: Ordinary Time season
For Psalm 99
For gospel
- I found the treasure/ Schutte: lyrics below
- Jesus, priceless treasure/ Winkworth, Franck: lyrics+
- Pearl of greatest price/ Chalmers
- I've found the pearl of greatest price!/ Mason: lyrics+; Amazing Grace tune also works
- Ye glittering toys of earth, adieu/ Steele; see CMD for alternate tunes, listening tip
- O Gracious Light/ Helvey (1st reading-inspired)
- Children of the Day/ Carter, Jacobs: about (papal audience-inspired) [requires free Spotify]
ReadBaptism is the gateway to hope and eternal life. In the early Church, those about to be baptized professed their faith facing eastward, seeing the rising sun as a symbol of Christ. To be Christian is to confess your faith in the light that casts out the darkness the world is wrapped up in. Christians aren't exempt from darkness; through grace we're 'oriented' to light and hope. Don't succumb to night; hope in dawn. Don't let death defeat you; yearn to rise. Don't let evil bend you down; trust in the possibilities of goodness. The Light we receive at baptism gives us hope and helps us know God and recognize Jesus in the weak and poor. The candle we received, recalling the Easter vigil when light goes out from the Paschal candle to all candles in the Church, is a sign of Christ’s victory over sin and death and of the life of the Church, “contamination” by Christ, spread from one to another. Remember the day you were baptized, reborn, when Christ 'contaminated' you. Be a Christopher, Christ-bearer, child of the light, ablaze with Light, faithful to your baptism: spread the light; share the hope Jesus brings. More
- Ex 34:29-35 Moses didn't realize his face had become radiant while he conversed with the Lord, but others who saw him saw and were afraid to approach. Moses called them over and told them what the Lord said....
Moses' shining face |
- Ps 99:5-6, 7, 9 "Holy is the Lord our God." Extol the Lord! Moses, Aaron, and Samuel called upon him, and he answered them. He spoke, and they heard his decrees....
- Mt 13:44-46 “The Kingdom is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy sells all he has to buy the field. The Kingdom is like a merchant searching for fine pearls; when he finds one of great price, he sells all that he has and buys it.”
- Creighton: Why would Moses cover his face and hide the effect of God’s presence? Why/how do I hide it? Why/where do I hold onto unforgiveness, guilt, and pain? Where do I live out of fear vs. love? May we, individually and communally, glow with God's 'glo-ry'....
Moses' radiant face |
- One Bread, One Body: "Halos": When Moses came down with the commandments, he had the first halo ever seen. We have a greater opportunity to receive a halo because of our access to the Spirit, baptism, life in faith, prayer, and obedience. Obeying the Lord is a delight and opportunity we're privileged to have, not a burden. Glow.
- Passionist: Most of Jesus' followers in his time didn't have many possessions to sell. Today many give up everything involuntarily in natural disasters. Remember that Jesus himself gave up everything, submitting to crucifixion for our sake. We don't endure any loss alone....
- "Hidden treasure, the pearl of great price": In a peasant community the best safe was often the earth. The man happily sold everything because he found a treasure worth it. He didn't have enough to buy it but only needed enough to buy the field. God offers his kingdom at a price we can afford: we can't pay full price for the life God gives us, but when we exchange our life for what he offers, we receive treasure beyond compare. Pearls represented the supremely valuable. Discovering God's kingdom is like finding hidden treasure or the pearl of great price. When we discover the kingdom, we receive the greatest treasure: God himself. Selling all we have could affect our relationships, work, lifestyle, use of time.... What's the treasure of my heart?
Our Lady of the Angels ("La Negrita") |
- Today's saints, from Universalis and beyond
- St. Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop, first to live in community with his priests, fought Arianism; see Pope Benedict's reflections.
- St. Peter Julian Eymard (Eymund), Marist priest, founded Priests of the Blessed Sacrament; see also
- Mary, Mother of Jesus, as Our Lady of the Angels
- Jesuits celebrate St. Peter Faber today.
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