August 11, 2017: St. Clare, Virgin
ReadFor the gospel
- Come and follow me/ Franzak: ASL
- The Summons/ Bell (gospel)
- Unless a grain of wheat/ Farrell (gospel)
- I surrender all/ Van De Venter: lyrics+ (gospel)
- Suscipe/ Eleria (gospel)
- Take, Lord, Receive/ Foley (gospel)
- More Suscipe settings, and more about these
For Psalm 77
- Psalm 77/ Whaley, Burner, Westerholm
- Psalm 77/ Sons of Korah
- Dt 4:32-40 Moses: “Ask: Did anything so great ever happen before? Did anyone hear God's voice and live? Did any god take a nation from another nation as the Lord did for you in Egypt? You were allowed to see this so you'd know the Lord is God alone. He let you see his fire and hear him speak from it. Out of love he chose and led you and gave you land. So know the Lord is God. Keep his commandments, that you and your children may prosper, and you may have long life on the land the Lord is giving you.”

- Ps 77:12-16, 21 "I remember the deeds of the Lord." I ponder your works. Your way is holy; you've made your power known. You redeemed your people and led them under the care of Moses and Aaron.
- Mt 16:24-28 “To come after me, deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me. To find your life, lose it for my sake. Why gain the whole world if you forfeit your life? The Son of Man will repay you to your conduct.”
- Fr. Joel Henson homily video: Transform the world; live to be known as a disciple of Christ.
- Creighton: Moses seeks to grow his people's faith through shared experiences of miracles that testified to God's saving power, yet the people still worshipped a golden calf. Miracles don't always generate lasting faith. Faith must be based on something deeper: a relationship with the One behind the miracle. Today's gospel reinforces this: Jesus says we must deny ourselves to follow him. The nature of the mystery of denying, losing, and gaining unfolds over time. Eventually we know the relationship is real and are willing to go “all in.” Faith is a gift, but it needs to be nurtured; sacraments, prayer, and imitation of saints help. Lord, grant us the courage to nurture our faith. Help us to see your miracles. May those who struggle to find faith find rest, peace, and fulfillment in you.
- One Bread, One Body: "In step with Jesus": We're called to follow in Jesus' footsteps, to go where he goes and do what he does, to go to the cross as he did. As Jesus denied himself and washed those who would betray and abandon him; we must deny ourselves and forgive and serve those who hurt us. We get "cold feet" about following Jesus if we get out of step with him; if we follow his steps, we're protected and strengthened....
- Passionist: "To come after me, deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me" means that Christ demands commitment ready to embrace God’s will, even if it leads to death, a commitment ready to affirm life even in the face of doubt and fear. It means letting go of own will, our self-centeredness, dying to ourselves, losing our false self to find our true self and be wholly ourselves. To follow Christ, we must take up our cross!
- "Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it": Every decision we make shapes our character and future. Money and possessions can't buy heaven, mend a broken heart, or cheer a lonely person. All we have is God's gift. True disciples give all they have for life with God. The cross leads to victory and freedom. What cross is Christ commanding me to take up today?
- Universalis: Clare of Assisi, noted contemplative, began a community that grew to become the Poor Clares, radically attached to poverty. Read Diana Macalintal's reflection; see also New Advent.
Special greetings to and prayers for all at St. Clare of Assisi Parish (Santa Clarita) and
Dress legend
- 'Hand' pin: Did any god take a nation... with strong hand and outstretched arm... (1st reading)
- 'Eyeball' pin: the Lord did for you before your eyes? (1st reading)
- 'Heart' pin: Fix in your heart that the Lord alone is God (1st reading)
- 'Fire' pin: He let you see his great fire and hear him speak from it (1st reading)
- 'Car' pin: He 'drove' nations out of your way (1st reading)
- '?' tie pin: "Ask, Did anything so great ever happen before?..." (1st reading) "What god is like our God?" (psalm)
- 'Sheep' tie bar: You led your people like a flock... (psalm)
- 'Cross' pin: Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me (gospel)
- 'Angel' pin: The Son will come with his angels (gospel)
- 'International flags' tie: The Lord drove nations out of your way (1st reading); what profit would there be to gain the world and forfeit your life? (gospel)
- White shirt: St. Clare memorial (see ordo, or even broken Catholic Calendar)
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