October 18, 2017: St. Luke, Evangelist
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See about a dozen connections with today? Legend below |
- Their sound is gone out, from Messiah/ Handel (psalm-inspired)
- How lovely are the messengers, from St. Paul/ Mendelssohn (Luke, based on Rom 10:15)
- Come with me into the fields/ Schutte: sheet music (gospel)
For Psalm 145
- Psalm 145: Your friends make known/ Celoni: sheet music and demo (2 versions)
- Psalm 145: I will praise your name/ Celoni: sheet music and demo (2 variations)
- Psalm 145: I will praise your name/ Haas: another
- Psalm 145: Compasivo, merciful/ Celoni: sheet music and demo (2 versions with variations)
- Sing praises to the Lord and bless his name/ Moore
- Psalm 145 and Psalm 145: 1-5, 18-22/ Silver
- Psalm 145:1-13: I will extol You/ Mui: sheet music
Pope Francis
ReadGeneral audience: Death is a reality our world often sets aside leaves us unprepared for. In the mystery of death is a grace and light for everyone. Past civilizations faced death with courage; older generations taught the younger to see it as a door and a call to live for something greater than themselves. Jesus shows us that it's natural to mourn the loss of a loved one; at the death of Lazarus he wept, prayed to the Father, and called Lazarus from the tomb. Our hope is that Jesus came to heal us and save us from death. “I am the resurrection and the life.” If we believe in him, even if we die, we'll live. In the face of our sorrow and fear, he invites us to faith in him. When we mourn, we know Christ remains close. Death lays bare our lives, forcing us to acknowledge the vanity of our actions born from pride, anger, and hatred and highlighting how the good things we've sown have germinated. When we face death with living faith, Jesus will take us by the hand and say, “Arise,” and hope will become reality. More
To Religions for Peace: Religions can't be neutral or ambiguous about peacemaking. Peace is both God's gift and a human achievement. All believers are called to implore and pray for it. Peacemaking and pursuing justice go together, and all people of good will are summoned to work for peace with heart, mind, and hands. Violence in the name of religion gravely offends God, who is peace and the source of peace, and has left in us a reflection of his wisdom, power ,and beauty. Religions are bound to promote peace through justice, fraternity, disarmament, and care for creation. There's a need for cooperative effort in promoting an integral ecology. Religions can further a moral covenant to promote respect for human dignity and care for creation.
- 2 Tm 4:10-17b Demas, Crescens, and Titus deserted me; only Luke is with me. At my first defense no one appeared on my behalf; may it not be held against them! But the Lord stood by me and gave me strength, so that through me the proclamation might be completed.
- Ps 145:10-13, 17-18 "Your friends make known, O Lord, the glorious splendor of your Kingdom." You are just, holy, and near, and your Kingdom endures.

- Lk 10:1-9 Jesus appointed and sent 72 disciples: "The harvest is abundant but laborers few; ask the harvest master to send laborers. Go; I send you like lambs among wolves. Carry no money bag, sack, or sandals. Cure the sick; say, 'The Kingdom of God is at hand for you.'"
- Fr. Jim Clarke homily video: In your struggles find strength, support, and meaning in Jesus Christ, like Paul did.
- Creighton: Paul doesn’t seem pleased with how his friends supported him in his need. He feels deserted but realizes that God with him is enough. He asks that his colleagues’ abandonment of him not be held against them. When our friends, colleagues, and family seem to abandon us, we can overlook the strength of God's support, or expect God will just give us what we want, instead of the understanding we need of how the experience can bring us closer to God. Paul’s forgiveness of those who deserted him is a great example for us, hard as it is to imitate.
“Let all your works give you thanks...” encourages us to find God in all things. All things give the Lord thanks by just being. Faithful ones bless God not only by being but also by discovering and fulfilling their purpose, acting “in God’s eye what in God’s eye he is—Christ” (Hopkins, As kingfishers catch fire), living as God calls them, acting as Christ in the “ten thousand places” where he lives, striving to “justice” (ibid.).
St. Luke
Jesus sends the disciples out to prepare the way for the Lord who is to come. It took, and takes, faith to make a journey with no money bag, sack, or sandals,” relying on grace alone. May we forgive those who abandon us, live as God calls me to, and have the faith to journey in simplicity with Christ.
- One Bread, One Body: "The quality of mercy": Everyone but Luke abandoned Paul when he was on trial. Only in Luke do we meet the penitent woman, the good Samaritan, the prodigal son, Lazarus the beggar, the thankful healed Samaritan leper, the tax collector in the Temple, Zacchaeus the tax collector, and the "good thief," who all received God's mercy. As then, our world is overflowing with lonely and abandoned people, because of others' sins or our own problems, but because of Jesus we can receive and give mercy.
- Passionist: In Luke, all barriers are broken down: Jesus is for saint and sinner, Jew and Gentile; Lk is written for everyone: Samaritan, poor, women, outcasts.... God’s love is for everyone. In today’s gospel, Jesus sends the seventy-two out in pairs, traveling light, to listen, notice, and bring peace. Jesus sends each of us out, equipped and accompanied, to be his voice and face and build the kingdom, each with a role, though we can overthink our mission or cling to overreaching ideals. How has God called you? With whom? Where? What do you need to ‘shake off’ to respond? Are you a peacemaker?
- DailyScripture.net: "God's kingdom has come near": Jesus frequently used the image of a harvest, fruit of much labor and growth, to convey the coming of God's reign. May we hear, accept, live, and share God's word. Isaiah foretold a time when wolves and lambs will dwell in peace, Christ's second coming when the reign of God is fully established, but till then, we must expect opposition and persecution. As Jesus laid down his life for us, we must be willing to offer our lives.
Seventy was a significant number: number of elders Moses chose, Sanhedrin members, nations (so they thought).... Jesus commissioned the seventy to speak in his name and act with his power, instructing them to serve without guile and with charity, peace, and simplicity, proclaiming God's kingdom, not diverted by other matters. To focus on the task, they must only take essentials and leave the rest behind. They must give freely, not expecting payment. Poverty of spirit makes room for God’s provision; the Lord wants us to be dependent on him and to work in and through us....
- Universalis: Luke, Evangelist, Greek doctor who converted to Christianity, companion of Paul who wrote Lk in accordance with Paul’s teaching and Acts to narrate early Church history. He explained Jewish customs and Hebrew words to Gentile readers.
- Fr. Chris Bazyouros homily podcast: We're all equally needy at the table. Who's not here yet? Be a missionary = sent disciple; share with those starving for God.
- Universalis: Luke, Evangelist, Greek doctor who converted to Christianity, companion of Paul who wrote Lk in accordance with Paul’s teaching and Acts to narrate early Church history. He explained Jewish customs and Hebrew words to Gentile readers.
Dress legend
- 'Penny' button: Alexander the coppersmith (1st reading; pennies are 2.5% copper); "carry no money bag" (gospel)
- 'Crown' tie bar: "Your friends make known your Kingdom's splendor" (psalm); "God's Kingdom is at hand for you" (gospel)
- 'Phone' tie bar: "The Lord is near to all who 'call' on him" (psalm)
- 'Fruits' tie: “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few" (gospel)
- 'Lamb' tie bar: "I'm sending you like lambs among wolves" (gospel)
- 'Peace sign' tie bar: Say, "Peace to this household" (gospel)
- 'Silverware' tie bar: "Eat and drink what's offered to you" (gospel)
- OneLife LA button: Respect Life Week
- Red shirt: Liturgical color for St. Luke feast
- Sandals (not shown): Don't carry sandals (gospel)
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