October 14, 2017: Saturday, 27th week, Ordinary Time
- Somos el cuerpo de Cristo/We are the body of Christ/ Cortez (gospel)
- In the day of the Lord/ Ridge: sheet music (1st reading)
For Psalm 97
- Psalm 97: The Lord is King/ Celoni: sheet music and demo (2 flavors)
- The Lord is King/ Cooney: sheet music respecting Tetraggrammaton directive, buy
- Jl 4:12-21 Come; I'll sit in judgment. The harvest is ripe, the wine press full; vats overflow, so great their malice. The day of the Lord is near. Sun, moon, and stars are dark. The Lord roars, but the Lord is a refuge to his people. Then you'll know I am your God, Jerusalem shall be holy. Mountains shall drip new wine, hills milk. and channels of Judah water. Egypt shall be a waste, because of the violence done, innocent bloodshed. But Judah and Jerusalem shall abide....

- Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12 "Rejoice in the Lord, you just!" The Lord is king. Justice and judgment are the foundation of his throne. Mountains melt like wax before him. All see his glory. Light dawns for the just.
- Lk 11:27-28 Woman / Jesus: “Blessed the womb that carried you and the breasts you sucked.” / “Rather, blessed those who hear and observe God's word.”
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The Virgin suckling the Child/ Cranach 30 more; Vatican: "Show tender images of Mary breastfeeding" |
- One Bread, One Body: "Blest best": Many of us have been blessed with health, wealth, children, fame, intelligence, success, power, of other blessings, but none compare with hearing and keeping God's Word; God's law and Word are "more precious than thousands of gold and silver pieces." When we hear God's Word, we grow in faith through which we accept salvation. "Blest are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear. Prophets and saints longed to see what you see and hear what you hear but didn't." "Blest are those who read this prophetic message, and blest are those who hear it and heed it...."
- Passionist: Jesus says those who hear and observe God's word are more blessed than his own mother. May we heed this regarding our stewardship of God's creation....
- DailyScripture.net: "Hear the word of God and keep it": Mary heard and believed God's word and submitted herself to God's plan. Jesus said that whoever does God's is a friend of God and member of his family; they're blessed because they know God personally and rejoice in hearing and obeying him. We were made for God and are restless till we rest in him. "A Christian's only relatives are the saints" (Lucian of Antioch). Those who follow Christ enter into a new family, of saints here and in heaven. Kinship goes beyond flesh and blood; our adoption as God's children transforms our relationships and requires loyalty to God and his kingdom.
Pope St. Callistus I |
- Universalis: Pope St. Callistus I, martyr, weak money-losing ex-slave readmitted repentant sinners to communion; see also Wikipedia. Catacomb
Pope Francis Amoris Lætitia capsule: Proclaiming the Gospel of the family (concluded)
The main contribution to pastoral care of families is in the parish, family of families, where small communities, ecclesial movements and associations live in harmony. For a pastoral outreach to families, priests, deacons, religious, catechists and other pastoral workers must be formed better, perhaps drawing on the oriental experience of a married clergy.
Seminarians should receive more extensive formation about engagement and marriage, incorporating their own psychological and affective background. Formation should help them attain the maturity and balance they'll need. Families must be part of formation and priestly life; they help ground ground them in reality. It helps when seminarians combine seminary time with time in parishes where they have greater contact with concrete family life. Women, lay people, and families promote appreciation of the diversity and complementarity of different vocations.Dress legend
Lay leaders must also be trained to assist in pastoral care of families, with teachers, counselors, physicians, social workers, and juvenile and family advocates, drawing upon psychology, sociology, and marital counseling. Professionals help keep pastoral initiatives grounded in families' real situations and concerns. Programs for pastoral workers can help integrate marriage preparation into ecclesial life. Good training is important especially in light of emergency situations arising from domestic violence and sexual abuse. All this complements the value of spiritual direction, the Church's spiritual treasures, and sacramental Reconciliation. (VI:202-204)
- 'Sun' pin: The sun... is darkened (1st reading)
- 'Star' tie pin: The stars withhold their brightness (1st reading)
- 'Blood drop' pin: Egypt shall be a waste, because they shed innocent blood. I will avenge their blood (1st reading)
- 'Crown' tie bar: The Lord is king (psalm)
- Blue shirt: Water (1st reading)
- Dark tie: Darkness is round about him (psalm)
- 'Street light' tie bar: "Light dawns for the just" (psalm)
- 'Alps' pin: "The mountains shall drip new wine" (1st reading); the mountains melt like wax before the Lord (psalm)
- 'Mary' pin: “Blessed the womb that carried you and the breasts you sucked” (gospel)
- OneLife LA button: Respect Life Month
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