January 19, 2018: Friday, 2nd week, Ordinary Time
For Psalm 57
- Be exalted, O God/ Chambers: lyrics
- Psalm 57: God, be merciful to me/ Silver
- We are the body of Christ/ Hampton, Brown: lyrics/chords
- Make us one/ Cymbala
- Make us one/ Keyes, Wickham, Gungor, Brown (music, lyrics, chords)
- Bind us together/ Gillman
- With one voice/ Redman, Chapman
- 1 Sm 24:3-21 Saul, searching for David, entered a cave, not realizing David was deep inside. David’s servants told their master, “The Lord has delivered your enemy to you; do as you see fit.” David cut off part of Saul’s mantle but then regretted it and told his men to leave the king alone. As Saul left, David told him, “The Lord delivered you to me, but I took pity. You hunt me down, but I've done no wrong and won't hurt you; look at your robe.” Saul wept: “You treated me generously. God reward you.”
- Ps 57:2-6, 11 "Have mercy on me, God, have mercy." I take refuge in you. Save me. Be exalted, O merciful, faithful God.
- Mk 3:13-19 Jesus summoned and appointed the Twelve Apostles to be with him and go forth with authority: Simon Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddeus, Simon, and Judas Iscariot who betrayed him.
- Fr. Brian Nunes homily video: God wants you; he's calling, equipping, and sending you.
- Creighton: Do we use the power we have well, to further God's purposes and empower others? Today's 1st reading reminds us that God will protect us from our enemies, even if they're within ourselves. David appears to Saul seeking reconciliation. The psalm reminds us God wants us to be reconciled to himself in Christ; every day we need to be rescued from ourselves and our [other] enemies. The Lord's deliverance of Saul from David reveals that God's plans for Saul included his salvation and his responsibilities to David. This event also made clear that David would be the next king and through him all Israel would be reconciled to God. The reading reminds us that God treats us better than we can imagine. God reminds us in our moments of insecurity that he's more concerned with our lack of faith than with people we think are doing evil....
- One Bread, One Body: "The Anointians are coming": Though Saul was hunting David down, David refused to kill him when he could have because Saul was "the Lord's anointed"; David even regretted he'd cut off an end of Saul's mantle" because Saul was God's anointed. The prophets foretold the coming of "the Anointed One," the Christ, Messiah, to save Israel. Jesus, Christ, fulfilled that prophecy. Baptized in him, we share his anointing; we're Christians, "anointed ones" with exalted dignity. May we lay down our lives in love for Christ and Christians.
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- Passionist: Today's readings challenge us to let go of the desire to kill, and to be missionary disciples. Samuel, consecrated to God by his mother, grew up under High Priest Eli's care. God directed Samuel to anoint Saul as King, then when Saul abandoned God’s ways, to anoint David. Saul became jealous of David, convinced that David would want to overthrow him, and with his army went after him. Saul found out God was in charge. David finds Saul vulnerable and could have easily killed him but decided not to, then offered to make peace with him. God’s choices ultimately overcome evil. God’s Love overshadows hate. God’s will will be done. / In the gospel, Jesus chose those he wanted to send out. Why did Jesus choose us as apostles?
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- DailyScripture.net: "Jesus appointed twelve to be with him": Jesus chose twelve men to preach God's kingdom and heal the sick in the kingdom's power. He chose ordinary folks, non-professionals, sans wealth, position, or special education; he wanted people who could take an assignment and do it well. When he calls you, don't think you have too little to offer; he uses whatever we have for greatness in his kingdom.
- Today's saints, from Universalis
- 'Hand' tie pin: "God forbid that I lay a hand on the Lord's anointed" (1st reading)
- 'Crown' tie bar: King Saul; "I know you'll be king" (1st reading)
- 'Boundless mercy' button: "Have mercy on me, God" (psalm)
- 'People' tie: Saul's and David's armies (1st reading), the apostles (gospel)
- 'Phone' tie bar: Jesus 'calls' the apostles... (gospel)
- 'Thunderbolt' pin: ...including James and John, whom he named "sons of thunder" (gospel)
- 'Alps' pin: Jesus went up to the mountain (gospel)
- 'Car' pin: Jesus appointed Apostles to preach and 'drive' out demons (gospel)
- 'Precious feet' pin: The unborn deserve respect and protection...
- OneLife LA button: ...as does all human life: event is tomorrow!
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season
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