February 1, 2018: Thursday, 4th week, Ordinary Time
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See about a dozen connections with today? Legend below |
- Go out in the world/ Bolduc
- I send you out/ Angotti
- Two by two, from Book of Mormon/ Stone, Parker, Lopez: live
- Two by two, from Two by Two/ Charnin, Rogers (really about the ark)
- Lord, you give the great commission/ Rowthorn: lyrics+ (gospel)
Death is a fact, an inheritance, and a memory. We're on a journey in time that begins and ends. Pray for the grace of a sense of time; don't let the present moment imprison you, close you in on yourself. Death affects everyone sooner or later.
But there is the temptation that brings you to wander in the selfish labyrinth of the moment, without a future. The journey ends in death, but the Church reflects that our end is not death.
Repeat, “I'm not the master of time”; it saves us from the illusion of the moment, of viewing life as a series of individual moments, a transitory, senseless life. We're on a journey and have to look forward, but remember death is a legacy, of memory. Ask, “What would my legacy be if God called me today? What would I leave as a testimony of my life?” Prepare yourself, because none of us will remain as a relic.
Death is a memory, an anticipated memory to reflect on. When I die, what would I like to have done in this decision I must make today? Anticipated memory illuminates today. Knowing we're on a journey leading to death will make us treat everyone well.
- 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12 David, dying, instructed Solomon: “Take courage. Keep the mandate of the Lord, that you may succeed, and the Lord may fulfill his promise to keep one of our line on the throne.” David rested with his ancestors after his 40-year reign. Solomon was seated on the throne, his sovereignty firmly established.
- 1 Chr 29:10-11ab, 11d-12 "Lord, you are exalted over all."
- Mk 6:7-13 Jesus sent out the Twelve two by two with authority over unclean spirits. “Take nothing but a walking stick. When you enter a house, stay there. Where they don't welcome or listen to you, leave and shake the dust off your feet.” They went off and preached repentance, driving out many demons and curing many who were sick.
- Fr. Chidi Ekpendu homily video: Put Jesus' last words into practice.
- Creighton: From David to Solomon, from Jesus to his disciples, to us, the act of missioning continues. We're sent into the world, asked to take nothing except our faith (our walking stick) and courage (our sandals). We are to journey as we are, not cloaked with a second tunic of doubt and fear. We can be weighed down by worry, fear, and the need to control. We can lose sight of the grace we receive along the way. Just as the disciples where sent out two by two, we're sent to serve together. The world glorifies independence, not bad in itself, but we're created to work together. Travel light, but not alone.
What weighs us down? What gets in our way of doing God’s work? Do we have the courage to go where we're sent, to move on when it's time, to lead and serve when it's difficult and inconvenient, to work for God's greater glory? Do we have the courage?...
- One Bread, One Body: "Walk his way": Backpackers know that if they don't travel light and wear the right gear, they'll be slowed down or even fail. Jesus told his apostles to take almost nothing, except for sandals and a walking stick, which will help them cover ground without wearing out. But Jesus also told them not to take food or money, only the good news; that takes supernatural trust in and abandonment to the Father. May we walk his way....
- Passionist: Jesus summons his apostles and sends them out two by two. Earlier, Mark has described Jesus' extraordinary healing ministry. Mark is insistent that Jesus' mission is to liberate people from pain and death and restore them to life and dignity. So it's no surprise that Jesus sends them out to anoint and cure the sick. “Healing” is the most profound and comprehensive way to describe the Christian mission. Anyone who has suffered serious illness or fought addiction knows that such experiences touch body, mind, spirit, family, social life, and work. We may be physically healthy but suffer from depression, lingering anger, resentment at past hurts, and so on. Pope Francis has described the church as a “field hospital” to heal the wounded, with the medicine of God's mercy (Cardinal Cupich). Healing can take place through the medical arts, therapy, good parenting, fighting for justice, reconciling with those we've offended, comforting those who feel lost.... May we continue Jesus' healing ministry of Jesus, driving out evil and bringing peace.
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Appearance on the mountain in Galilee Di Buoninsegna |
- DailyScripture.net: "Jesus gave them authority over sickness and unclean spirits": Jesus commanded his apostles to heal the sick. cast out evil spirits, and speak God's word. He wedded power and authority with self-sacrificing love and humility. Jesus told them to travel light; poverty of spirit frees us from preoccupation with possessions and makes room for God's provision. The Lord wants us to be dependent on him; he wants to work in and through us. What authority and power does the Lord want you to exercise on his behalf?
- Today's saints, from Universalis
- Henry Morse, Jesuit priest, martyr
Dress legend
- 'Scroll' pin: Observe the Lord's commands written in the law of Moses (1st reading)
- 'Heart' pin: 'If your sons remain faithful with their whole heart..." (1st reading)
- 'Hand' tie pin: "In your hand are power and might" (psalm)
- Tie bar with two stones: Jesus sent them two by two (gospel)
- 'Wood block' tie pin: Material to make walking sticks (gospel)
- 'Precious feet' pin: Shake the dust off your feet (gospel)
- 'Doctor's office' tie: The Apostles cured many... (gospel)
- 'Car' tie pin: ...and 'drove' out many demons (gospel)
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season
- Sandals (not shown): Wear sandals (gospel)
- Belt (not shown): Carry no money in your belt (gospel)
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