February 7, 2018: Wednesday, 5th week, Ordinary Time
- Arrival of the Queen of Sheba, from Solomon/ Handel (1st reading)
- Psalm 37: The mouths of the just utter wisdom/ Celoni: live recordings, sheet music
- Psalm 37: Delight in the Lord/ Silver
ReadIn the Eucharist, the Gospel sheds the light of the mystery of Christ on the scriptural readings that precede it. By our acclamations and accompanying rites, we venerate the Gospel as the living, saving word of God, who speaks to us in the liturgical assembly and awaits our response. This dialogue between the Lord and us continues in the homily, which seeks to enflesh God’s word in our hearts and lives. Drawing us more deeply into the mystery of our communion in Christ, the homily makes demands on both homilist and congregation; both must consider how God's word applies here and now, even when challenging or painful. Familiarity with the Gospel through private reading and reflection can enable us better to appreciate the readings' beauty and richness.
- 1 Kgs 10:1-10 The queen of Sheba came to test King Solomon. When she witnessed his wisdom, she was breathless. “Blessed are your servants, who listen to you. Blessed be the Lord, whom it has pleased to place you on the throne and make you king to carry out judgment and justice.”
- Ps 37:5-6, 30-31, 39-40 "The mouth of the just murmurs wisdom." Commit to the Lord your way; he will make justice dawn for you; he'll help and deliver you.
- Mk 7:14-23 Jesus to crowd: “Nothing entering you from outside can defile you; but what comes out from within defiles.” To disciples: “What goes into you can't defile, since it doesn't enter your heart, but what comes out from the heart does defile: evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy....”
- Fr. Jim Clarke homily video: Do good from your heart; "feed the right wolf."
- Creighton: Today we hear Jesus overturning commonly held traditions; his disciples even wanted to make sure they understood him right. Have you discovered something you knew is actually wrong? It takes effort and energy to handle the change well, but it can be even harder when it goes against a long standing tradition. We can start to question our other beliefs and practices. Jesus teaches us that evil comes from within us. May I be a parent who nurtures my children's hearts with love, openness, and compassion....
- One Bread, One Body: "The new, true heart": Solomon was wise and understanding, but when he was old, he turned to idolatry. 'Solomon' means 'peace,' and his reign was peaceful till he turned from the Lord, but then war came. When the Lord changed our hearts at Baptism, he made us new creations, sources of the fruit of the Spirit, not works of evil. May we remain our new, true selves, in Jesus, faithful to our baptismal promises, "gentle and humble of heart." Ask Mary to lay your heart bare. May God's Word judge, burn, and purify our heart....
- Passionist: There are only two actions in life: love, and a cry for love; love is the correct response to both. Today I hear Jesus telling me to react to criticism lovingly, challenging as it is. Lord, help me always respond with love, as a channel of your love....
- DailyScripture.net: "Out of the heart come evil thoughts": The religious leaders were concerned about avoiding ritual defilement, either out of reverence for God or to be seen as observant Jews. Jesus said true defilement comes from evil desires inside us. When Cain became jealous of Abel, God warned him, "Sin is couching at the door; its desire is for you, but you must master it." But Cain allowed his jealousy to grow into spite, hatred, and murder. How do I respond to sinful desires? God gives us the grace we need....
- Universalis: St. Mel (Moel), priest
Dress legend
- 'Crown' tie bar: King Solomon; the Queen of Sheba... (1st reading)
- '?' tie pin: ...tested Solomon with questions (1st reading)
- Gold-colored accessories: She arrived with gold... (1st reading)
- 'Stone' tie pin: ...and precious stones (1st reading)
- 'Fire' pin: She witnessed the burnt offerings he offered (1st reading)
- 'Eyeball' pin: "I didn't believe till I came and saw with my own eyes" (1st reading)
- 'Car with mouth' pin: "The mouth of the just murmurs wisdom; the tongue of the just, what is right" (psalm)
- 'Street light' tie bar: The Lord will make justice dawn for you like the light (psalm)
- 'Gun,' 'money bag' pins: From within the heart come... murder, greed... (gospel)
- Tie with faces; 'owl' tie pin: Queen of Sheba sees Solomon's wisdom (1st reading); the mouths of the just utter wisdom (psalm)
- 'Heart' pin: God's law is in the heart of the just (psalm); "What goes into your heart can't defile you; what comes out can" (gospel)
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season
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