February 13, 2018: Shrove Tuesday, 6th week, Ordinary Time
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See a dozen connections with today? Legend below |
Listen to Psalm 94 settings
- Almighty Lord God, who judges the earth/ Haveman*
- O Lord, thou dost avenge all wrong/ Hopkins: text only but also CM
- O God, to whom revenge belongs: Pick a CMD [Common Meter Double]/86.86D tune
- Jas 1:12-18 Those who persevere in temptation will receive the crown of life. Each is tempted when lured by desire, which conceives and brings forth sin, which when grown gives birth to death. Every perfect gift is from the Father who willed to give us birth by the word of truth.
- Ps 94:12-13a, 14-15, 18-19 "Blessed the man you instruct, O Lord." When cares abound in me, your comfort gladdens my soul.
- Mk 8:14-21 The disciples had forgotten to bring bread. Jesus: “Watch out for the Pharisees' and Herod's leaven....” “Why do you conclude that it is because you have no bread? Are your hearts hardened? Don't you see or hear? Don't you remember how much was left over after I fed the 5,000 and the 4,000? Don't you understand yet?”
- Fr. José Rueda homily video: Watch out for "ordinary evil"...
- Today is also known as Mardi Gras, the Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus (history), and Pancake Day!
- Creighton: Jesus' disciples seem to be frustrating Jesus by being opaque to his message, and he chides them. Many are following Jesus, but some are now turning away. This section of Mark spells out his close followers' misunderstanding. Jesus announces he'll enter Jerusalem, be killed, and rise; the disciples misunderstand or deny what he says, and he spells out what it means to be his disciple: trusting him and responding in service. He models service in respond to those in need. Given how Jesus taught and nurtured his disciples, their misunderstanding must have really frustrated him. The disciples eventually got it, but not till his resurrection. Lord, help me in my misunderstandings of you and your call to me, especially when I choose my way over yours. Help me attend to your gifts of faith, hope and love and be your disciple. Help me grow in trust and gratitude for your patience in calling me.
- One Bread, One Body: "Foot-notes": When we walk in Jesus' footsteps, we'll fall, as Jesus did while carrying his cross, but can't allow the falls to erode our trust. Satan tempted Jesus, telling him Scripture promised He wouldn't hit His foot on a stone, but when the Lord promises to guard our feet, he doesn't exempt us from carrying our cross. If our feet slip, Jesus picks us up and heals us. It's not easy to trust God when we fall. "Why did God let me fall?" We must simply look at Jesus' feet and follow his steps, placing ourselves at his feet and gazing on his beautiful, nail-scarred feet, kissing them in reverent love. Then he washes our feet, sets them on rock, and steadies our steps, and removes our hesitation in following him, so our stride is unwavering. Walk with Jesus and help put Satan under His feet.
- Passionist: After Jesus fed the crowds again, the Pharisees demanded a “sign” and Jesus refused. Now in the boat the disciples say they have little bread, Jesus warns them to guard against the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod, and the disciples, missing the signs, conclude he's talking about the bread. Then Jesus poses seven questions beginning and ending with, “Don't you understand?” Do you hear Jesus' sadness and disappointment? Won't anyone get it? It feels he's already carrying his cross. We see the humanity of Jesus and his disciples. Do we see the sign(s)? All are invited to the Eucharistic feast, where Jesus can open our eyes and nourish us....
- DailyScripture.net: "Beware the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod": Despite Jesus' multiplication of the loaves, his disciples were worried because they forgot to bring bread. How easy it is to forget God's works and doubt his promises. Jesus cautioned them to beware of bread that corrupts. Leaven transforms dough into life-enriching bread, but leftover leavened dough rots. Leaven was a sign of evil influence, of what rots and corrupts. Jesus warned his disciples to avoid the way of the Pharisees and Sadducees who sought their own counsels over God's; blinded by their arrogance, they couldn't recognize the truth Jesus spoke in his Father's name. What leaven do you let influence your thinking and living?
As the disciples worried about their lack of bread, Jesus reminded them of his miraculous provision of bread, then upbraided them for their lack of trust in God. We too can get preoccupied with problems, needs, and worries and forget God's abiding presence. When the Israelites wandered, God was always with them and provided for them as long as they trusted him. Jesus teaches us to trust in God's presence and promise to provide what we need to live as his children.Dress legend
- 'Crowns' tie: Reward for perseverance (1st reading)
- 'Street light' tie bar: Every perfect gift is from the Father of lights (1st reading)
- 'Celebrate teaching' pin: "Blessed those You teach by your law" (psalm)
- 'Feet' pin: When I say my foot is slipping,... (psalm)
- 'Boundless mercy' pin: ...your mercy sustains me (psalm)
- 'Boat' tie bar: Only one loaf on the boat (gospel)
- 'Heart' pin: "Are your hearts hardened?" (gospel)
- 'Eyeball' pin: "Do you have eyes and not see?" (gospel)
- 'Question mark' tie pin: "Do you still not understand?" (gospel) [Would you after those questions?]
- 'Abacus' tie pin: Don't you understand about the 5(7) loaves, 5,000(4,000) people, and 12(7) baskets?? (gospel)
- Beads, thanks to DISC (when it was in New Orleans): Mardi Gras, upcoming DISC 2018, and my parish (St. "Bede's" :-)
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season
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