December 18, 2018: Tuesday, 3rd week, Advent
- Behold, a virgin shall conceive, from Messiah/ Handel (recitativ before O Thou that tellest good tidings to Zion)
- Mary's Boy Child/ Hairston: calypso, Belafonte, steel drum instrumental (gospel; Nativity Novena subseason)
- The Virgin Mary had a baby boy: lyrics+ (gospel)
- Ave Maria/ Bach-Gounod (1st reading)
- El Shaddai/ Grant, with Adonai in refrain, today's O Antiphon
For Psalm 72
- Psalm 72: Flourishing justice, full peace/ Celoni: sheet music and related demo
For homily
- The now and the not yet/ Hall
- O little town of Bethlehem/ Brooks, Redner: FOREST GREEN tune, ST. LOUIS tune, Amy Grant setting, about ("Be born in us today")
Pope Francis
Homily: St. Joseph was a man of dreams who knew how to accompany others in silence. Today's gospel presents Joseph as a righteous, humble, hard-working man, who observed the Law and loved Mary. When God revealed his mission, he took it up and helped rear the Son of God, in silence, without judging, speaking poorly of others, or gossiping. He looked for a place for Jesus to be born, looked after him, helped him grow, taught him to work. This could help us who stick our noses in others' lives and gossip.
Many parents care for their children without being overbearing. It’s important to wait before saying something to help them. God has the same patience with us, waiting in silence. Joseph was practical but kept his heart open like a man of dreams, not a dreamer with his head in the clouds. Joseph was open-minded but had his feet on the ground.
Dreams are a privileged place to seek truth, because there we can't defend ourselves against it. God often speaks through dreams, though not always because often it's our subconscious. Don't lose the ability to dream and open yourself to tomorrow with trust, despite difficulties that may come. Dream as the young do, unabashed in their dreams and find their path there.
World Day of Peace message released: Watch here for capsules starting 1-1-2019.Read

- Jer 23:5-8 I'll raise up a righteous shoot to David, a king to govern wisely, “The Lord our justice.” Judah shall be saved.
- Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19 "Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever." The king shall govern with justice, rescuing the poor.
- Mt 1:18-25 Mary was found with child; Joseph decided to divorce her quietly. Angel: “Joseph, take Mary into your home; child was conceived through the Spirit and will save.” She bore a son; he named him Jesus.
- Today's O Antiphon: O Adonai, Leader of the House of Israel, giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai: come to rescue us with your mighty power!
- Creighton: Joseph had a dilemma, and God sent an angel to speak to him in a dream, calming his fears and making his path clear. God calms our fears, if we let him, perhaps through a person, song, thought, memory, prayer, or dream.... Joseph shows us we can trust God, let go of worry, and thank him that all is well.
- Fr. Brian Nunes homily video: Let Christ be born in your life. What do I need to let go of or take on? Have faith and courage.
- One Bread, One Body: "Joseph, Christmas expert": God anointed Joseph, present for the first Christmas, to help us be present this Christmas with faith even when we don't understand what God is doing. Joseph models fearless obedience to the Lord's call, shows us an example of poverty at the manger, forgiveness for enemies, and courage in decision-making.
- Passionist: Today’s gospel has been referred to as the ‘Annunciation to Joseph.’ When he discovered Mary's pregnancy, he came up with what he thinks will be a win/win: to divorce her quietly. But he allowed his plan to change. How could he have been sure? How can I be sure of what God is calling me to? Joseph, show us the way: prayer, listening, trust, stepping out....
- "He will save his people from their sins": Jeremiah and Isaiah spoke hope in a hopeless situation: The corrupt Davidic dynasty was unfit for a Messianic King. When apostates like Ahaz and weaklings like Zedekiah occupied the throne, how could God raise up a righteous King? The prophets trusted God would “raise up a righteous shoot.” We too are called “in hope to believe against hope” that God will fulfill his promises. Mary was asked to accept the miracle of conceiving Jesus; it took tremendous faith and trust. She and Joseph weren't married yet, and pregnancy outside marriage wasn't tolerated. Joseph, her family, and her people could have rejected her, but she still believed and trusted. Joseph didn't want to embarrass or punish Mary when he thought she was unfaithful. He didn't judge or react hastily, God guided him, and he believed. Like Mary, Joseph is a model of faith for us....
- Bonus: Fr. Chris Bazyouros homily video: Recover mysticism: intimate experience of and union with Christ. [Read Rohr's related meditation, including the Rahner quote.]
- Universalis: St. Flannan, bishop
Dress legend
- 'Tree' pin: God will raise up righteous shoot (1st reading)
- 'Scales' tie: "The Lord our justice" (1st reading); justice shall flourish (psalm)
- 'Peace sign' tie bar: Peace shall flourish (psalm)
- 'Crown' tie bar: I'll raise up a King (1st reading); endow the king (psalm)
- 'Boundless mercy' pin: He'll have pity for the lowly and the poor (psalm)
- 'Mary' pin: Mary was found with child (gospel)
- 'Angel' pin: Gabriel (gospel)
- 'Dove' pin: Angel: "The child was conceived through the Holy Spirit" (gospel)
- Blue, white, and green shirt: blue and white for emphasis on Mary at end of Advent, green for upcoming Christmas
- Purple suspenders: Advent season
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