April 26, 2019: Friday, Easter Octave
God's word is alive; it doesn't die or even age. The Holy Spirit, lifegiver, loves to work through Scripture. The Word brings God's breath into the world, infusing the heart with the Lord's warmth. All academic contributions are at the service of this. But the Bible is not a beautiful collection of books to study but the Word of life to be sown, an irreplaceable injection of life. That's why homilies are fundamental. Preaching isn't a set of wise human notions; it's a sharing of the Spirit, of the Word that touches the heart of the preacher, who communicates that warmth, that anointing.
May there be a new season of greater love for Scripture, so that it may deepen our relationship with Jesus. The Word gives life to each believer by teaching us to renounce ourselves to proclaim him. It acts like a sword that, entering into the depths, discerns thoughts and feelings, brings to light the truth, and heals wounds. A Church that lives by listening to the Word is never satisfied with its security; she's docile to the Spirit's unpredictable novelty. God's Word is the best vaccine against closure and self-preservation. God's Word and life should embrace each other. May the Bible be proclaimed worldwide; people await it.
- From the nets of our labor (we will rise up and follow)/ Bringle, Haas: lyrics+ (gospel)
- The strife is o’er/ tr. Pott
- Because He lives/ Gaither
- Jesus Christ is the Way/ Hawkins: lyrics (1st reading)

May there be a new season of greater love for Scripture, so that it may deepen our relationship with Jesus. The Word gives life to each believer by teaching us to renounce ourselves to proclaim him. It acts like a sword that, entering into the depths, discerns thoughts and feelings, brings to light the truth, and heals wounds. A Church that lives by listening to the Word is never satisfied with its security; she's docile to the Spirit's unpredictable novelty. God's Word is the best vaccine against closure and self-preservation. God's Word and life should embrace each other. May the Bible be proclaimed worldwide; people await it.
- Acts 4:1-12 After the cripple had been cured, leaders questioned Peter and John: “By what power have you done this?” Peter: “In the name of Jesus Christ whom you crucified and God raised, the stone you rejected that became the cornerstone. There's no salvation through anyone else.”
- Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a "The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone." His mercy endures forever. This is the day the Lord made; rejoice in it.
- Jn 21:1-14 Peter with other disciples at Sea of Tiberias: “I'm going fishing.” They caught nothing. At dawn, Jesus was on the shore, but they didn't know it was Jesus: “Cast the net over the right side.” They did and couldn't pull it in. “It's the Lord.” Peter jumped into the sea; they dragged in 153 big fish. Jesus: “Come, have breakfast.”
- Fr. Reynaldo Matunog homily video: Aim for conversion. Look at Peter's. We need a "Galilee experience."
- Creighton: In today's gospel Peter's friends were with him, and Christ gathered them for a meal. Imagine yourself there. Who's joining you around the fire? We need one another. Who has been gifted to us to be with us? Christ is with us even when we may not expect him or be sure it's him. Peter and his friends found him when they were just fishing. If I'm attentive and reflective, I'll be gifted with how Christ is present to me in each moment and I'll be reminded to be present to all creation and every person because Christ is incarnate within. How and where am I being invited to recognize Christ in our midst?
- One Bread, One Body: "The Spirit of Easter": After receiving the Spirit, Peter, who had just denied Jesus, became a new person, obeying the Lord even to being imprisoned. At his trial, he defied the religious leaders, proclaiming Jesus as the rejected Stone that became the Cornerstone. The Spirit transformed Peter into a powerful evangelist. For Jesus' death and resurrection to set us free and empower us, we need the Spirit. The Father and Son are eager for us to repent of any ways we've stifled the Spirit, so we may receive the Spirit and celebrate and proclaim Jesus risen.
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St. Peter healing the crippled beggar |
- Passionist: The Easter gospels help us deepen our understanding of Jesus’ life and ministry. The Risen Lord tutors the apostles, helping them move through darkness, disappointment, and confusion. Everything they need know about Jesus they have within; he helps piece it together. As they deepen their understanding, they know what to do. In today's gospel, and earlier when Jesus beckoned Peter to come to him across the water, Peter knows he needs to get to Jesus, leaving the boat, his comfort zone. As the disciples spend time with the Risen Jesus, their path becomes clearer. May we find time with the Lord and let him help us know what we need to do, even if it's jumping out of our boats, leaving the familar and safe behind.
The second miraculous draught of fish/ Tissot |
- DailyScripture.net: Jesus revealed himself again": Peter was probably returning to his fishing career, discouraged after Jesus' crucifixion. He was last commanded to let down his net after a futile night of fishing at the beginning of Jesus' ministry. This time John recognized the Lord first, then Peter leaps to the Lord. Do I run to the Lord when I meet setbacks, disappointments, or trials?"
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Healing of the lame man/ Raphael |
- Bonus: Fr. Jose Rueda homily video: Christ's resurrection: transforming intervention (plus an Easter joke)
- Trumped blesseds, from Universalis: Robert Anderton and William Marsden, priests and martyrs
Dress Legend
- '?' tie pin: Leaders questioned Peter and John (1st reading)
- 'Dove' pin: Peter was filled with the Spirit (1st reading)
- 'Hands' pin: Sadducees laid hands on Peter and John (1st reading)
- 'Stone' tie pin: Christ, stone you rejected become the cornerstone;... (1st reading, psalm)
- 'Eyeball' pin: ...it's wonderful in our eyes (psalm)
- 'Boundless mercy' pin: The Lord's mercy endures forever (psalm)
- 'Street light' tie bar: The Lord God has given us light (psalm)
- 'Fishing pole' tie bar: “I'm going fishing” (gospel)
- 'Boat' tie bar: "They got into the boat" (gospel)
- 'Fire' pin: "They saw a charcoal fire" (gospel)
- 'Fishes' tie: 153 fish caught; Jesus cooked fish (gospel)
- 'Silverware' tie bar: "Come, have breakfast" (gospel)
- 'Wheat' pin: Jesus gave them the bread... (gospel)
- 'Resurrection cross' (no Jesus), white shirt and socks: Easter day and season
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