April 15, 2019: Holy Week: Monday
For gospel
- Said Judas to Mary/ Carter: lyrics+
- When Mary poured a rich perfume/ Gillette: ELLACOMBE tune (8686D/86867676), as in I sing the mighty power of God
- Myrrh-bearing Mary from Magdala came/ Whitney: about
- Your love is extravagant/ Casting Crowns (about Mary of Bethany too)
- Forgiveness/ West
For Psalm 27
- The Lord is my light and my salvation/ Rutter
- The Lord is my light/ Walker
- Psalm 27: The Lord is my Light/ Celoni: sheet music (2 versions)
- More settings
- Only Jesus/ Casting Crowns (Creighton reflection)
Strive to clarify the goals that push you to work hard, and to run with a goal in sight. To be successful in sport requires not only natural ability but also training, determination, patience, team spirit, and the ability to collaborate, accept defeat, and be joyful. The Italian for amateur, 'dilettante,' means “one who takes delight.” (The etymology of English 'amateur' is similar: Latin 'amator', lover.) Remember, even if you one day become professionals, that joy is the soul of the game. If the need to win, or contempt for your opponents, makes you lose your joy, you’ve stopped playing, and have abandoned the most authentic spirit of sport.
Preserve the joy of playing, and spread it to those who watch or cheer for you. How you play will be an example, good or bad. Embrace solidarity; reach out to those who have fallen or taken a foul, and don't look down at those who aren't as good. Understand that we can only win when we work together, and if we let the weak stay on the sidelines, we all lose. Solidarity will contribute to the revolution of cultural change we hope for. Always be clear about your real goals. May you become better, more loyal, greater friends.Read
- Is 42:1-7 Here is my servant, my chosen one, upon whom I have put my Spirit; he shall bring forth justice. The Lord, creator and lifegiver, says: I have called, grasped, and formed you and set you as a covenant, to open the eyes of the blind and to release prisoners and those in darkness.
- Ps 27:1-3, 13-14 "The Lord is my light and my salvation." My foes stumble and fall. I will trust, not fear; I believe I shall see the Lord's bounty in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord.

- Jn 12:1-11 Jesus came to Bethany, where they gave him a dinner; Lazarus reclined at table with him. Mary anointed Jesus' feet with costly perfumed oil and dried them with her hair. Judas / Jesus: “Why wasn't the oil sold and the money given to the poor?” (He held the money bag and used to steal from it.) / “Leave her alone. You always have the poor, but you don't always have me.” The crowd found out that he was there and came for him and Lazarus; many were believing in Jesus because of Lazarus.
- Fr. Chidi Ekpendu homily video: People can be heartless and mean. Appreciate God's and people's goodness. Prepare for new life: experience Christ's Passion.
- Creighton: Through this week's readings we journey with Jesus preparing for the greatest sacrifice ever. Jesus said, "Let her keep this for the day of my burial. You always have the poor with you, but you don't always have me." He was foretelling of his death and return to his Father. Though he's not physically here with us, his presence is real, I need it, and I feel it even when I drift. The way may not be easy, but I'm never alone. All I do should be focused on glorifying God, emulating Jesus, and keeping him present to others.
- One Bread, One Body: "Faith's foolish fanaticism": When we profess our faith, we make the greatest decision a person can: to submit our intellect and will to God. When we renew our baptismal promises, we make an act of faith, as Mary of Bethany did, throw ourselves at Jesus' feet, pour out our lives in worship. and become fools for Christ. "Judases" will criticize us for our foolishness and "fanaticism," but Jesus accepts our act of faith, love, and worship. Those in love do wise things that appear foolish. Jesus, our Wisdom and Love, looked like a fool when he died for sinners. May we follow him through the cross to the glory of the Resurrection.
- Passionist: The 1st reading recalls “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.” and “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me… to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners.” Christian tradition has seen these passages fulfilled in Jesus, but people are still blind and imprisoned.... Paul writes, “in my flesh I am filling up what's lacking in Christ's afflictions…” We're called to work for the victory of justice begun in Jesus. Like him, we can't do everything in our earthly life but can do something. Jesus showed the way and set the pace. We are to be Christ in action today, giving light to those in ignorance and fear, freeing those shackled by selfishness and sin, wiping out oppression with love, finding strength in the Lord to do it.
- Bonus: Msgr. Albert Bahhuth homily video: Reflect on what God has done for you...
- DailyScripture.net: "Extravagant love for Jesus": Mary does something which only love can do: spend her most precious thing on Jesus; her love was not calculated but extravagant. She was oblivious to all around her as she loosened her hair to dry his feet. Jesus showed us his extravagant love in pouring out his blood for us and anointing us with his Spirit. How do I show him my love and gratitude? Judas, likely chosen to watch the purse because of his financial acumen, because of his greed viewed her act as wasteful. Our greatest temptation may come in the area of our greatest strength....
Dress legend
- 'Phone' tie bar: "I have 'called' you for the victory of justice" (1st reading)
- 'Dove' tie pin: I've put my Spirit on my chosen one (1st reading)
- 'Scales' brooch: Servant of Yahweh will establish justice (1st reading)
- 'Hand' tie pin: "I have grasped you by the hand" (1st reading); 'Palm' Sunday (yesterday
'Lights' tie: "I've set you... as a light to the nations..." (1st reading); "the Lord is my light" (psalm)
- 'Eyeball' tie pin: "I've set you... to open the eyes of the blind" (1st reading)
- Flesh-colored suspenders: Evildoers come to devour my flesh (psalm)
- 'Clock' tie bar: "Wait for the Lord" (psalm)
- 'Feet' pin: Mary anointed Jesus' feet (gospel)
- 'Silverware' tie bar: They held a dinner for Jesus in Bethany (gospel)
- '?,' 'money bag' tie pins: Costly oil; "Why wasn't the oil sold?" Judas held and stole from the money bag (gospel)
- 'Wood block' tie pin: wood of the cross
- 'Heart' pin: "My heart will not fear"; "be stouthearted" (psalm)
- Purple shirt: Color of the day
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