June 13, 2019: St. Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor
For 1st reading
- From glory unto glory/ Havergal: lyrics+
- Earthen vessels/ Foley: sheet music
- Come down, O Love divine/ da Siena, tr. Littledale; Vaughan Williams: lyrics+
- You are my all in all/ Jernigan: lyrics, about
- O Jesus Christ, grow thou in me/ Lavater tr. Smith: lyrics+
For Psalm 85
- Psalm 85: Let us see your kindness/ Celoni: sheet music (4 variants) and demo
For gospel
- Let there be peace on earth/ Jackson, Miller
- Song of reconciliation/ Ashton: lyrics
- The reconciliation song/ Chapman: lyrics
- Prayer of St. Francis/ Temple: typical, brighter, meditative, saxy (Vanacore's version?) [but it's not St. Francis's text]
Pope Francis
ReadTo skaters: All sports are in fact a cause and an expression of the joy of exercising, being together, being alive, and receiving God's gifts. Skating offers an exhilarating experience of life and freedom of movement, plus training in discipline, teamwork, and pursuing excellence. And the sport is inclusive, erasing social and age barriers.
Managers and trainers, guide young people; help them mature as productive members of the larger community. The respect, courage, altruism, balance, and self-control learned in sport are preparation for success in life. Sport is meant to be at the service of humanity.
World Day of the Poor message (for 11/17)
- 2 Cor 3:15—4:1, 3-6 When Moses is read, a veil lies over the Israelites' hearts, but when you turn to the Lord, the veil is removed. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there's freedom. We who gaze on the Lord's glory are transformed into his image. We preach Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your slaves for his sake. God has shone in us to bring his glory to light.

- Ps 85:9ab, 10-14 "The glory of the Lord will dwell in our land." God proclaims peace to his people. His salvation is near to those who fear him. Kindness and truth shall meet, justice and peace kiss....
- Mt 5:20-26 “Unless your righteousness surpasses the scribes', you won't enter the Kingdom. Your ancestors heard, "You shall not kill," but I tell you, whoever is angry will be liable to judgment. If you bring your gift to the altar and recall your brother has anything against you, leave your gift, be reconciled, then return and offer your gift. Settle with your opponent quickly, or else you'll be imprisoned till you've paid the last penny.”
"Justice and peace kissing" gallery
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- Creighton: Today’s gospel encourages us to forgive, show mercy and justice, and strive for unity in and with Christ. Jesus speaks, quoting from the Commandments: “you've heard it said, 'You shall not kill,' but I say whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgement.” Jesus encourages us to reconciliation: if I'm bringing my gift to the altar and remember my brother has something against me, I must be reconciled with my brother before offering God my gift. The antidote to lack of unity is the person of Christ. Each of us is unique and blessed by our uniqueness; in that blessing comes the invitation to seek unity in him. We need to be proud of our unity with faithful people worldwide.
- One Bread, One Body: "The Spirit unveils the Word": When I read Scripture after my Life in the Spirit seminar, God's Word came alive in a new way; the Spirit had removed the veil that was obscuring my understanding. Jesus and the Spirit are still opening my eyes. Turn to the Lord and beg for a new outpouring of the Spirit. When we turn, the veil is removed. The Spirit wrote the Bible. We understand a book more clearly when we sit with the author and ask what they meant when writing. How much more can we understand God's Word with the Spirit's inspiration!
- Passionist: In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus presents his teaching with divine authority, to the astonishment of the scribes and Pharisees, who equated righteousness with outward observance of the law. Jesus called his disciples to go further, to deeper righteousness, deeper obedience to God’s laws. The disciples had to understand and obey God's law more deeply in order to enter into God's kingdom. Jesus gave examples of the necessary behavior. Not murdering isn't good enough. Sin grows like a seed. Remove the attitudes and actions that lead to killing, and every obstacle to unconditional love. If you're angry, leave your sacrifice at the altar and seek reconciliation. If you're in a feud, settle and avoid the risk of divine judgment against you. Let's not proclaim the good news of God's kingdom, unless the news penetrates us and we obey the commandments of love and forgiveness.
- DailyScripture.net: "Be reconciled...": God warned Cain: Why are you angry? Sin is at the door, but you must master it. Sin grows as a seed in our heart and chokes us if not uprooted. Jesus addressed the issue of keeping the commandments with his disciples. Jesus: unless evil desires are eradicated, we'll be corrupted. He points to forbidden anger, selfish, long-lived anger that nurses grudges. The antidote is mercy, kindness, and forbearance from a loving, forgiving heart. In the cross we see the supreme example of love and forgiveness. Only God's love and grace can free us from the tyranny of pride and revenge. Am I quick to be reconciled? Through the Spirit may we overcome evil with good, hatred with kindness, and injury with pardon.
May I be no one's enemy; may I be the friend of what's eternal. May I never quarrel: and if I do, may I be reconciled quickly. May I love, seek, and attain only what's good. May I wish for the happiness of all and envy none. May I never rejoice in the ill fortune of one who's wronged me. When I've done or said what's wrong, may I never wait for others' rebuke but rebuke myself and make amends. May I win no victory that harms my opponent or me. May I reconcile friends who are angry with each other. May I never fail a friend in danger. May I soften the pain of those in grief. May I respect myself. May I keep tame what rages within me. May I be gentle, never angry with people because of circumstances. May I never discuss who's wicked and what they've done, but know good people and follow in their footsteps. (Eusebius)
- Universalis: Anthony of Padua, monk, Franciscan friar; missionary to Africa, Italy, and beyond; theologian, "hammer of heretics," "evangelical doctor," "lost and found" patron; see also Wikipedia.
Dress legend
- 'Dove' pin: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there's freedom (1st reading)
- 'Jesus' pin: We preach Jesus Christ as Lord (1st reading)
- 'Street light' tie bar: God who said, Let light shine... (1st reading)
- 'Heart' pin: ...has shone in our hearts... (1st reading); love your neighbor (gospel)
- 'Peace sign' tie bar: Justice and peace shall kiss (psalm); make peace (gospel)
- 'Joker' tie: Whoever says, 'You fool' will be liable to Gehenna (gospel)
- 'Scales of justice' pin: Justice and peace shall kiss (psalm); settle with your opponent, or the judge and guard will imprison you... (gospel)
- 'Penny' button: ...till you've paid the last penny (gospel)
- Doctor's office' tie (if my "joker" tie hadn't trumped it): Anthony of Padua, 'Doctor' of the Church
- White and green shirt: White for St. Anthony, green for Ordinary Time
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