November 28, 2019

Nov. 28 / Thanksgiving

November 28, 2019:  Thursday, 34th week, Ordinary Time / Thanksgiving

See 29 connections with today?
Legend below
For weekday 1st reading

For Thanksgiving Day
For Thanksgiving gospel
For (Thanksgiving) Psalm 145
For weekday canticle


    • Dn 6:12-28  Men find Daniel praying, tell King Darius who orders him cast into the lions' den.  King returns to den, finding Daniel unhurt.  Daniel was removed; his accusers were cast into the den and crushed.  King Darius:  Reverence the God of Daniel:  he lives forever, saves, works signs, and delivered Daniel from the lions.
    • Dn 3:68-74  "Give glory and eternal praise to him."  Dew, rain, frost, chill, ice, snow, nights, days, light, darkness, lightnings, clouds, earth:  bless the Lord!
    • Lk 21:20-28  Time of punishment, woe, signs, calamity, and judgment will come.  People will fall, be taken captive, and trampled.  The Son of Man will come with power and glory.  Stand erect; your redemption is at hand.
    • Sir 50:22-24  Bless God who's done wondrous things, who fashions people.  May he grant you joy and peace; may his goodness endure and deliver us.
    • Ps 145:2-11 "I will praise your name for ever, Lord."  Great are you, Lord; your majesty, wondrous works, goodness, justice, mercy, kindness, and compassion.  May your faithful bless you, speaking of your kingdom's glory and your might.
    • 1 Cor 1:3-9  I thank my God for God's grace given to you as you await Christ's revelation.  He'll keep you firm to the end.  By our faithful God you were called to fellowship with Christ our Lord.
    • Lk 17:11-19  Ten lepers:  “Jesus, have pity on us!” / “Show yourselves to the priests.”  They were cleansed on the way.  One returned, glorifying God and thanking Jesus.  Has none but this foreigner given thanks?  Go; your faith has saved you.”
        The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth/ Brownscombe
      • Creighton:  This week's sober readings are actually hope-filled, like a "pep rally," encouraging us to hope.  The outcome, God's promise, will be wonderful.  The story of Daniel in the lions' den is good for children and adults alike.  The king wants to protect Daniel, even though the king's servants are out to get him because he enjoys the king's favor.  The king is forced to throw him to the lions, but Daniel is unharmed and the King overwhelmed.  We who have "been a lions' den" can cheer along about God's fidelity.  God delivers us from fear, anxiety, lack of courage, from a feeling of being alone.  When we experience the peace only God can give, we feel freed from the lions' den.
        In the temple Jesus warns of its destruction.  He believes that punishment is because his people reject his coming, but he offers hope and encouragement.  Today we feel the support of these promises.  We feel our hunger, discouragement, and fear; we feel tired of being inconsistent, crabby, and judgmental.  We ask God to come to us and anticipate our hope. We need comfort; we need to know God is greater than the darkness around us and the darkness we choose.  We cry, "Come and save me!" and trust God is ready to come help, heal, restore, and renew us.  Confidence leads to deeper longing, and growing trust opens us to the gifts God longs to give us.
          Healing of the ten lepers/ Tissot
        • One Bread, One Body:  "Eating disorder":  On Thanksgiving Day, day of feasting, we read of not eating:  King Darius couldn't eat out of concern for the doomed Daniel, and the lions couldn't eat because God was protecting Daniel.  This inability to eat has a spiritual counterpart:  spiritual anorexics, stuffed with things of the world, don't realize they're starving and won't eat the spiritual food they need.  To remedy our eating disorder, God gives us the Eucharist ('thanksgiving'), Food from heaven.   In the Eucharist God connects thanks-giving and eating.  May your Thanksgiving meal include thanks to God. The ultimate Thanksgiving meal is Mass.  Food and thanksgiving are so related that God combined them in the Eucharistic.  Happy all who eat thankfully at the banquet of the Lamb.
        • Passionist:  Today we give thanks for our blessings, gather for a special meal, visit family and friends, pray, watch football, and more.  In a world where a sense of the negative surrounds us, remember and celebrate the wonderful things:  always "give thanks, for this is God's will for you in Christ."  Send a card of thanks to someone today, and take time every day to give thanks.
          Cleansing of the ten lepers
        •  "The Son of man is coming with great glory":  Jesus' prophesy of the destruction of Jerusalem, the destruction of the world, and judgment day, was not new to the Jews; prophets foretold these events centuries before.  Jesus warns of the destruction of Jerusalem as a consequence of rejecting the Gospel.  Over a million died when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem.  Jesus speaks about the final judgment.  Only spiritual blindness can keep us from recognizing the signs of judgment day.  Jesus told his disciples what it would cost to follow him and promised he'd never leave them.  Saints and martyrs who underwent torment and death made their prisons a temple and their scaffolds a throne, knowing Christ was with them.  The disciple who walks with Christ may lose body but not soul.  The greatest gift is our redemption through Jesus' blood and our adoption as God's children.  We can be thankful because our hope is in heaven and in the promise Jesus will return to establish his reign of justice and peace.  The Lord will raise our bodies to be like his.  Jesus speaks of his second coming as a certain event to take place when God chooses, marked by signs all will recognize.  When the Lord returns, he'll establish his kingdom of justice and vindicate all who have been faithful....
        Christ cures ten lepers
        Dress legend
        • 'Heart' pin:  Joy of heart (Thanksgiving 1st reading)
        • 'Boundless mercy' pin:  The Lord is gracious and merciful (Thanksgiving psalm); "have pity on us" (Thanskgiving gospel)
        • 'Feet' pin:  Leper fell at Jesus' feet and thanked him (Thanksgiving gospel); Gentiles will trample Jerusalem underfoot (weekday gospel)
        • 'Peace sign' tie bar:  May peace abide among you (Thanksgiving 1st reading); peace to you from our Father and the Lord Jesus (Thanksgiving 2nd reading); all peace to you (weekday 1st reading)
        • 'Musical notes with "joy"' and 'heart' pins:  "joy of heart" (Thanksgiving 1st reading); they joyfully sing of your justice (Thanksgiving psalm); the king's great joy (weekday 1st reading)
        • '10' pin:  Ten lepers including the thankful one (Thanksgiving gospel)
        • '?' tie pin:  "Weren't ten cleansed?  Where are the other nine?  Has none but this foreigner returned to thank God?" (Thanksgiving gospel)
            • 'Red cross' pin:  Jesus healed the lepers (Thanksgiving gospel)
            • 'Car' pin:  Jesus continued through Samaria and Galilee towards Jerusalem (Thanksgiving gospel)
            • 'Angel' pin:  A mighty angel... (weekday 1st reading)
            • 'Stone' tie pin:  ...picked up a stone; king sealed stone brought to block lions' den opening (weekday 1st reading)
            • 'Lion' pin:  Lions' den (weekday 1st reading)
            • 'Crown' tie bar:  King Darius (weekday 1st reading); Christ the King week
            • 'Snowmen' tie:  Ice and snow, bless, praise, and exalt the Lord (weekday canticle)
            • 'Street light' tie bar:  "Light and darkness, bless, praise, and exalt the Lord (weekday canticle)
            • 'Lightning bolt' pin:  Lightnings and clouds, bless, praise, and exalt the Lord (weekday canticle)
            • 'Alps' pin:  Those in Judea must flee to the mountains (weekday gospel)
            • 'Sun' pin:  There will be signs in the sun...  (weekday gospel)
            • 'Star' pin:  ...and the stars (weekday gospel)
            • 'Hand' tie pin:  Your redemption is at 'hand' (weekday gospel)
            • 'Sword' tie bar:  They'll fall by the sword (weekday gospel)
            • 'Clocks' suspenders:  countdown to end of church year
            • Green shirt:  Ordinary Time season

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