January 14, 2020: Tuesday, 1st week, Ordinary Time
For Canticle of Hannah
- 1 Samuel 2:1-10: Hannah's prayer/ Silver
- Song of Hannah/ Pearce
- Song of Hannah
- Hannah's song of praise/ Stern (Hebrew)
- Read Hannah's song and Mary's Magnificat
For gospel
- Silence, frenzied, unclean spirit/ Troeger: lyrics, about
- O God of Life, Your healing touch/ Gillette: to ST. COLUMBA tune (The King of Love, my Shepherd is)
As Jesus preached in the synagogue, the people reacted to his authority, unlike that of the scribes, who exercised authority without having it. Jesus' authority is one of “lordship” with which taught, healed and listened; coming from within, it demonstrated the consistency between his teaching and his actions. Such consistency gives authority to a person, but the scribes weren't consistent, so Jesus admonished the people to do what they say, not what they do; they were in a “pastoral schizophrenia.”

- 1 Sm 1:9-20 Hannah prayed, promising: “Lord, if you give your handmaid a male child, I will give him to the Lord.” Eli: “May God grant you what you have asked.” She conceived and bore a son whom she called Samuel [asked of/heard by God].
- 1 Sm 2:1, 4-7, 8abcd "My heart exults in the Lord, my Savior." The barren wife bears seven sons. The Lord puts to death and gives life, casts down and raises up, makes poor and makes rich, humbles and exalts.
- Mk 1:21-28 People were astonished at Jesus' teaching, for he taught with authority. He rebuked an unclean spirit; all were amazed.
- Fr. Reynaldo Matunog homily video: Go beyond knowledge: love with courage.
- Creighton: The Dark Spirit lies to me, but I can hear it as truth: “You're not good enough. You don't deserve love.” My relationship with God tells me I'm enough, I'm loved, and I'm created in his image. When the Dark Spirit arrives, can I listen for the truth, the voice of the Holy Spirit who lives within me and keeps reminding me I'm made in Love's image and loved. The gift and tool of discernment helps me do this: listening for God's voice of Love and Truth and noticing when what I hear is the Dark Spirit's lying voice. Discerning the difference can be hard, especially since the Dark Spirit is sneaky, but practicing this tool has made it easier. May we be more attuned to the voice of Love and Truth as we rebuke the lies with the strength and courage given to us through grace.
- One Bread, One Body: "Sounds of Satan": There's demonic activity in our neighborhood; we need Jesus to give the command: "Come out"! Much of the entertainment industry may be serving Satan; we need Jesus to command them, "Come out"! As Satan breaks families up, we hope Jesus commands, "Come out"! He comes "not crying out, not shouting, not making his voice heard in the street"; he's the silent Savior and Deliverer. "It is good to hope in silence for the Lord's saving help." "By waiting and by calm you shall be saved, in quiet and in trust your strength lies." "Be still, and know I am God!"
For this child I prayed/ Young |
- Bonus: Fr. Jim Clarke homily video: Love transforms evil and heals. Praying isn't enough; receive and share God's love.
- DailyScripture.net: "Jesus taught with authority": Jesus spoke God's word as no one had before. The prophets spoke with delegated authority, but he was authority incarnate. "Faith is mighty, but without love it profits nothing. The devils confessed Christ, but lacking charity it availed nothing.... They confessed a sort of faith, but without love" (Augustine). Without love faith profits nothing. Faith works through love and abounds in hope. Love orients us to the supreme good, God himself, and good of our neighbor, created in his image. Hope anchors faith and purifies our desires for things that last. Christ's word can free us. "The devil, because he deceived Eve with his tongue, is punished by the tongue, that he might not speak" (Bede, Homilies on the Gospels). Faith is God's gift and our assent to the truth. To live, grow, and persevere in faith, we must nourish it with God's word and the Spirit's light. May we approach his word with trust and submission, eager to do what he wants.
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The Possessed Man in the Synagogue/ Tissot |
Hannah prays to the Lord for a son who will be Samuel (Chagall) Hannah art and more |
Dress legend
- 'Silverware' tie bar: Hannah rose after a meal; she ate and drank with her husband (1st reading)
- 'Drop' pin: Hannah wept during her prayer (1st reading)
- 'Chalice' pin: Eli: Sober up from your wine!” / Hannah: I was pouring my troubles to the Lord (1st reading)
- 'Peace sign' tie bar: Eli to Hannah: "Go in peace" (1st reading)
- 'Car with mouth' pin: Eli watched Hannah's mouth; her lips were moving (1st reading); Jesus 'drove' out the unclean spirit (gospel)
- 'Heart' pin: "My heart exults in the Lord;..." (canticle)
- 'Horn' tie pin: ...My horn is exalted in my God (canticle)
- 'Musical notes with "joy"' pin: "I rejoice..." (canticle)
- 'Prize' pin: "...in my victory" (canticle)
- 'Children' tie (7 are showing): The barren wife bears seven sons (canticle)
- 'Celebrate teaching' pin: Jesus entered the synagogue and taught with authority (gospel)
- '?' tie pin: "What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth?" / "What is this?" (gospel)
- 'OneLife LA' button: It's Saturday!
- Green shirt and suspenders: Ordinary Time season
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